Will of chaos

Chapter 1073 Cap 1071: Battle In Chaos Part 2

As far as I could tell there was no other creature coming towards me, but I had already noticed a new problem, I couldn't identify the direction I should go, even Hinata's vision that was right beside me was blurred due to the space being distorted. 

I tried to use my Aura in the surroundings since I couldn't trust my senses, especially my sight, but my Aura was being heavily suppressed making the distance I could push to my limit only a few hundred meters. 

I came to think of using my Authority more expansively, but remembering what happened when I just blended my Aura with the environment earlier, I soon decided against using Authority more than I was currently doing when using it just as a layer around my body, this to protect against the influence of this Evil God. 

As I tried to figure out which side I had come from and which side I should go to, I ended up realizing that my other Familiars weren't with me, I could still feel them close by, but the direction was confusing, it seems it wouldn't be so easy us together as I thought possible before. 

Hinata was different because she was with me inside the bone necklace, she is also the one closest to me, so I can still maintain a better connection with her, but even so, I can feel the connection between us much weaker than usual as if something was interfering. 

"< Family Summoning: Orion >" (I) 


"..." (I) 

"This is going to be a problem..." (I) 

I tried to summon one of my familiars, I planned to summon one at a time, but just as the summoning circle formed, the space cracked around it forming a vacuum that absorbed the magic circle's energy along with some of the surrounding energies before close, I felt that if I got any closer the space might even have broken making it dangerous even for me. 

I can't use Summoning magic and clearly, space is too fragile so it would be wise not to use techniques that affect space. 

I looked around and at myself, the further away from my vision, the more the things I was seeing seemed to become an abstract painting like that that you can't understand anything, even with my Aura being able to go only a few hundred meters in front of me there from the it was sharper than using my eyes. 

"I can try..." (I) 

I try to close my eyes for good, it seems like they won't be useful in this place, so depriving a sense as important as sight can help me focus more on other senses like using my Aura. 

I use my Aura's detailed senses to assemble a mental image of the area I can perceive, as it's only a few hundred meters in area it doesn't cause much difficulty for my current state to keep this image in my mind, it actually became quite easy. 

The image in my mind was still being affected by the different energies and the distortion or fluctuation of the surrounding space, but as it was an image created using my imagination with the information collected by my Aura, I started analyzing it using parallel thinking, it took me a few minutes to notice the movements of space which was like an ocean during a storm, but it was this comparison which gave me an idea which I used to correct the mental picture. 

I had to keep parallel thinking correcting the image in real time all the time, but it worked for the most part, the image in my mind became less distorted, and it looked like a camera image in medium or low resolution with a little bit of interference like an old TV, but it was still something much easier to understand than using my eyes. 

"Hinata, can you move easily in this place or perceive your surroundings without being influenced?" (I) 

"Yes… but just close…" (Hinata) 

"..." (I) 

Talking to her is always challenging, she uses few words, so I put my hand on her head and try to share her feelings to see if it was better than the solution I had arrived at. 

"I should know." (I) 

"Hinata, hold onto me the entire time and don't pull away." (I) 

"..." (Hinata) 

What I noticed when sharing Hinata's senses was that she wasn't using her eyes, she was just sensing the energy flows in her surroundings, she also seemed to be seeing death energies and life energies as a way of sensing, my appearance in her senses were bizarrely colored silhouetted by the various forms of energy inside me, the way she was seeing the world right now was beyond bizarre, she can't even see the ground, which I suppose is not an impediment o work who can fly and pass through solid objects. 

At least I noticed two things with this test, the first was that I would not be able to move using her senses as a basis, I was barely able to understand what I was seeing or feeling, and the second thing I noticed was a large cluster of energy of death and life energy in a certain direction, were two things so absurdly large compared to the rest that it was frightening, I immediately realized that it was the location of the World Tree where the Evil God was. 

With Hinata's help, I can manage to direct myself like a compass, but I'll have to rely on the low-resolution image in my mind for more detail and using the Aura as my main sense. 

"Let's go..." (I) 

Hinata attaches herself to me with a tentacle that comes out of her back and wraps around my waist, then floats beside me as I start to run towards where the World Tree is, I don't plan on getting there, my highs give way just these hideous creatures, but I'm sure most of them are near the World Tree. 

"Let me try something on the..." (I) 

Before I finished speaking I turned Kinshasa's head in one direction reflexively, even though I'm not using my eyes, the instinct to turn my head in the direction where your attention is focused is almost automatic. 

What I felt was hundreds of monsters coming towards me, different from the last ones these seemed more orderly, they didn't attack me right away but they circled around me thinking they could attack me from all sides. 

"< Forest Prison >" (I) 

"< Earth Execution >" (I) 

I place my hand on the ground as I use two spells, the first causes several roots to sprout up around me trapping most of the monsters long enough for the second spell to pierce their bodies with crude metal spears that also come out of the ground. 

"< Curse of Blood and Death: Soul Prison >" (I) 

I create a crystal using my blood as a medium to focus my Aura and Authority while creating the magic circle inside with Curse energy, Death Energy, and Holy Power. 

Several currents of red energy come out of the crystal penetrating inside these monsters, but only those whose bodies were more destroyed had the current pulled along with a strange Soul into the crystal, the others I understood bad at the same time that they should still be alive, that's why I continued attacking. 

"< Bloody Blossom >" (I) 

Suddenly the roots that held these creatures began to grow branches and then flowers from inside the monsters to the outside while destroying their bodies, a sight I was glad not to see clearly. 

That seemed enough when all the chains were pulled dragging strange souls into the crystal that took on an ever darker shade of color. 

"I should know." (I) 

The moment the monsters were dead and their Souls captured I could feel the Death Demon Goddess's Blessing pulsating within me, I couldn't resist as the death energy coursed through my body being strengthened by the Goddess's Blessing, then three Swords of that energy form above me before penetrating the crystal at once from three different directions. 

At that moment, two bone hands open a small passage in the space where a current comes out and wraps around the crystal, pulling it into the passage before closing. 

I then look at Hinata still standing beside me floating with both arms transformed into many tentacles that stretched out to the bodies still decomposing, I waited for her to finish before continuing, that's because I could feel that someone was watching me, but I didn't know Who could it be. 

"Come on Hinata, we still have a lot to do." (I) 

I was up until now defeating the monsters with ease, but that was mostly because of the level difference in their strength compared to my current strength. 

But not just the difference in strength, they seem to have low intelligence and few ways to attack, at least that's what I've noticed so far. 

But those were already a little stronger than the first one I faced, bone means that the strongest ones must be closer to the World Tree, so I return to my path to the World Tree.

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