Who Let Him Cultivate?!

Chapter 114 - Chapter 114: Chapter 113 Lu Yang’s Three Questions_1

Chapter 114: Chapter 113 Lu Yang’s Three Questions_1

Translator: 549690339 |

“Well, you can’t exactly put it that way. Cultivation is all about balancing work and leisure. They say stillness inspires movement – if you stay in one place for too long, you need to go out and walk around.”

“Think about it, Xiao Yun, isn’t the purpose of cultivation to achieve immortality, live freely and happily? If someone always isolates themselves to meditate and cultivate, wouldn’t cultivation be just like serving a prison sentence? It’s completely backward,” Daoist Buyu said earnestly.

As someone who’s a frequent guest in the prison, he, like no other, has the right to speak on this topic.

“Moreover, doesn’t cultivation also divides into Worldly Cultivation and hermit cultivation? I’m the typical individual who practices Worldly Cultivation; only by immersing myself in the hustle and bustle can I comprehend the path of Immortality and make breakthroughs!”

Lu Yang was somewhat familiar with this argument. For instance, the cultivators who served in the government of the Great Xia Dynasty practiced Worldly Cultivation, while the cultivators of the Five Great Immortal Sects leaned more towards hermit cultivation. Nevertheless, very few cultivators practiced hermit cultivation as purely as Eldest Senior Sister.

No matter how eloquently Daoist Buyu spoke, Yun Zhi remained unmoved, not even batting an eyelid.

“Master, when you taught me, you said that stress catalyzes movement, and that I should seize every moment to cultivate diligently. To plan a day, pay attention to the morning, afternoon, and evening; to plan a year, focus on spring, summer, autumn, and winter.”

Yun Zhi did exactly as Daoist Buyu had taught, cultivating earnestly from dawn to dusk.

Being an unprecedented genius, coupled with her diligent cultivation, Yun Zhi made speedy progress. When the Immortal Sect conference was convened, Yun Zhi outshone everyone else, taking the first place.

As usual, the five sect leaders of the Immortal Sect would critique the champion’s shortcomings. Some sect leaders, fearing the champion might become arrogant, would challenge them to a battle.

Then, Yun Zhi would defeat all five sect leaders, leaving them in total disarray. By the next Immortal Sect conference, while the disciples were fighting hard on the stage, Yun Zhi would be sitting among the sect leaders, giving comments and she was right in the middle.

Daoist Buyu thought to himself, this is not what I intended for you to increase your cultivation level, become the sect leader in my stead, so I can sneak out to play, right?

Of course, these thoughts of Daoist Buyu would never be uttered aloud.

Yun Zhi didn’t hold any resentment towards cultivation. On the contrary, she enjoyed the process. During cultivation, she felt an unprecedented tranquility in the world. She felt as though she was merging with the world and could distinctly sense herself growing stronger.

After finishing her cultivation, she would feel refreshed and invigorated. Why would she refuse to do it?

“Fine, if you want to go out, then you can go…” Yun Zhi said indifferently, her tone slightly easing.

Daoist Buyu rejoiced, thinking that all his sweet talk wasn’t in vain. Would Xiao Yun finally let him out?

“Rely on your own abilities.” Yun Zhi added the second half of her sentence and then turned to leave.

Daoist Buyu opened his mouth, stunned, not knowing what to say. If he could

get out on his own, he would have left ages ago!

“Lu Yang, you…”

Daoist Buyu tried to call Lu Yang to plead for him, but Lu Yang gave him a look that said, ‘Master, you’re on your own,’ and hurried to catch up with Eldest Senior Sister.

On one side was the omnipotent Senior Sister who repressed the Seek Dao Sect, and on the other was his repressed Master. It wasn’t hard to choose a side.

“My apprentice, don’t go! Just help me remove the talisman and I’ll teach you the One Sword Becomes Ten Thousand technique. With thousands of swords suspended in mid-air, the dazzling sword tips pointing downwards, you’ll gain the advantage even before the battle begins!”

