Who Let Him Cultivate?!

Chapter 135 - Chapter 135: Chapter 134: Change of Position (Third update request for monthly ticket)_i

Chapter 135: Chapter 134: Change of Position (Third update request for monthly ticket)_i

The time between 9 p.m. and 11 p.m. arrived, leaving only Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou as guests in the entire guesthouse.

The waiter came down from the third floor with an axe in his hand. Blood was dripping from the axe, still not coagulated, and anyone’s guess whose blood it was.

A smirk danced at the corners of his mouth. Despite unknowingly entering Buyi Town and being forced to abide by its rules, he saw this as an opportunity— an opportunity to let his true nature run wild.

He had lost track of how long he had been in Buyi Town or head count of people he had murdered.

The luck of these two was indeed remarkable. The town was riddled with traps, yet they hadn’t fallen into any and were still alive. No previous groups of guests had enjoyed a similar good fortune. Being strangers to the town, unfamiliar with the roads and reluctant to abide by the rules, they were quickly wiped out.

There were ten third-grade rooms, nine of which had turned black— proof of their last occupant’s ill fate. This was not even counting the naive folks who dared to stay on the third floor in Grade-A rooms.

The beginners luck of these two newcomers was about to run out.

He had decided to knock on doors all night until morning. Even if he didn’t kill them, he would torment them.

“It’s strange—the lights were on in third-grade Room 4 the day before yesterday. Why is it off today?”

The waiter quickly figured it out and scoffed, “They thought that I would spare them if they kept the lights off. How naive!”

Adjusting his tone, he gently knocked on the wooden door,”Dear guests, please open the door. There may be a misunderstanding between us.”

He paused and then said in an even more steady and reliable voice, “Dear guests, please open the door. There may be a misunderstanding between us.”

As always, there was no reply.

Suddenly, a hand appeared out of nowhere, grabbing his ankle.

“Who’s that?”

He looked down sharply and saw that a hand had come out of a dog hole under the wall of third-grade Room 4, clutching his ankle tightly.

The hand was incredibly strong— once it pulled, he was knocked over.


The waiter fell to the ground and the axe slipped away.

He scrabbled desperately on the ground, trying to free himself, but the strength of the hand far exceeded his expectations, making escape impossible.

No one had ever been able to get hold of him like that.

He was going to die!

The thought was absurd to him! However, how could that be? He was the hunter, and guests were the prey!

“No, it’s possible,” the waiter remembered the second rule.

“Between the hours of 9 p.m. and around 7 a.m., the closed thatched huts and guesthouse rooms are absolutely safe. All other places are dangerous.”

Third-grade Room 4 was still closed, ensuring absolute safety for the guests. If he was pulled into the room, his fate would be tragic!

His fingers clawing the floor, the waiter tried to crawl away. Like a prey half swallowed by a python trying to escape death, he screamed, “Help! Help! Save me!”

His cries were heartfelt.

Unfortunately, no one came to his rescue.

There was no rule in “Buyi Town Guesthouse Rules” about rescuing the waiter.

As most of his body got pulled into the room, he desperately braced his hands against both sides of the walls and thrust hard, finally freeing himself.

The waiter abandoned his axe and hobbled back to the Grade-A room.

“Did we actually let him escape?” Meng Jingzhou was a bit frustrated. The brute was surprisingly strong. He had shattered the waiter’s ankle but still couldn’t hold him.

The two of them had decided that today, they were going to get rid of the annoying waiter who kept knocking on their door every night.

They didn’t need to ask around to know that they, leaders of the demonic sect, had never been treated like this before?!

After observing for two days, they understood the rules of the guesthouse and quickly devised a plan.

Lu Yang first used the Green Peak Sword to dig a hole under the wall based on the waiter’s size.

Utilizing the rule “Rooms with closed doors are safe”, they made sure to pull the waiter into their room without being harmed by him, holding the upper hand in the process.

“A lively prey makes the hunt interesting!” Lu Yang smirked cruelly, the sinister sound echoing through the room.

Two figures stepped out of third-grade Room 4, one with a sword, the other bare-handed— the latter picked up the fallen axe.

The blade of the sword scraped the floor, producing an irregular sizzling sound. Blood dripped from the axe, creating a rhythmic ticking sound.

The two figures wandered the guesthouse, armed with blood-stained weapons.

The second floor… No one was there. So he must be on the third floor.

The third floor had four rooms, all Grade-A rooms.

The figure with the sword politely knocked on the door, ‘We heard there’s free dinner here. We’re hungry and want to eat. Could you please open the door?’

Seeing no response from Grade-A Room 1, Lu Yang became impatient, banging on the door, “Open up! We want to eat! What kind of service is this!”

‘There seems to be a misunderstanding between us. Could you open the door so we can talk it over?’

‘Open the door! Open it now! If you do not open the door, I will break it down!’

The loud knocking echoed through the entire guesthouse.

Lu Yang kicked open the door of Grade-A Room 1. It was empty. He tried to enter but was stopped by an unseen force.

“Rule Five: Do not enter Grade-A rooms.”

The waiter was hiding in one of the rooms, trembling at the commotion from next door.

“No, don’t be afraid. The rules say ‘Do not enter Grade-A rooms’, they can’t get in. They can’t get in,” the waiter kept mumbling to himself, though he wasn’t convinced.

Lu Yang kicked open Grade-A Rooms 2 and 3 as well, but found no trace of the waiter.

“Then it must be Grade-A Room 4!”

Without a second thought, Lu Yang kicked open the door and found the waiter huddled up in the darkness.

‘Come out, and I’ll spare you!1 Meng Jingzhou threatened menacingly.

Seeing Meng Jingzhou bluffing, the waiter let out a sardonic laugh, relieved. ‘Ha! Ha! So you have to abide by the rules too!’

He had absolute control over who could enter the Grade-A room, and in there, he had the upper hand, meaning he was untouchable.

As the waiter was deciding whether or not to drag them into the room, Lu Yang calmly took out a wooden plaque. The waiter’s face turned pale at the sight of it.

It read: Third-grade Room 4.

Anticipating the scenario, Lu Yang had tried to switch the door plaque of third- grade Room 3 with that of third-grade Room 4. The black door turned brown, indicating that it had become “third-grade Room 4.”

It worked.

Lu Yang replaced the plaque of Grade-A Room 4 with that of third-grade Room 4. The barrier disappeared, allowing direct entry.

One man with a sword, the other with an axe, both with horrific smiles on their faces.

In the eyes of the terrified waiter, they walked into the room and thoughtfully closed the door behind them.

Now, this place was third-grade Room 4— absolutely safe for them.

Lu Yang kicked the waiter around, breaking his arms and legs to prevent him from escaping.

Meng Jingzhou slapped him twice as interest for scaring people.

Afterwards, they dressed him in white clothes.

‘Speak. What do you know?’

“Rule Seventeen: Don’t trust strangers easily. People in white tell the truth.”

(Added for the alliance leader Tianqiong Yunhai)

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