Will of chaos

Chapter 475 Cap 473: Danger In The Ocean(Chapter Preview)

Pov of an unknown pirate:

I've been a pirate for over 30 years now, I can be considered one of the oldest among my comrades for being a survivor, but the reason for that is that I've always been smart, I've never tried to fight someone who couldn't win and I've never been very ambitious.

Even though I was respected for my wisdom and intelligence, I never tried to lead any pirate group, I was always a follower of those who showed the ability to lead, so I kept myself far from being hunted.

Just now I was giving a briefing to the youngest pirate leader I'm following, he's the opposite of me, he's young, bold, and very ambitious.

He rose to leadership by killing the leaders of nine pirate groups, and even at a young age, he has amassed a name that causes fear to those who listen, no crime he hasn't committed, and no hesitation when it comes to doing something that others consider cruel.

"Sir, it looks like our men managed to enter the city of Yrima as planned."  (I)

"In two days they will start the plan."  (I)

This man's name is Ivan the Butcher, a cruel man whose greatest pleasure is to snatch everything from other people before he kills.

"Great, soon that damn city will be on fire... ha haha ​​hahahahaha..." (butcher)

Only this man would be bold enough to make such an attack, I wonder how the Grimo Kingdom will react when they learn about the destruction of one of their main cities.

After giving the report to the "butcher" I return to the deck of the ship to play my part in putting these pirates in order until the day of the attack.


Pov Zenos:

After talking to Lilian I decide to go back to fishing for the rest of the morning, I must say that fishing became very relaxing, maybe the only thing bothering me is this outfit covering my whole body and this mask on my face, but unfortunately, I couldn't take it off that.

After a while, Leo sits next to me next to Anton and Irius with fishing poles in hand.

Anton was kind enough to bring a keg of beer and four glasses with him, we spent half the day talking, drinking beer, and fishing.

I don't think I've ever experienced such a fun day, we even had a competition to see who could catch the most fish, in the end, the one who won was Irius with 1 fish in front of Leo, I had been the one who caught the least fish, besides for some reason the fish I caught were always bigger carnivores than me, some of these fish even dropped the hook trying to bite me.

,m As a reward for winning, Irius would be the one to choose tonight's food, in other words, he would choose the next restaurant.

By mid-afternoon, I decided to stop fishing and joined Nolan who was teaching Alice, Ibuki, and Lyra how to play a card game.

It's been a while since I discovered that the card games from my ancient world exist in this world because they were taught by Outsiders, but the most used card game in this world is one whose cards are monsters, in addition, it has skill cards and magic too, there are even field cards.

I thought it was a modification of Yu-gi-oh type card games in my world, but after the various books I read and the execution, I heard from Nolan to someone in charge of ago, I discovered that this game is one of the oldest of this world.

This game is a way to train combat strategies with people being more analytical, almost all adventurers and soldiers will know this card game.

Each type of card has a meaning to exist, monster cards are for teaching people about the various types of monsters, spells are for teaching which types of spells work for which monsters, and skill cards are for knowing which abilities and types of monsters you will have, and the field card is for teaching which types of monsters are stronger in each environment.

Everything about this card game was to prepare people to face the monsters, Ivan even told me once that this card game is taught in the schools of nobles and merchants.

I must say that I found it fun to play cards until dark, I quickly learned the rules of this game because it wasn't too difficult, and it didn't have many rules.

When it got dark, the wheels got ready to go out to eat, this time seaweed people would be going alone, Anton and Tania are going on a date alone, Caryna and Leo are also going out alone, and everyone else is coming along with me to look for a place to eat.

Who chose the place this time was Irius because I won the fishing dispute earlier, to my surprise he chose a restaurant that served dishes made of large fish, the dishes were the size of the table.

I have to say that the food was very tasty, besides this restaurant had no beer, it seems that it had run out, so there was only wine, eating in this place we were all happy, but after two hours of drinking and with the barrel full everyone started to chat happily while everything gets noisy.

It didn't take long for the same chaos as yesterday to repeat itself again, but this time I didn't get nervous, all I did was look at the face of the restaurant owner who was terrified while he was watching his establishment being destroyed, I took some gold coins and I step over to him as I continue drinking wine and watching this group of hooligans tear this place apart.

The only time I had to do anything was to stop Elsaris from killing a man who was picking up on Samira, I must say Elsaris' eyes were as crazy as Lilith's when I saw that.

After eating and drinking to our hearts' content, I pay the restaurant owner some more and we head back to the ship.

I was grabbing Ibuki who was sleeping soundly, after we arrived on the ship everyone went back to the Dungeon and I stayed on the ship.

I actually go to the top of the ship where I lie watching the starry sky, unfortunately, because of my various resistance skills, alcohol has minimal effect on me, imagine my surprise to learn that alcohol is considered a type of poison.

"That's what I call a vacation."  (I)

"Good food, good drink, wonderful scenery, and the company of the people I love."  (I)

"This is the kind of quiet life I wanted so badly."  (I)

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