Will of chaos

Chapter 478 Cap 476: A Decision That Changes Lives(Chapter Preview)

Pov Marcos (Carla's husband):

It's been two weeks since I last had a chance to see Carla, I can still hear her voice in my head.

"(No matter what, I will always love you so stop what you're doing, I can see how much this is eating you up inside Marcos.)" (Carla)

I know she can see right through me, I'm not able to hide anything from my wife, I never have been.

I know I can't hide what I've done to her, I know she can see how much I suffer having to do what I'm doing, but I can stand doing nothing just watching her die.


No matter what I have to do, no matter what atrocities I do, no matter what criminals I work with, I will do anything to be able to stay just one more day with you, my love.


"(Not that I should sell my soul to the Demon God!)" (I)

After so many years of doing the things I've been doing, one of the few gains that are important to me was my level going up, after killing so many monsters in the ocean, killing pirates who tried to rob me, and killing soldiers who tried to capture me.

I don't even know how many life or death situations I went through but it was all worth it, now I have enough money for a lifetime, I can buy slaves with powerful healing magic and alchemy knowledge to take care of my wife while we travel looking for a cure for Is it over there.

While thinking these things I go through Carla's bedroom window to see her one last time before getting everything ready for our trip.

"< Wave of Blades >" (I)

"< Consuming Shadow >"

As soon as I entered my wife's room I saw a Demon next to her doing something while she was sleeping, I tried to attack him immediately since his back was to me, but his shadow rises to form a wall that swallows my attack effortlessly.

"Stop your attacks now!"

"Argh..." (I)

I'm pinned in place by a bizarre Aura, I've never felt anything like this before, not even in the seas where anything can happen.

I've met people of almost every race, from Demons to Sirens, I've met many who were stronger than I am, but I've never been so afraid before.

This Aura was full of contradiction, I could feel boundless cruelty, but I could also feel an unshakable calm, I could feel a destructive presence in this Aura, but I could also feel harmony with everything around me.

"What else is there? What are you guys doing with my wife!?"  (I)

That voice hadn't come from the Demon's direction, moreover, it was the same voice as the one who stopped my previous attack, that means there's someone else here somewhere.

"How is she, Allan?"

"She's not sick, poisoned or cursed."  (Demon)

"She was simply born with a weak body, I can imagine that even with that type of body she could have lasted longer if it weren't for years of work far beyond what someone in her condition could bear, this accelerated her body's decay."  (Demon)

"..." (I)

"Can you do something for her?"

"No, she is healthy, her body is simply in a condition where it cannot be treated."  (Demon)

"Thanks, she can come back now."

A shadow rises and I feel something coming out, but I don't see anything, so the Demon walks up to the shadow and disappears into it.

"Who are you? As far as I know, I haven't provoked anyone of the Demon Race."  (I)

"Who I am is not important, I'm here to talk to your wife, but I didn't know you would show up."

"But Carla passed out while talking to her, so I asked my doctor to take a look at her condition."

"Do you expect me to believe anything you say?"  (I)

"It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, that's what happened, now I'm going to let you go."

As soon as he spoke, the bizarre Aura that was holding me disappeared as if it never existed, first of all, I go to Carla to confirm her condition.

Once I see that she doesn't have any wounds or bruises and that she's breathing I start to calm down.

"..." (I)

I feel something behind me, when I turn I see a figure covered in clothes and a black mask sitting in a chair by the window.

I don't even put it between this suspicious figure and Carla, by the power I felt before I know I'm doing something futile, but I need to at least try to protect my wife.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"  (I)

"As I said, I was talking to your wife, unfortunately, I couldn't hear everything I wanted to know, but I heard enough to give you two choices."

"Choose carefully, because there won't be another offer."

"(I don't feel malice and his tone of voice is very calm as if this whole situation doesn't bother him.)" (I)

"Looks like I don't have a choice, right?"  (I)

"You're right, you'll have to listen to what I say, depending on your choice, you may never see me again, so think carefully."

"..." (I)

"I want you to come work for me, if you do I can give you and your wife a new life in a place where no one will find you, plus I can have a way for your wife to get back to health."

"You can also refuse my offer, so I'm going to leave here and let you get on with your life, I won't bother you or your wife again."

"..." (I)

"Choose one of these options by tomorrow night."

"Wait! Can you really heal my wife?"  (I)

"I cannot cure her, as you yourself heard from my doctor, she cannot be cured as her problems are caused by her weak body."

"But still the other way to bring health to her, that is by turning that weak body into a stronger one."

"You mean to turn her into a Demon or a Demi?"  (I)

"Yes, I can do either one."

I look at my wife, her body is already so thin I can barely tell her apart from a skeleton, the doctor I pay to take care of her has already told me that she has been passing out more and more often, she may not have much time left.

"I don't need time to weigh in, I accept her proposal."  (I)

"As long as Carla is able to smile and get out of this bed again, I would sell even my soul for her."  (I)

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