Chapter 120: Arcadia (8)

The malicious friend became greedy.

Seeing that even a fool without anything could earn a considerable amount of money with the help of the dog, he imagined how rich he could become if he had that dog.

So the malicious friend said, "I'd also like to benefit from that dog. Can you lend it to me for a bit?"

"Huh? The dog?"

"Yes. I want to make a lot of money too."

Upon hearing the friend's words, the husband pondered for a moment and then shook his head.

"I think lending you this dog would be disrespectful to the guest who entrusted it to me. I'm sorry."

"Really, you can't?"


The husband was firm.

And rightfully so.

To the couple, this dog was not an ordinary pet but a precious family member and a treasure entrusted by a mysterious guest.

Lending such a dog to someone else would indeed be disrespectful to that guest.

"Then... I'll return the treasure you left with me as collateral when you borrowed money from me. Would that work?"

"My family heirloom...?"

"Please, do me a favor. Okay?"

The husband pondered.

Truthfully, the fact that he had left a treasure as collateral had been stuck like a thorn deep in his heart for a long time.

However, the husband still shook his head.

No matter how precious the treasure was, it was right to refuse since he had received the grace of this dog.



The dog stood up and barked once.

"Woof woof!"

As if it wanted to go with him.

"See? This dog wants to come with me too. I'll return the treasure, and you lend me the dog."

Upon the friend's words, the husband looked at the dog.

With a bright face wagging tail, the lively dog seemed to say, 'Don't worry and let me go.'

"Alright. When you bring the treasure back, I'll lend you the dog."

"Can't I take it now?"

"No. We need some time to bid farewell too."

The malicious friend wanted to take the dog as soon as possible, but the husband's decision was firm.

So, after returning home, the friend came back a few days later with the treasure that had been collateral.

And so, the dog left the couple with the malicious friend.

- Classic fairy tale, The Grateful Dog.

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Un. Sightseeing in Arcadia ended quite well.

I saw the Killer Queen and Killer Hornets act friendly towards humans, unlike monsters. Hmm.

Monsters tamed by humans. Well, no matter how ferocious and vicious they are said to be, they are still living beings at the base. If various factors overlap, they can be tamed like that, can't they?

In the future, will there be cases where monsters are captured and kept like livestock or pets? Like in that famous game. Though they won't fit in your pocket.

Anyway, after the sightseeing in Arcadia ended, the hero and I prepared to depart.

"Are you really entrusting this child to us?"

The wife of the King Makai, the Queen, spoke while holding the Beast God in her arms.

"Yeah. It seems that creature needs to settle down somewhere now too."

As a god, it's also important to continuously receive faith. Unless I go on pilgrimages around the world like the pilgrims of the Temple of Life, spreading faith.

Especially if it's a god worshipped by a race, it's even more important to stay in one place.

Yggdrasil and Sagarmatha are examples of that.

If it gathers faith, couldn't that creature grow more too?

Moreover, with the King Makai's Queen...the shrine maiden of that Beast God will also be there. Hmm.

"So, I entrust that creature to you."

"Yes, please leave it to us."

Leaving behind the farewells of the King and Queen of Arcadia and many people, the hero and I departed again.

We left behind the beast that had been our transportation, but oh well. It doesn't matter.

Walking on the ground with our own steps is also part of the charm of traveling.

And if we need to go somewhere quickly, we can just fly.

"Walking like this, just the two of us, reminds me of old times."

"Old times?"

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"Yes. When we first started traveling."

Ah yes, back then. f𝚛𝗲𝐞𝐰e𝗯n𝗼v𝗲𝚕.𝚌o𝐦

Well, it only after traveling for a while that we caught the first beast that was running wild like an animal.

After that, we kept traveling as a trio, so it has been a while since just the two of us.

As we walked through the lush forest, I casually brought up a topic.

"So, when are you planning to find your partner?"


"Your partner. You don't intend to not have a family or children, do you?"

"Well, about that..."

Cutting off the hero's words, I continued speaking.

"I won't listen to any excuses that having me by your side is enough. You need someone who can provide what I cannot."

Yes, I can be a parent, but I cannot be a partner.


"Or should I take some action to make you listen? Shall I spread rumors through the Temple of Life's pilgrims that the hero is looking for a partner?"

The hero's face paled at my words.

There's nothing better than the Temple of Life's pilgrims for spreading rumors far and wide. Those kids travel all over the world like the blood vessels, conveying messages.

If I spread rumors through them, it won't be long before proposals for the hero pour in like rain.

Moreover, the hero's reputation is quite good among other races too. News may even come from dwarves or elves.

Especially dwarves...they were really impressed by the hero's sword during the recent dwarf-elf racial war.

If an opportunity arises, they'll probably want to examine, analyze, and enjoy the hero's sword right away.

"Please, don't do that."

"But if not, how will you find your partner?"

The hero's reputation is extremely high. Higher than most kings of kingdoms.

The hero who travels around defeating powerful monsters is a hero in a sense. A savior.

Defeating monsters in crisis situations to save people.

In this era without much entertainment, each of the hero's actions becomes an interesting story.

That's why the hero's partner must be chosen carefully.

There may be those who try to take advantage of the hero's name.


The hero seemed to be thinking about it as well, only letting out a small groan.

"Or... what about that girl from the village near the Temple of Life?"

"Her... wouldn't that be difficult?"

The hero's reaction was doubtful.

"It's already been decades. By now she's probably already married and had children."

"Hmm... shall I check?"

"Ah, no. It's okay. It's alright."

The hero spoke listlessly. Hmm. This won't do.

Whether she got married or not, I can check directly myself!

The hero has no choice!


The dog that followed its mischievous friend was treated luxuriously for a while.

Delicious food, a soft bed, even servants for the dog.

But even while receiving such treatment, the dog did not act out of the ordinary.

Occasionally it would dig up rocks mixed with yellow metal from the mountain, or dig holes for those who were thirsty, but to the friend's eyes, it just looked like the dog was playing around.

That's because the friend's house was already quite wealthy, lacking nothing.

Not knowing what more to provide for someone lacking nothing, the dog simply played day after day.

The mischievous friend did not like the dog's behavior.

A dog that did nothing but eat their food. So the friend started taking action little by little.

The delicious food and soft bed became hard, dry bread and a bed of straw, and the servants who tended to the dog started doing other work.

At first it was quite enjoyable when the dog arrived, but now that it was no longer fun, the dog missed its owner.

But the smart dog did not return to its owner. It was obvious that if it returned to its owner now, that mischievous friend would do something bad to them.

Then one day, the mischievous friend grumbled while looking at the dog.

"Why aren't you doing anything? I even gave up a great treasure to bring you here!"


"Woof is no answer! Sheesh! You ill-mannered dog!"

The friend vented their frustration at the dog and kicked it away.

- Classic fairy tale, The Grateful Dog.

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