Will of chaos

Chapter 1114 Cap 1112: True Eclipse Demon Dragon

I was a little worried about Karina's condition and so I used my Power to strengthen her, so she will suffer less and we can continue this for a longer time without straining her body too much. 

When I saw that she was okay, I turned my focus back to the colossal black and white flame that hid the Dragon of Light within. 

I could feel his power flowing along with the flow of my power contained in the Dragon Seal, I could feel his power changing as my power added to hers, the same was true for her body. 

I could feel the flames ravaging her body as the Dragon Seal took care of the recovery or in this case I should say transformation, I could distinctly feel the differences in muscle density, body shape, and mutation occurring in her bloodline. 

Even his Soul was being affected, the strangest thing was realizing that he seemed to roar or scream inside the flames, but I couldn't hear even the slightest sound coming from the flames and I didn't understand the reason for that. 

This process was fast for the happiness of this Dragon of Light, the whole process after it started took only 15 minutes and during that time I spent a little more than half of my power while Karina consumed more than 90% of her power, this with me helping to restore some of the power she lost. 

I could feel his body completely changed down to the bone, his bloodline without any trace of the previous one, now I could feel my own bloodline within him, his Aura did not leak from within the flames, but I could feel it perfectly as the flames themselves were still they were made of my power. 

His Aura didn't carry anything that resembles what he had before, it was as if his Aura was consumed by generating a new Aura, but I think it must be a side effect of the changes in bloodline, body, Soul, and power. 

The black and white flames that were previously an impediment seemed to be being absorbed at a certain point, only when they were at the end of disappearing was it possible to identify that the flame was being sucked into the jaws of the Dragon that revealed itself in front of me. 


<[ The Descendant Magnus (True Dragon of Eclipse) had the bestowal of the Seal of the Demon Dragon (Zenos) finalized thus becoming the son of Zenos (True Dragon of Blood Eclipse) ]> 

One thing I've noticed during my meditations these days where I've been avoiding training is that I can feel those of my direct or indirect Lineage. 

I can feel my children more strongly than my sisters since they carry my direct Lineage, but the sense of Bonding is diluted when it comes to my supposed grandchildren. 

I can now clearly feel that Magnus as I will start calling him from now on also feels like my other children, while Irius and his other sisters seem to have inherited more of my Vampire traits, Silvia has inherited more of my Dragon traits, there has been Hela and Lilith who inherited most of my Demonic traits. 

It seems that my bloodline adapts to each individual differently when mutating, but I don't know if it's my fault this time or the interference of the Dragon God. 

"How do you feel?" (I) 

"..." (Magnus) 

"Different... powerful..." (Magnus) 

"Clearly different, that... there's no doubt about it..." (Karina) 

Karina had a slightly tired voice, but I was asking these questions because, unlike other occasions where I've seen people get excited about their new powers after an Awakening Ceremony or an evolution, Magnus was seemingly calm as he seemed to try to sense the changes in his body. 

I look at him, his form is now more anthropomorphic, his white scales have now become black crystal scales with red sparkles inside, the thorns that come out of his body have become blades on his two pairs of wings and his two arms sticking out like 2 blades on each arm, all these blades seem to be made of dark purple bones, the scales on his chest, arms and legs seem to be bigger giving an appearance of being more resistant. 

I look at his Dragon head, now he has 4 red eyes, on his head he has a pair of dark purple bull horns sticking out on the sides of his head facing down towards his jaws and a pair of dark red horns similar to blades of his forehead, he has what looks like red hair or perhaps fur falling from his head to his back. 

Its teeth are completely visible due to it not having lips, this exposes its large, sharp, dark red teeth. 

Its standing posture almost resembles that of a person if it weren't for the clearly beast-like legs, its tail was thick with strong scales, and a sphere at the end filled with sharp spikes of dark purple color. 

His closed wings almost looked like a red and black cape on his back, and all of his body seems to have strong muscles, but without being over the top, his appearance is fierce to the point of being frightening to other people probably, both his Aura and the presence emanating from him was Demonic and at the same time clearly carrying the power of Dragons. 

