Will of chaos

Chapter 669 Cap 667: Athena's Quest Part 5

Pov Lilian:

I keep watching my niece through the window, I'm glad she's alive and well, but I wish she had told me about her plans, I would have supported her with all my might.

"I know you're there, you can show up." (Melissa)

I enter the room like a breeze through the window and make myself visible by canceling my ability as I'm sitting in front of her.

"How do you know when I'm around?" (I)

"I don't know, I repeat that phrase whenever I'm alone, sometimes it works." (Melissa)

"I'm surprised something like this works." (I)

"We both know who taught me that when I was just a kid." (Melissa)

I look at her, and we both smile at each other.

"Why didn't you tell me about your plan?" (I)

"Because he was wary of the Empire's best spy, so he had to keep you away." (Melissa)

"How are you? I heard you were weakened." (I)

"I'm fine, I'm the one who created these rumors to make them let their guard down." (Melissa)

"I just didn't expect them to attack so immediately." (Melissa)

"He even created rumors about attacking another city as a distraction." (Melissa)

"What are you going to do now?" (I)

"I'm going to attack him, but he's wrong if he thinks I'm going to do that inside the city, I would never put my people in danger." (Melissa)

"You know I can't help this time." (I)

"Okay, I never wanted you to be part of this plan, besides, I think if something unexpected happens, I can count on certain people, right?" (Melissa)

She knows I work for someone else associated with the Temple of Blood, but she doesn't know who, she must have guessed that Athena's involvement is my fault.

"You have to be careful, the problem with people who live by an ideal is that they will do anything for that ideal, no matter if that ideal is good or bad." (I)


Pov Athena:

The next day before dawn we are all positioned, I am on top of the clouds with my companions, while I use my own wings, they use a light element magic to fly.

"I don't know if we should have made that plan, attacking directly would have been better." (I)

"You said yourself that our only target is Gregory Roux." (Angela)

"Dungeon people don't want to interfere in this war, killing Gregory Roux alone is the maximum interference we should do." (Darius)

"But we're not sure he'll show up." (I)

"He's going to show up, I'm just worried that I don't know what plan he'll have." (Angela)

"They're coming." (Michael)


From above we had an excellent view of everything that happens, and my vision is the strongest sense I have.

I watch as people pass between the trees of the forest heading towards the wall of the capital city.

There were thousands, but they moved through the Forest like monsters in their territories, they moved without raising dust or making too much noise, it looked like they wanted to reach the city without being noticed until it was too late.

I look at Michael and Angela who are experts at tracking because they have the skills to do so, they start using their skills to find Gregory Roux in this group of enemies.

Meanwhile, I keep seeing them heading towards the city until several trap spells were activated, with which stone spikes grow from the ground, thorny vines trap enemies, explosions happen, wind blades cut several trees along with enemies, and so on.

The use of traps is something basic for an ambush, unfortunately, it didn't make as many victims when expected, many enemies reacted abnormally by dodging these spells, and there were also enemies that after being injured started to turn into half monsters, this cured them of your injuries.

They act faster than expected, they keep going in the same direction, but this time they're going at twice or even triple their previous speed, it seems they've lost interest in being cautious now that they've been discovered.

As they ran, they were attacked by even more people, this time it was the troops of that Empire attacking the enemies.

"(She is not among them.)" (I)

Just like she said, she's keeping herself hidden for a time when she's needed.

Even having achieved the first attack and being in greater numbers, soon the Empire troops are at a disadvantage, fighting in a forest is not an easy thing, in addition, the enemy troops have already started their transformations becoming true Kimeras, they have complete mastery of their bodies showing that they have done an arduous training and thanks to that they move through this Forest as if it were their home using this terrain in their favor.

Soon the surroundings are ravaged by area-of-effect spells that destroy the forest giving a suitable terrain for both sides to fight, this takes away one of the worst disadvantages for the Empire troops.

The fight continues, but this time they are more equal in power, then I see someone with a hood appear and shout something, then half of these Kimeras take a few steps back away from their enemies even at the risk of receiving some hits, which happens injuring many and killing less than 10 of them directly.

So these enemies pay the purple crystal I heard about and hit the chest, even from this distance I realize that these crystals contain some kind of curse.

"She should have shown up by now." (I)

"She won't show up...look at the city." (Darius)

I look at the city which is not far away, something colossal was in the middle of the city hidden by the smoke caused by the fire in the city, there seems to be someone flying around that thing fighting this giant.

"What is that,?" (I)

"I don't know, but should we get involved?" (Darius)

"Yes, you guys deal with that monster, I'll stay to continue the mission alongside Angela and Michael." (I)

"Master Zenos won't like us to help in this war." (Darius)

"It doesn't matter, I won't let another city be destroyed while I'm just watching from afar..." (I)

"I found him, I'm sure he's the person who shouted the orders now, the man in the hood." (Angela)

I look at the man who just appeared and is hiding his face, if he is our target then he will be killed now.

"Now, it's my turn." (I)

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