Who Let Him Cultivate?!

Chapter 137 - Chapter 137: Chapter 136: Can’t Pass the Level?_1

Chapter 137: Chapter 136: Can’t Pass the Level?_1

The medicine shop owner continued leisurely, “The Array Method here was devised by several Unification stage cultivators. It set certain rules. There are doors of life and death in the Array Method. As Heaven always leaves a way out, there must be a way to survive in the rules established here.”

“However, those Unification stage cultivators didn’t really want people to leave, so they set up such a seemingly crucial yet trifling rule.”

“It’s beneficial, and it also follows the principle of Heaven always leaving a way out.”

Suppressing his urge to curse, Lu Yang continued to write: how can we kill the mayor?

The medicine shop owner said, “It’s impossible. The mayor is immortal. How can you kill him?”

Meng Jingzhou clenched his fists, mentally cursing the Unification stage cultivators who set the rules.

It s no different than not setting up the twenty-first rule at all! What’s the difference between doing this and not doing anything?!

Lu Yang s expression was also not very good, but he remained calm, knowing that swearing wouldn’t solve the problem. He continued to write: where is the mayor?

The medicine shop owner laughed lightly, “Do you guys really want to kill the mayor? Unfortunately, I don’t know where he is. But you can ask the officers, after all, they are closest to the mayor. As for whether they would tell you, it’s not my concern.”

Before leaving, the medicine shop owner called out again, “If you guys really want to leave, let me remind you, the mayor knows about anything that happens in the town. It’s his ability, so be careful.”

Just as Meng Jingzhou wanted to thank him courteously, he remembered that he couldn’t speak to the medicine shop owner and could only nod to show that he understood.

Lu Yang was indifferent from beginning to end.

“Do you think this medicine shop owner is telling the truth?” Meng Jingzhou asked quietly.

Lu Yang didn’t answer. When they were a distance away from the medicine shop, he said with a cold laugh, “Limited by the rules, what he said is certainly true, but it doesn’t necessarily mean he’s on our side.”

“Do you know the biggest difference between him and the innkeeper?”

“What is it?”

“The medicine shop owner made every effort to make us speak.”

Meng Jingzhou was taken aback. He realized that when they were communicating with the innkeeper, they were using text, but when they were communicating with the medicine shop owner, they were writing all along while the medicine shop owner was speaking.

If one side was talking while the other side was not careful, they would respond with their voice.

“Sly old fox.” Meng Jingzhou muttered, then felt something was wrong, “If he wanted to harm us, then why did he remind us that the mayor knows everything that happens in the town?”

Without any hesitation, Lu Yang said, “He saw that we’re trying to get out of here and couldn’t stop us, so he gave us one more important piece of information, indicating that the mayor is invincible.”

This could potentially result in two outcomes: either give up leaving or fall into a disarray, leading to self-destruction.”

Meng Jingzhou clicked his tongue, finding it difficult, “Now the most troublesome thing is that the mayor knows what we’ve been up to. Even if we come up with a way to leave, the mayor could stop us!”

How could they sneak out right under the mayor’s nose?

Lu Yang pondered for a moment, then had a flash of inspiration, he came up with a plan.

He took out a piece of paper and wrote: using text to communicate might reduce the mayor’s attention on us.

Meng Jingzhou nodded.

Lu Yang continued to write: Remember the jade tokens our sect gave us? Each one is a symbol of one’s identity. Once a jade token shattered, the sect would send people to check. The jade is too hard for us to crush, but we can throw it towards the exit. The protective aura there would shatter it.

Meng Jingzhou’s eyes lit up. He thought about it and found it to be a good plan.

Meng Jingzhou also wrote: how should we deal with the mayor then?

Lu Yang wrote: we must understand the mayor’s ways of functioning first, starting with the officer.

The two of them drafted a detailed plan on paper. Afterwards, they burned the paper they used to write on until nothing was left and pretended as if nothing happened.

As Lu Yang walked, he approached the private school. The usual sound of reading could still be heard. Fairy Eternity had said, though, that it was actually the sound of dogs barking. Under the effect of the rules, it turned into the sound of reading.

If anyone couldn’t resist their curiosity and wanted to enter the private school, the sound of reading would turn into the sound of dogs barking, and something bad would happen.

The school master came to Lu Yang and kept persuading him to enter the private school, but Lu Yang kept his head down, pretending that he didn’t hear.

The school master was like a waterfall of words, talking incessantly, “My friend, we meet again. You came alone, so it seems you had a fallout with your companion. That indicates you still believe in what I say in your heart. Don’t trust what the rules say. The rules are mostly false and few are true, you can’t tell the difference…”

Just as the school master was trying to surprise Lu Yang by bending down and making eye contact, suddenly, everything turned black and he didn’t know what happened.

The school master had all his attention on Lu Yang, and Meng Jingzhou sneaked behind him and put a sack over his head.

The two were ready to exact their revenge. They had been scared enough by the school master last time, this time they had no fear of his stares. They had to take revenge!

Demonic sect members are emotional beings. They must take their revenge, and this is evident in Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou.


The two kicked and punched, showing no mercy to the school master.

The school master had never experienced such a thing. He was crying out in pain, “Stop, stop!”

“Rule number nine: Ignore the man in the ash-gray robe, the school master, no matter what he says.”

Both were kind-hearted and would stop if the other party pleaded, but due to the rule, they had to pretend not to hear whatever the school master said.

They had no choice but to continue beating him.

Finally, they took a breather. They felt relieved after the beating. Before leaving, Meng Jingzhou even spat, “Pah, scum, don’t let me bump into you again.”

The two returned to the inn arm in arm. The school master managed to get rid of the sack and saw their retreating figures. His eyes were filled with murderous intent.

“Don’t let me see you guys again!”

On the fourth day at 9 a.m., they went down to the restaurant on the first floor.

This was the only place in the town that served meat buns.

“Rule number eleven: All food in the town is freely available and you can take as much as you want, but you can’t eat meat buns.”

Considering that the meat buns are free, they decided to take away all the meat buns even if they couldn’t eat them. They used the same sack they had used to cover the school master the day before.

When the officers, who always wore black clothes, arrived at the restaurant like usual, they found all the meat buns were gone.

“Who did this!” The officers were furious.

According to “The Officers’ Rules of Buyi Town”, they could only eat meat buns each day. Now that there were no meat buns, what were they going to eat?!

Boss, see those two guys? Don’t they have our meat buns on their back?” One of the officers had a sensitive nose and smelt something.

Seeing the officers staring at them, Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou realized that they had been found out and hurriedly fled.

The officers were only skeptical before, but now they were certain, “It’s definitely them, go after them!”

The townsfolk noticed that the usually quiet town was particularly noisy that day.

“You two bastards, get back here!”

While running, Lu Yang replied, “Can’t do that. Rule number twelve says ‘If you encounter government officials, run away immediately.’ We’re just following the rules, don’t make it hard for us.”

The head officer was furious, “There’s nothing in the bloody rules that says you can take away the meat buns!”

Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou ran so fast that the officers couldn’t catch up to them.

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