“Could it defeat Senior Sister?” Lu Yang ran back. As a sword practitioner, who wouldn’t want to learn some jaw-dropping sword techniques?

Power wasn’t important; what mattered was how cool it looked!

Daoist Buyu shook his head and seeing this, Lu Yang was about to leave again.

In a hurry, Daoist Buyu said, “I can also impart you the ‘Sword Path Truth’. This will deepen your understanding of swordsmanship. Having reached the peak of swordsmanship, you can break all techniques with a single sword, and no one would dare to take your sword blow. You will be invincible at the same level!”

“Could it defeat Senior Sister?”

Again, Daoist Buyu shook his head, and seeing this, Lu Yang was about to leave.

In desperation, Daoist Buyu hurriedly said, “I can also pass on the ‘Four

Extreme Sword Array’ to you. When the sword array is formed, it reaches to the sky, cutting off life forces, and can wipe out everything in its path!”

“Could it defeat Senior Sister?”

Finally, Daoist Buyu got angry, “You rebellious disciple, if I could beat her, would I be stuck here?!”

Lu Yang thought what his Master said made sense, so he chose to stand with Eldest Senior Sister.

“Senior Sister, there’s another issue I came across during this mission,” Lu Yang said.

“What is it?”

” I noticed that the Five Great Immortal Sects aren’t well-known. Many people are unaware of our existence. When it comes to issues involving evil spirits, they can only rely on the government. If the government doesn’t take action, they have to endure it helplessly.”

In the Great Xia Dynasty, manpower was limited, and due to self-esteem, they often didn’t ask for assistance from the Five Great Immortal Sects, causing the common people to suffer in the meantime.

Lu Yang had noticed this issue during his time in Song Mountain. Though the old hunter was pretending to be a ghoul, his ignorance of the Seek Dao Sect was real.

During his time in Yanjiang County, Lu Yang casually asked around and found out that commoners had very limited knowledge about higher matters and were unaware of the Five Great Immortal Sects.

Yun Zhi was quite surprised. She had never considered this issue before, or rather nobody in the Five Great Immortal Sects had noticed it.

She attended the Immortal Sect meetings every year, but no one ever brought up this issue.

“That’s actually a serious issue. Should we compile information about the Seek Dao Sect and spread it among the populace?”

Lu Yang presented his solution as if he was offering a treasure, “Writing a book is indeed a great way to disseminate information. But as far as I know, the literary rate among commoners is not high, and not many can afford books. Perhaps converting the Seek Dao Sect’s story into a form of storytelling would also be a good idea.”

“Storytelling?” Yun Zhi had a limited understanding of this field. Daoist Buyu was an expert, considering he once donated the ‘Encyclopedia of Crosstalk’ to the Scripture Pavilion.

“Yes, storytelling. Before I joined Seek Dao Sect, all I knew about cultivation came from storytellers.”

“Currently, the content of the storytelling market is inconsistent, full of contradictions, and the depictions of cultivation are shallow and flawed. This misleads people into having wrong perceptions of cultivation.”

“If we turn the Seek Dao Sect’s story into a storytelling script, it’ll definitely be popular!” Lu Yang got excited and clenched his fists.

“The stories of the Seek Dao Sect aren’t that extraordinary. Could they really attract people?” Eldest Senior Sister still had doubts.

Lu Yang thought if their stories from the Seek Dao Sect aren’t considered extraordinary, then how outrageous must the rest of the Cultivation World be?

Senior Sister, you’re so focused on cultivation that you’re lacking general knowledge. You probably don’t know what people outside think of our Seek Dao Sect.

Lu Yang assumed that given Senior Sister’s cultivation level, others from the different Immortal Sects wouldn’t dare to upset her by criticizing the Seek Dao Sect in front of her.

“No worries at all!” Lu Yang assured confidently.

“Who could be suitable for writing a storytelling script to promote the Seek Dao Sect?” Yun Zhi furrowed her brows, thinking about the problem.

“I nominate someone who would surely be up to the task!”



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