Will of chaos

Chapter 503 Cap 501: Surprise When Leaving The City(Chapter Preview)

The next day I spent my time sleeping on the deck with a beach chair I asked them to build for me.

I wanted to relax a little since I had nothing to do in this ruined city, from the carefree behavior of the population of this city I could tell that this is not the first or second time this has happened, so they don't need help.

I waited until mid-afternoon when Eleanor personally came to finalize the deal, I asked her to board the ship and took her to a room where Nira was working with Yomi lying on the table.

When we entered the room Eleanor stared at Yomi and I could feel the fear in her Aura since I'm next to her, Yomi apparently felt it too since she raises her head and looks at her until Nira's hand caresses her body making him go back to sleep.

"I didn't know we had a visitor, master."  (Nira)

"This is Eleanor I made a business deal with yesterday, she's here to finalize that deal."  (I)

"Nice to meet you, my name is Eleanor."  (Eleanor)

"The pleasure is all mine, you can call me Nira."  (Nira)

I tell Eleanor to hand over the items to Nira who takes the storage items and the contract where the items are described and goes to another room to check while I hand a storage item with the money to Eleanor who also checks the value.

After about 30 minutes Nira comes back saying that all the articles are present in the conditions described.

Soon after I escort Eleanor off the Ship, then we call everyone outside back onto the ship before departing this town.

After a day of following the ship along the coast of the mainland I stop, I just did it so as not to show that we are changing vehicles.

I guard the now empty ship, then pull the carriage down the nearby road that I already knew was here.

Everyone went back inside the Dungeon before we closed the gate and guarded the ship, so We followed the road, who was driving the carriage was a Ghoul, there will be three shift changes a day for those who are driving the carriage.

That's how we made our way along the route I'd decided with Lilian, at least that's how it should have been.

A few minutes later we were ambushed by a group of hundreds of people, those in the carriage were just me, Ibuki, and Karina not counting the Ghoul who was in control of the carriage.

Those who were attacking us were people in black clothes whose Auras I wasn't feeling, their clothes also completely hid their bodies.

Before I even said anything Ibuki walked out the carriage window with a smile, we already knew we were being watched from the city, I just don't know by whom.

Karina also leaves the carriage heading straight for the enemies, the two run with Ibuki a little further ahead, she pulls her two swords while spreading her Aura around the area which was easy since these people were hiding their own Auras.

After that Ibuki concentrates on the shadow element in his swords whose blades turn dark as they increase in length.

I feel something strange in the blade of Ibuki's swords, but I only realized what it was when she hit the first opponent, she only made a shallow cut on her arm before moving on to another enemy.

I was finding it strange until I saw a dark energy taking over this enemy's arm, this energy was spreading through his body while absorbing vital energy from him, I saw the man take a potion and use some item that I don't know, but it didn't help.

In less than a minute this enemy's body was on the ground with black energy covering his body, Ibuki raises his sword and that darkness in the fallen enemy's body goes back to the sword leaving only a mummified body with torn clothes.

It seems that Ibuki learned to use a very useful skill, but I wonder who he learned it from.

I look at Karina who was right behind Ibuki, she holds a red bladed sword that starts to catch fire.

Unlike Ibuki who uses her speed to attack, Karina uses her combat dexterity and brute strength, I can see her happiness from the smile on her face, she uses one of her claws to pierce the back of an enemy that uses a shield to defend itself from attacks made against her while using her sword to dismember each one that hits her with a single attack.

Those who managed to dodge the first attack were scorched by the fire that came out of her mouth, her way of fighting was a bit brutal to watch, she looked nothing like a Princess or Priestess.

The enemies tried to flee when realizing the difference in power, those faster and scared with the two girls didn't realize what was in front of them until it was too late.

Dozens of them were torn to shreds as they slammed at full speed against the network of super fine lines I created in the surroundings while I stood there watching the girls fight.

When they realized they were surrounded with nowhere to run, some took their own lives without hesitation, but those who hesitated for a second were immobilized by my Aura before passing out as I increased the pressure on them.

I go to one of the enemies that Karina has defeated and take off his mask, then do the same with five other enemies including one that was only passed out, that's when I realized they were all the same race.

"They're Vampires...but it looks different..." (I)

I looked better and see Vampire fangs in their mouths, but when opening their lids their eyes were all white, their ears were also normal humans, they didn't have the slightly pointed ears of Vampires.

I control the blood of those Karina killed and I drink all the blood belonging to dozens of people.


<[ You acquired the Bloodline [ Vampire Slave: 100 % ] ]>




<[ Lesser Bloodline [ Vampire Slave: 100 % ] was immediately absorbed into the Main Bloodline ]>

It seems my hunch is right, I could find out their races by drinking their blood, unfortunately, they don't have the skills I need as I didn't get any.

On second thought, I could have used my ability to identify, but I was already getting hungry, so I thought I'd grab a snack while figuring out who these idiots are.

"Vampire slaves?"  (I)

"Guess I'll have to ask Vanessa or Elsaris about it."  (I)

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