Who Let Him Cultivate?!

Chapter 151 - Chapter 151: Chapter 150: This Grandson of Yingtian Immortali

Chapter 151: Chapter 150: This Grandson of Yingtian Immortali

It’s a pity that due to improper storage, some of the Heavenly and Earthly Treasures had lost their medicinal properties and became mundane, while the value of others had greatly diminished due to the changes of time.

For example, Passion Powder had already expired, and in another case, two thousand years ago the Long Clan had discovered a stable method of cultivation for the Dragon Transforming Grass, causing its price to plummet drastically. “They have archaeological value and symbolic meaning, and could be sold to the Long Clan Museum,” Yun Zhi murmured. Wild Dragon Transforming Grass that was well preserved was rare. She had been to the Long Clan’s Museum, and there were none on display there.

“These pieces of junk… When I was still alive, I would not pay them any attention even if they fell to the ground,” Yellow Bean scoffed, telling Lu Yang, “Wait till you find my treasure trove, then you’ll see what REAL treasures are like!”

Lu Yang rolled his eyes, pretending not to hear Fairy Eternity’s words and continued to sift through the treasures with his Eldest Senior Sister.

Fairy Eternity stomped her feet in frustration. In ancient times, countless cultivators would go bankrupt for a chance to see her and hear her speak. Her words were considered divine, and could benefit one for a lifetime!

This kid really doesn’t know what’s good for him. I’ll ignore him!

Suddenly, Lu Yang flicked over a beautifully packaged thick book. The book was soft to the touch, clearly not something ordinary.

Perhaps because of the extraordinary nature of this thick book, the Blood Demon Venerable had specifically noted the origins of the book next to it.

Lu Yang read aloud, “This Immortal Method was obtained from a street stall at the black market. According to the stall owner, the origins, material, and contents of this item are unknown, but it was certain that this item has a long history and was sealed by a powerful Array Method, dating back to ancient times.”

“I laughed at the stall owner’s ignorance, for he did not know what treasures he was holding onto. I tried my best to open my Heavenly Eye, and saw under the seal a signature position with the character ‘Immortal’. This is more than an ancient item, it’s an item from the Four Immortals of the Ancients. An Immortal had written it. It might be one of the legendary Immortal Methods!”

“What a pity, what a pity. The ancient seal was so strong that I could not open it in my lifetime.”

“Immortal Method!” Lu Yang exclaimed in awe, his heart thumping heavily. He hadn’t imagined that the legends of Immortal Methods were hidden here. What a huge opportunity!

And it’s such a thick book. Either the Immortal Methods it records are extremely complex, or it has recorded several varieties of Immortal Methods. Regardless of which possibility it is, it’s extremely valuable!

He attempted to flip open the book, but just like what True Master Sanli had left in the message, he was unable to open it.

“Hmm? This looks familiar.” Fairy Eternity had strong willpower and ignored Lu Yang for a full twenty seconds.

“Have you seen it before, Fairy? Can you remove the seal?” Lu Yang asked.

“Of course. This small seal can be removed with a snap of my fingers.”

Following the method Fairy Eternity taught him, Lu Yang carefully injected spiritual essence into it. The seal was truly removed.

Suppressing his excitement, Lu Yang opened the ancient book. The author’s name was written on the bottom right corner of the book – Yingtian Immortal.

As expected, an Immortal wrote this book. Lu Yang was ecstatic. Yingtian Immortal must be a reliable Immortal. Aren’t the Five Immortals of the Ancients as reliable as Fairy Eternity? Could the ancient times not be completely doomed?

On raising his eyes, he saw the title of the book – “Culinary Bible”


Lu Yang flipped through a few more pages and discovered that the content was in line with the title, and it talked about how to cook various Demon Beasts.

What the hell! So much for the Immortal Method!

Ying Tian, you’re so unreliable!

Why would you even seal up something like this? Are you worried that humans will eat the Demon Beasts into extinction?