Magnus stands at a height of 500 meters, his colossal size and frightening appearance would be enough to scare an entire Kingdom, even more so with the aggression his wild Demonic Aura exudes at all times, but I know better than others, his aura is in that wild state because he still doesn't have control over it due to the big changes he went through, only with training in the next few days he can try to control everything that has changed in himself. 

"Do you have trouble walking?" (I) 

"No, but it tired me a lot." (Karina) 

I who was holding her hand ask her closer and hug her waist before spreading my wings not flying, but floating slowly until I was at eye level and closer to Magnus. 

"How you feel, not about power, but about your heart." (I) 

"..." (I) 

This question may seem simple, but it's actually very important, the first time we met a few days ago I noticed his depression and that was one of the reasons for having doubts whether he would fulfill the Dragon God's request or not. 

Today he seemed to have managed to take a big step forward in overcoming his depression or at least he had regained the willpower to not give up, which is why I went through with it all. 

Now things are different, his previous depression was due to the loss of his entire family, and no matter what crimes or mistakes they made, in the end, it was still his family, but now he has completely changed not just in body, his blood and bloodlines have changed completely missing the last link he had with his family, if he falls again now that he has managed to step forward he may not be able to be trusted. 

Thinking about these things, I asked this question seriously and looking into his eyes, his strength must now be close to mine, but without understanding his powers he cannot fight against me even weakened as I am, I want to know if he will blame me for cutting that last connection to his family. 

"I feel torn apart, not only was I spared but also gained so much power, I feel guilty in a way…" (Magnus) 

"Everything you earned was on your own merit, the Dragon God saw and recognized your character while Zenos recognized your will, there is no reason to feel guilty for being deserving of something." (Karina) 

I let Karina speak as I try to see his eyes, there is no anger, hate, or murderous intent as our eyes are straight, all I see is doubt and guilt, it seems he didn't lie in her words. 

"(Survivor's guilt is something I've come to expect, I'm glad he doesn't regress.)" (I) 

"I think you already know, but we're inside my Dungeon, there's a city I govern on another floor of the Dungeon and you still can't go there." (I) 

"Obvious reasons, my power has increased, my abilities have changed, and my body is completely different from before, I'm not even able to change into my Human form these days." (Magnus) 

"Going to a city in my current state would be dangerous even if I don't do anything, my Aura is very strong and I have no control over it for now." (Magnus) 

"These are exactly the reasons, I'm glad you understand, do your initial training on this floor, when you get a certain level of control we can take you to the city where your new home will be." (I) 

"Home..." (Magnus) 

Magnus's eyes widened when I spoke about showing off his new home, I knew he could be sensitive to that word and I said it to show support, I want you to know that this Dungeon is the city that exists here are your new home, maybe even if may sound strange to him now, it may become a small comfort in his heart. 

"Thank you very much for everything Mister Zenos... I mean... Father..." (Magnus) 

"You don't have to force yourself to call me that just yet." (I) 

"Denying or avoiding a fact like this will get you nowhere, I even have a title showing that I am recognized as your son now, even the blood in my veins carries your lineage." (Magnus) 

"Calling you Father is something I must do both out of obligation as a son and out of respect for the help you are giving me." (Magnus) 

"For that I thank you... Father..." (Magnus) 

He seems to be like Irius having a sense of his own duty, he also seems to see what I did for him as a help, he's not wrong, but in fear was these things distorted in his mind due to the negative emotions of his depression, when we are being so negatively affected by our emotions having our thoughts wander in strange and meaningless ways to conclusions that someone with a calm mind would see errors becomes simple. 

"(Looks like I didn't make a mistake this time, I must say that if it weren't for the Dragon God's request, I wouldn't have risked turning someone like him into my son so soon, I'm glad things are going well so far.)" (I) 

"(The worst is over, let's see how he adapts and walks with his own legs from now on.)" (I)

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