Will of chaos

Chapter 539 Cap 537: Queen Of The City Of Blood(Chapter Preview)

Pov Athena's:

After Darius left the tent I read the information he brought and realized something was off.

The reason for the sudden illness of this former Realm King of Kadra was a mystery, but it was written that no Alchemist, Physician, or Priest was able to cure him, nor has any information about this "disease".

One thing I noticed was that this former King had been sick weeks before people related to Zenos were seen in the Capital City, but soon after he mysteriously disappeared, it was said that he died, but his funeral was not seen by anyone other than his family.

"(I can't understand anything about it, could it be Zenos?)" (I)

"(Don't think about it too much, it's clearly missing a lot of information.)"

"But it looks like something happened, but there's no evidence or witnesses." (I)

"(We already knew from the information from the Church of Light that he likes to keep a low profile, which is why we have so little information about him.)"

"That's true, there are many mysteries around him." (I)

"(He looks like someone fun.)"

"(I'd like to meet him soon, boredom is driving me crazy...)"

"You'll have to wait a little longer, I can't let the Priests find out about you." (I)

"(Can't we go back to that port town? It looked like they were having a festival.)"

"The less contact with the people of this continent the better for us, we can be attacked just for coming from the Church of Light." (I)

"Just support a little longer, we are very close to our goal now." (I)

I pull the crystal out of my clothes and hold it while I listen to the voice inside my head that comes from that crystal.

When the crystal stopped shining and I couldn't hear the voice in my head anymore I put the crystal inside my clothes again.

"(That's right, soon in that goal will be fulfilled.)" (I)


Pov Zenos:

I already get out of the carriage and spread my Dragon wings, Nix is ​​hiding in my shadow, Sakura has become a vine and coiled around my arm like a snake, and Orion is in her baby monster form on one of my shoulders helping me hiding my Aura and Layla is on my other shoulder using her powers to hide me along with Nix.

Even though I'm flying over the city no one can see, hear or feel me, I also made a point of flying at high altitude until I reached the balcony of the Queen's room at the highest point of the beautiful castle in the center of the city.

As soon as I'm above the castle I land on the balcony of what Lilian said would be the Queen's room, according to Lilian the Queen's name is Viviane, she said some last name but I wasn't paying attention as Layla had caused an explosion that distracted.

As soon as I landed on the balcony I noticed that there were many guards hidden throughout the castle, in addition, the room that should be the Queen was empty, I looked around and noticed that there were people everywhere, there were even some Fairies and two Spirits.

I was thinking about going to the throne room that Lilian had already told me the location of, but then I noticed a presence approaching at the same time I noticed the people who were watching walking away from this room.

"(Has anyone noticed my presence? But how?)" (I)

Soon the bedroom doors open and a woman with a golden and red dress enters, she had a golden crown with red jewels on her head, she had white skin, red eyes, long curly blonde hair, and two big white horns, she also had a long golden tail, its height was 1.7 meters.

She was beautiful looking young in her 20s, she had a calm and confident look, she walks straight to her bedroom balcony as if she can see me, her Aura is hidden from my senses and shows nothing on her face beside a slight smile

"To whom can I give the pleasure of this visit, sir..." (Viviane)

"Call me Zenos, Your Majesty." (I)

I was sure she was strong, maybe as strong as I am, just like every Vampire I've ever met, I can't measure her age by her looks.

I was still being hidden by my Familiars and my abilities, but this woman still managed to find me and see me which shouldn't be possible, so I have no reason to hide, she even pushed the lookouts away.

She is strong in her own right, I don't think anyone else in this castle is strong enough to protect her.

"I imagine you must have important business to sneak up to my room at this hour of the night, but I don't remember seeing you before, Mr. Zenos." (Viviane)

"I'm a stranger who broke into her room, aren't you afraid your majesty?" (I)

"No, I can sense that you don't have any malice, besides if you wanted to do something you could have done it while you were still flying above the castle without having to come down here." (Viviane)

"It seems your majesty noticed me a long time ago." (I)

"I'm proud of my greater senses than most, yet I still can't see right through you, lord Zenos." (Viviane)

"I'm sorry to have to show up here like this, yet another one of my teammates told me that my presence might cause some confusion." (I)

The Queen looks at me more intensely and I feel a strange glint in her eyes before her smile gets bigger.

"I see, someone with strong connections to the Goddess Selene, this will surely be noticed by her devotees in the city and by those who are against this Goddess." (Viviane)

"That's what I've heard, but I'd like to know how big this mess will be." (I)

"At most some arguing and maybe 1 or 2 assassination attempts, nothing your Familiars will have a problem with." (Viviane)

"No one in this town takes things too far, they know what happens to those who cause trouble." (Viviane)

"So I can enter your city peacefully and have a stay for a few days without any problems?" (I)

"Yes, but you'd better come to visit me more formally when you arrive, take this to introduce those to the castle guards so you can have a formal audience with me." (Viviane)

The Queen gives me a dagger with a red city symbol on the hilt, and the blade is also red.

"If they think you have connections with me, they won't dare to do anything, besides I'd like to talk to you on better terms if possible." (Viviane)

"I will come tomorrow morning, good night your majesty." (I)

After saying goodbye I push with my wings to fly as high as possible before heading back to where the carriage is out of town.

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