Fairy Eternity noticed something was off and questioned, “That’s odd. I was the one who wrote this book after tasting countless Demon Beasts and gathering the cooking experience into a book. It’s one of my proudest creations. How has it now become Yingtian Immortal’s?”

Fairy Eternity gritted her teeth in anger, “Did that bastard Yingtian Immortal take my credit while I was dead?”

“So it was you who wrote this, that makes more sense.” Lu Yang suddenly understood.

“What did you say?” Fairy Eternity had a threatening look.

“Oh, nothing. I was just saying that Yingtian Immortal seems to have too much time on his hands to write his name on this kind of book.”

Fairy Eternity felt that Lu Yang was disrespecting her, “You’re underestimating my work. If you could learn everything in this book, you would become a renowned Spirit Chef at the Transcendence Tribulation Stage. If this was public, there would be a scramble for it, and it would be sold for a high price!”

“When I used to cook for the other four people, they felt that they didn’t deserve to eat my cooking and kept coming up with various excuses not to come over!”

“Is it because your cooking was just too bad?”

“Nonsense! My cooking emits a golden light, how could it possibly be bad!”

The squabbling between the Fairy and Lu Yang ended up back on the topic of Yingtian Immortal. After half a day of discussion, they still hadn’t reached a conclusion. Lu Yang told his Eldest Senior Sister about the matter, but Yun Zhi only furrowed her brows and didn’t say anything.

Over on Meng Jingzhou’s side, he had found some cultivation techniques. Some had already been lost while others had been refined. All in all, there was quite a harvest.

Whilst rifling through the treasures, Yun Zhi expression shifted in surprise: “Is this the cultivation experience of a Pure Immortal Body practitioner?”

Yun Zhi looked surprised. She hadn’t expected to find a Pure Immortal Body cultivation experience here, especially one from a practitioner at the Unifying Initial Stage.

Immortal Body cultivation experiences are rare, and one suitable for the Seek Dao Sect is even rarer.

Lu Yang asked in his Spiritual Space: “Fairy, were there Immortal Bodies in your time? Could they become Immortals?”

As far as Lu Yang was aware, there were twenty different types of Immortal Bodies in the world. These were even rarer than single spiritual roots. Each Immortal Body, once cultivated to the Unifying Stage, naturally forms a “rule”, which is formidable and mysterious, making it unpredictable.

Lu Yang heard that there were two Immortal Bodies within his Sect: Tao Yaoye and her Master, the Sixth Elder. Tao Yaoye had a Feather Transformation Immortal Body and the Sixth Elder had a Pure Immortal Body.

At this point, Yellow Bean was still engulfed by fury at the thought of the shameless Yingtian Immortal taking credit for her work. But, Yellow Bean was magnanimous and quickly switched her attention to the matter Lu Yang had brought up.

“Immortal Bodies? We had them back then. The history of Immortal Bodies is much longer than you think.”

“Immortal Bodies date back to the most ancient times, when humanity still didn’t know how to cultivate and had to explore for themselves. Foundation Establishment, Nascent Soul, and Spirit Transformation were all due to the special properties of Immortal Bodies over time.”

“As for those among Immortal Bodies who became Immortals, I only know one, Immortal Jiuchong. He was a formidable adversary, and was on par with me in terms of strength!” Fairy Eternity looked serious when she mentioned Jiuchong. She acknowledged his strength.

“Immortal Jiuchong was the first among us to become an Immortal. According to him, his ability to become an Immortal had a lot to do with his Immortal Body!”

Lu Yang then secretly asked, “Is Eldest Sister an Immortal Body? What is her level of cultivation?”

Fairy Eternity chuckled, “What do you think?”

Lu Yang’s face turned black. How am I supposed to guess?

“Lu Yang, after you return to the Sect, give this cultivation experience to the Sixth Elder. It suits her the best.”


The three returned to the Seek Dao Sect with generous rewards.

Yun Zhi went to Captive Peak to interrogate the Blood Demon Venerable, Meng Jingzhou returned to the Body Refinement Peak to practice, and Lu Yang went to the Sixth Elder’s residence in Dust Free Peak to deliver the cultivation experience.

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