Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I'm Going to Sleep

Chapter 123: The First Hero - The End of the Adventure (3)

Chapter 123: The First Hero - The End of the Adventure (3)


Even though it was called a youth business... come to think of it, I myself don't really know what to do.

Have I ever dated? Have I ever been married? I have no such things, so how would I know?

Therefore, the only thing I could do was to gently bring the two closer and observe them.

If there was something that needed to be done, I would subtly hint to the hero to help, or I would go out to the forest and bring back decent prey to share with them.

I also tried to push them closer to each other.

Especially on the girl's side... it seemed like she was conscious of my presence and couldn't approach the hero easily, but when I roughly explained my situation to her, she strangely lit up.

I'm not sure if the hero's unrequited love is something I should be so interested in, but anyway.

By persuading the girl, I encouraged the hero to approach her more actively.

"I can't replace Dragon's Priestess, but I think I can still be of help to you, hero. So please date me with the premise of marriage!"

On the 7th day since the hero had been staying in this village, the girl approached him first.

But I shouldn't mention myself here! In the middle of her confession!

And "replace"? It's good that she's developed the courage to confess, but it's somehow different, isn't it? Condensing her usual many words into a few to convey her feelings can be seen positively, but still...

Hmm. When roughly summarized, it was a confession that would score around 50 out of 100. I wonder if this would be enough to captivate hero's heart!

And the hero who heard such a confession was...

"I'm sorry."

It's a disaster!

Okay, the confession wasn't the most impressive, but still, to cut it off so firmly like that! Hero! Isn't this a bit too much? The girl mustered up all her courage!

Didn't I raise you like that?! This Mom never raised you to be so foolish!!

To so heartlessly reject the confession that the girl poured her heart into! This is truly too much!

As I was thinking about later smacking the back of the hero's head...

"I have a lot on my mind, and I think I made you feel uneasy."

The hero said with an awkward smile.

"It should have been me making the confession."

But somehow, the hero's mood seems... good? No, after rejecting the confession, saying that... it makes me have a strange sense of expectation!

"So, I'll say it. Please date me with the premise of marriage. Of course, it's not to replace Sister... Dragon's Priestess. I just want you to be by my side."

Oh, oh?

Oh, oh, oh!!!! Oh, oh, oh!!!!

This guy did it! He did it!!!

Hero, this guy! After unnecessarily rejecting the confession, now he's going to do it himself?!

Well, it does look better when the man is the one confessing, rather than the woman going first!

At the hero's words, the girl's expression flushed red with embarrassment.


She only nodded her head slightly with a shy face.

And so, a new couple was formed in this small village.

They may be an old bachelor and old maid couple in terms of age.

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The time from when they started together to when they became a couple was 15 days.

From that, it took 9 days to become engaged.

And 6 days more to get married.

In total, about 30 days. Around a month.

Humans, isn't that too fast? I mean, I understand that human life is as fleeting as a blooming and withering flower, but this is too fast!

It's as if they were destined to be together from the beginning - their relationship quickly deepening, starting to date, and then promising marriage!

It's too fast, even for that!

Well, I guess they did have some connection from the start, and the girl was a fan of the hero, and the hero also had feelings for the girl!!

I did think that a little push would quickly bring them together, but still!!!

"Oh my, are those mermaids in the distant sea?"

"Yes, they were mermaids with human torsos and fish tails. They were worshipping the sea god."

And the biggest reason for their relationship to have progressed so quickly?

Hearing the hero's adventures directly from the hero's own mouth!

Since the girl was originally a fan of the hero, hearing the hero's adventures directly from the hero's own mouth was truly fatal for her.

The hero's adventures, in which he traveled all over the world, met many people, and defeated many monsters, had considerable charm in themselves.

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Ultimately, the girl fell into the swamp of the hero's stories.

And for some reason, the girl, who usually talked a lot, became less talkative when listening to the hero's stories.

Is this love?! The power of love?! Is the love so great that it suppresses the overflowing words?!

"It's the sea. I'm curious about what it's like."

"Hmm. It was a vast lake that stretched out. In any direction, it was just the open sea."

"I've never even seen a lake before."

At the girl's words, the hero smiled slightly and said, "I'd like to show it to you someday."

Hmm, the sea.

Okay, I'll lend a hand!

Since they're engaged, they should also prepare the things needed for the wedding! In this world, there may not be a proper wedding ceremony, but...

It's a once-in-a-lifetime event, so it would be a bit boring not to do anything.

First, the wedding rings, the wedding venue, and various other things. Hmm, there's a lot to prepare!

The hero has worked hard for me all this time, so I hope the rest of their lives will be happy!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Time flew by quickly, and the hero and the girl's wedding day approached.

Well, it's not a grand wedding, but the participants will probably be just the people of the village.

If possible, I'd like to invite various people and have a big wedding, but that's not an easy task.

Since they're getting married just 12 days after meeting, there wasn't even time for the news to spread.

There's no post office or anything to send out invitations. And you can't use email or messengers unless you're gods.

So, I decided to use a little cheat.

First, among the people the hero met on his adventures, those who could attend the wedding... Hmm.

Let's call the Beast God, who was a travel companion, and also the King and Queen of Arcadia, who are its guardians.

And let's contact Yggdrasil and Sagarmatha. I'll also pass the word to the representatives of the dwarves and elves.

Ah, let's also talk to Thetis and Ifrit. And Shamash too... Hmm, let's just contact them.

When contacting them, I can't leave out Sylphid either. If I contacted all the other kids but not Sylphid, that child would be upset.

And... well, since I practically raised that child, the other children can be considered their siblings. Yes.

Hmm, other places... There was Procyon. I'll contact them too. By now, the arrangements should be more or less in order.

As for the human kingdoms... Hmm, I'd better not get the hero entangled in politics, so I'll skip that.

Honestly, it was a bit awkward to contact Arcadia since I just left, but... the Beast God is there, so there's no helping it.

Anyway, after compiling the guest list roughly like that, I sent out the wedding invitations.

I informed them about the hero's wedding and included a ticket that creates a portal to the wedding venue.

Even if there are no wedding gifts, I just asked them to come and celebrate the birth of the new family.

And so, time passed quickly.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The rings made of mithril and diamond. OK.

The wedding venue prepared on the coast, beautifully decorated. All ready. OK.

I don't know how many guests will come, but I've prepared a few seats. OK.

The attire of the bride and groom, the wedding dress and suit from Earth, are also okay. It was a bit funny to see them flustered by the unfamiliar clothing.

The preparations for the reception after the wedding are also okay. Great! All set!

I'm not sure if there's anything else needed, but... Well, I've never seen a proper wedding ceremony in this world. As long as a man and woman live together, it's essentially a marriage.

Even a king of a country would only have a grand ceremony, but the hero is not a king. This should be enough.

And so, the wedding day arrived.

"Um, is it really okay?"

"Of course it's okay."

I saw the girl, looking insecure.

Hmm. I also clumsily put on some makeup for her.

In this era where proper makeup does not exist, the makeup that cleanly covers any blemishes on the face.

Hmm. Well, isn't it good? After all, putting something on the face has been common.

"It still feels strange that I, of all people, am marrying the hero!"

"There you go again with that."

I tapped the girl's head with a weak voice.


"Don't be weak. You are now a bride who is suitable enough for that child. Have confidence in yourself."

I pushed the girl's back once more.

If you don't make the hero happy, I'll be in trouble.

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