Wife Loving Husband: Husband, spoil me some more!

Chapter 29 Do You Plan To Throw Me Off The Building?

"Who are you?" Wang Yi asked.

"I am the CEO of this company, Zhou Liying, and using my authority, I am firing you from this company." Wang Yi's eyes widened when he heard her. All the horrible stories which he had heard from his colleagues from the London office came to his mind.

Zhou Liying looked into his eyes. She smirked upon seeing the realisation on his face.

"Leave this cabin within a count of five. Otherwise, I will blacklist you." Zhou Liying warned and started to count. "One, Two, three, four…."

Wang Yi knew Zhou Liying never faked a warning. He was no fool. He knew she could really blacklist him. So, without caring for anything, he ran out of the office.

Zhou Liying looked at his figure and laughed loudly. Oh, how much she loved this effect. She loved it when others feared her.


Penthouse of Mu Yuehan

Mu Yuehan climbed up the stairs of his swimming pool and stepped out. He wore his bathrobe and started to dry his wet hair with another towel.

He made his way toward the door camera lock, located in his swimming pool area. He saw the face of Zhan Wei, so he opened the door.

"You are back." Mu Yuehan looked at Zhan Wei and nodded at him.

"I am back finally." Zhan Wei huffed tiredly. "You were swimming?"

"No, I was dancing." Mu Yuehan rolled his eyes.

"Hey, you are getting sarcastic." Zhan Wei jumped when he heard the sarcasm in the voice of his friend. He walked toward Mu Yuehan and looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"What's the matter, buddy? You look different?"

"Guess what can it be?" Mu Yuehan smirked and threw his towel aside. He walked toward the railings on the balcony and stopped in front of it. He placed his hands on the railing and leaned outside, looking at the city. Zhan Wei followed him.

"Have you cracked some important deal?" He guessed and then slapped his head. "No, that can't be the reason. Your smile is different. What is it? Tell me, please?" Zhan Wei whined.

"I am not telling you." He said in a sing-song manner. For a second, Zhan Wei thought he was Mu Yuehan from four years back.

He gasped and his eyes widened. He dared to guess wildly, "you have found my sister-in-law?"

"I have." Mu Yuehan smiled and leaned against the railing. There was a huge smile on his lips.

"Oh my god." Zhan Wei squealed in excitement and jumped on the back of Mu Yuehan, nearly throwing him off the railing.

"Are you crazy?" Mu Yuehan yelled and steadied himself. "Do you plan to throw me off the building? Are you planning my murder?"

"I am sorry. I was just over-excited." Zhan Wei gave him a silly smile. "So, where did you find her?"

"Zhou corporation, Zhou Liying, ring a bell in your mind?"

"Yes, I know about her. Why?" Zhan Wei frowned in confusion. "How is she related to your TianTian?

"TianTian is now Zhou Liying." Mu Yuehan informed him calmly. "She changed her name and identity."

"But how is this possible?" Zhan Wei looked at him with surprise.

"As per my information, she is the long-lost heir of Zhou corporation." Mu Yuehan shrugged. "I don't care how she became Zhou Liying. What I know is that I found her."

"Did you meet her? Did you see her? Where is she now?" Zhan Wei fired one after another, feeling curious and excited at the same time.

He was happy that Zhou Liying was back. He treated her like his sister after all. Thou, they only met twice or thrice but still, he had made a strong relationship with her.

"See her, yes. But I did not meet her till now. I am afraid. What if she is still angry at me?" Mu Yuehan sighed. "But I am all ready to meet with her tomorrow. I am ready to bear all her punishments."

"That's the dedication." Zhan Wei patted his back. "Any order for me?"

"You know, the usual. You will need to handle the company in my place. I may not be able to give my focus on it now that TianTian is back."

"Aye, Aye boss." Zhan Wei saluted. "You look after your love life and I will do your work."

Zhan Wei looked at Mu Yuehan, feeling extremely happy. He was happy that Zhou Liying was back. He knew how incomplete Mu Yuehan was without her in his life. At least Mu Yuehan's love story would be complete, unlike him.

He witnessed how Mu Yuehan had destroyed himself when Zhou Liying vanished. Like crazy, he searched for her. He was a wounded animal, destroying anything and everything in his way.

He was like a stone statue; his heart was nowhere to be seen. It took two years to make him smile and bring his feelings back toward his family and friend.

Zhan Wei had witnessed the struggles of Mu Yuehan to search for his lady love. He was glad that, Mu Yuehan got the fruits of his hardship, struggle, and heartbreak.


At the side of Lu Chunhua

"What have you done, stupid girl?" Lu Jinnian yelled and looked at his unfilial daughter.

"Dad, what are you talking about? I have done nothing." Lu Chunhua looked at her father with puzzlement.

"If you have done nothing, then why did Zhou corporations step back from their deal? Do you have any idea of how I had used all my contacts to get that contract?"

"Dad trust me, I have done nothing wrong." She pleaded.

"Trust you?" Lu Jinnian spat. "I trusted you and that's why you are still here, drinking my blood with your stupidity. Your mother and brother are right. You are a curse in my life. I am done with you. I am done with you."

Lu Chunhua had made fun of Zhou Liying that she lost everything after losing her name of Qin. But that night, Lu Chunhua lost her everything when Lu Jinnian disowned her from his name and property.

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