Will of chaos

Chapter 585 Cap 583: Vanessa A Holy Traitor?(Chapter Preview)

I was trapped by being trapped by 3 techniques, was weakened by two wide area barriers made with magic rituals, and had attacks coming from all directions with the intent to kill.

I could feel that the power of all enemies was at the Lower Catastrophe Grade, but instead of the fear I should have been feeling, what I felt was my heart racing and my blood boiling, I could feel a smile forming on my face.

"Kill me with a single blow? You guys don't have that power..." (I)

"< Cape of Blood >" (I)

"< Court of Judgment > ×4" (I)

This is my favorite technique, besides being one of the first techniques I created, it's also one of the best, I have a lot of resistance skills for my body and the "Blood Cloak" was created with my blood, lines, and scales.

Because of that, it's like doubling my defenses with the same skills having two layers of protection, plus I can control this cape as easily as I control my arms and legs.

In an instant, my blood creates some wounds on my body to come out creating the blood cape, a red and black cape of crystallized blood layered with dragon scale crystals on top forms in less than 1 second.

Blades of Light attacks are blocked, the sword attacking from the side got stuck as my cloak wrapped around it, and the Waves of Light were cut by my tail using my tail blade to use the Slash of Judgment skill 4 times.

"A true monster just as the report described." (Man A)

"A Heretic who manipulates blood, this evil must be eradicated today!" (Man C)

Among the people who appeared the first one who spoke was a Priest by the clothes, he held a white staff with a sun made of gold on top, it was he who created to activate the barrier at the beginning, I recognized by the voice.

The second one who spoke was a Man in Templar armor, it's not the first time I've seen this type of armor, but I can say that this one was much more reinforced by spells than seen before, I can feel a strong murderous intent coming from him.

"(Master, something is strange about the woman behind.)" (Ragnar)

I glance back and see Ragnar right behind me, I fell off him during the attack, he created a layer of Aura condensed around him to defend himself from the restrictions of that damn barrier.

"(I think it's weird too, don't attack yet.)" (I)

"(Right.)" (Ragnar)

I looked at Lourenço and saw him trapped by the chains just like me, but unlike me, he was being completely restricted by the barrier.

I look around and see 6 enemies, some were looking determined and others were looking murderous.

"I'm surprised you dared to come to this continent, Church of Light." (I)

I speak mockingly as I activate strengthening abilities and start to circulate my Ki through my body, then with the brute force I break the currents of light as the poison that tries to take over my body with these glowing white spots is being devoured by my body.

I grip the sword of concentrated light that tried to cut me and was now being obese instead of my blood cape, I gather my Dark Ki in my claws and grip the sword destroying it causing another Templar right after me to drop to one knee.

With my body strengthened, the pressure of the barriers and the Sword of Light floating above me was no more than a slight annoyance.

The enemy's expressions got weird as they saw me taking care of their attacks completely and coming out unscathed, they stopped their second attacks.

"(I managed to make them a little apprehensive, now I have to buy time while trying to find where the core of this barrier is.)" (I)

"Do you really think I would be defeated by such a weak attack!?" (I)

"Don't be intimidated!" (Woman A)

"Begin summoning the Servant of Light!" (Woman A)


"(Ragnar, prevents them from activating this spell at the decisive moment.)" (I)

"(Yes.)" (Ragnar)

"< Armor of Light >" (Woman A)

The woman who appears to be in charge has black skin, white hair, golden eyes, and white wings, a Celestina like Vanessa, she wears light armor that only covers her vital points while having a combat cap underneath her armor, she holds a One-handed sword that shines with Light more powerfully than the others, its Aura seems to be the strongest as well.

She doesn't fall for my taunts, she firmly commands others and ignores what I say while raising her hand creating a glowing white magic circle above her head, then the magic circle descended over her body causing her combat clothes and armor to change to a whiter color where the magic circle passed.

"(I liked this spell, but it's still too simple to be a transformation spell, for a moment I thought I was going to become a Power Ranger.)" (I)

"Inquisitor we shouldn't kill him before we know the whereabouts of the traitor Saint!" (Man A)

"Kill the heretic first, he's too dangerous to be arrested, we can get the information from the weaker Gray Elf." (Man C)

"Quiet!" (Woman A)

"< Light Sword Technique: Inquisitive Blade >" (Woman A)

The woman runs towards me while commanding the others firmly, but what little I heard made me understand that they want to get Vanessa, it seems I'm not their only target.

"< Sword of Judgment >" (I)

I draw my sword and spread my Dragon wings, I cover my sword with the elements of light and shadow to fight the sword of this Celestine woman they call the Inquisitor.

She flies towards me and we start to fight, I can't fly due to the pressure of the barriers and this sword of light on top of my head, I feel like my body will weigh dozens of times more, but I use my wing as a distraction for my first attack.

I give a boost to look like I'm going to fly towards her but I spin around giving a slash with my wing which she defends trying to cut my wing with her sword but then I hide my wings inside my body and aim my sword at her wrist, my aim was to rip her hand off, but she defends it with her armor.

When my attack hits the armor a wave of light blows me away, it feels like the magic from before has done it.

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