When the Doctor Uses A Hack

Chapter 139 - Chapter 139: Chapter 139: What is the Purpose of People’s

Chapter 139: Chapter 139: What is the Purpose of People’s

Efforts? (Please subscribe!)

Not long after Qin Yue left, Chen Cang received a call from a stranger. After picking up,

“Is this Specialist Chen? I’m from Lan County People’s Hospital, coming to pick you up,” said the driver, who sounded rather young. “1 am now at the west gate of the Provincial Second Hospital. The car is a black Buick, the license plate number is…”

Chen Cang nodded, “Okay, I’ll come down right away. Please wait a moment.”

After hanging up the phone, Chen Cang got up, changed his clothes, and prepared to leave.

Although the emergency department is one of the busiest and most exhausting divisions in a hospital, it also has its benefits.

In Chen Cang’s view, the biggest advantage is that the emergency department is on the first floor.

Anyone who has been to a hospital knows how difficult it is to wait for an elevator; the flowers could wilt before you squeeze in.

When Chen Cang was an intern, he had a month on the 21st floor in the Neurosurgery Department. The inpatient building had a total of 29 floors, and the desperation of not being able to catch an elevator during rush hours was utterly compelling!

Shifts were handed over promptly at 7:50 in the morning, but Chen Cang had to get on the elevator around seven o’clock.

Otherwise, after 7:30 when the crowd surged like the sea, the only option was to climb the stairs. The bitter-sweet sensation of climbing to the 21st floor was something for your muscles to savor.

At that time, both doctors and nurses were starting their shifts, patient families came to visit or check in, and patients or their accompanying family members were just returning to the wards after breakfast. Suddenly, there were so many people that it was impossible to squeeze into an elevator.

Although the hospital had staff elevators, there was no rule that patients couldn’t use them!

Since then, Chen Cang had always harbored a fear of the high-rise inpatient department.

The emergency room was convenient, indeed. Just go out, and there’s the road. Very handy!

Of course, the emergency department was located on the first floor not for the convenience of Chen Cang’s commuting but to facilitate patient resuscitation…

The west gate of the hospital was also the emergency department’s west gate. Once outside, Chen Cang saw a car waiting at the gate, and he went straight to it and got in.

Yuan Fan, upon seeing this, was taken aback!

What was Chen Cang off to do now?

Flying knife?

Thinking this, Yuan Fan followed discreetly and just managed to see Chen Cang getting into the car.

Immediately, a wave of jealousy surged in Yuan Fan’s heart, yet he held his tongue!

It was then that Wang Qian came along, “Yuan Fan, aren’t you leaving yet?”

Yuan Fan smiled, “Leaving right now! Wang Qian, do you think… Chen Cang is really that impressive? To be able to perform flying knife procedures!”

Wang Qian hesitated, “He’s okay, I guess. Chen Cang works hard, but… you’re impressive too. I’ve seen you perform surgeries really well. Now that we have our own surgery room, with some more practice, maybe you could also go out and do flying knife.”

Wang Qian’s words struck a chord with Yuan Fan.

It was exactly the rush hour for leaving work, the road was bustling with traffic, and by the time they arrived at Lan County, it was almost past two o’clock.

Director Duan was already waiting at the restaurant entrance for Chen Cang, accompanied by several doctors from the department, each showing Chen Cang a great deal of respect.

After the last display of Chen Cang performing surgery, his status among the junior doctors at Lan County People’s Hospital’s General Surgery had been steadily rising.

The medical field is a technical profession; your competency directly affects how you are perceived by others.

Even if you are not a director or holding any administrative position, it does not impact the respect others have for you.

Chen Cang was young, probably even younger than most of the junior doctors present, but that did not affect their opinion of him. On the contrary, they all talked about how promising and bright his future was.

Some people say, the result of your hard work is that no one spins the lazy Susan when you are picking dishes during a meal.

If that is a measure of success, Chen Cang was very successful that day!

Each dish that came out was first presented to Chen Cang, for him to try the specialties of Lan County.

The many doctors from the People’s Hospital’s General Surgery showed their warmth and enthusiasm.

Chen Cang finally understood why many doctors were willing to go out and do “flying knife” procedures.

No need to stay in a competitive department, no need to be at the mercy of others’ moods, and going out allowed them to make friends in a joyful environment, and earn money too. Although it was tiring, life is never without its challenges.

For instance, Chen Cang had eight appendix removal surgeries scheduled for the afternoon.

It was estimated that he wouldn’t finish until after 9 p.m.

In today’s surgeries, Chen Cang was the chief surgeon, with each doctor following two cases, Duan Bo assisting, and the surgeries were in the form of laparoscopic appendix removal.

Chen Cang had mastered appendix removal to the extent that he was under virtually no pressure.

However, today, Chen Cang didn’t proceed very quickly, because after all he was there to teach others how to perform the surgery, not just to complete a task, collect money, and leave.

Therefore, he still needed to teach diligently and wholeheartedly.

One should learn to be grateful for the respect shown by others, not take unconditionally.

Chen Cang didn’t consider himself to be extraordinary; without the system, he might still be just a low-level doctor, not any better than them.

Thus, for surgeries that were beneficial to patients and helpful to doctors, Chen Cang wasn’t stingy.

The surgery began with the same McBurney’s point incision in the lower right abdomen.

Chen Cang lectured as he operated, explaining in great detail.

He discussed how to choose where to make the incision.

How to effectively use the less-than-3cm incision to increase the surgical field.

How to effectively search for the cecum and then find the appendix.

The surgery went very smoothly.

One after another, the successful surgeries brought smiles to everyone’s faces.

But the happiest was undoubtedly Duan Bo; as the assistant, he was gradually beginning to grasp the essentials.

After three to five cases, Duan Bo was eager to try himself.

Following the fifth case, Chen Cang simply suggested, “Director Duan, why don’t you give it a try? I’ll watch over you.”

Upon hearing this, Duan Bo’s eyes lit up as he said, “Then 1 must trouble Expert Chen.”

Although Duan Bo had never performed a laparoscopic surgery, he had often performed appendix removals. The core of this minimally invasive procedure was to utilize effective space to complete the surgery.

Chen Cang assisted Duan Bo by retracting, and with Chen Cang’s help, the surgery through the slightly more than two-centimeter incision proceeded smoothly.

They isolated the appendix step by step, used a tissue forceps to bring the appendix to the incision for removal.

The surgery went very smoothly, bringing joy to Duan Bo’s face.

Was it a success?

Was it really that simple?!

But was it simple?

Not really.

Surgery is such that it is difficult when you don’t know how, but not difficult when you do.

With the foundation laid by the first surgery, Duan Bo grew more confident.

For the second case, he boldly said to Chen Cang, “Expert Chen, let Xiao Yang assist; I’ll perform the surgery, and you can guide me.”

Chen Cang nodded.

The surgery continued.

Just as smooth!

Duan Bo suddenly felt how wise it was to have invited Chen Cang for guidance.

This technique that cost less than twenty-thousand yuan was truly worth it!

For the last surgery, Duan Bo began to make the incision confidently. This time, he chose a wound of about 2cm.

But just as he made the cut, he was taken aback by what he saw before him!

“Severe abdominal adhesion, with inflammatory exudate all around, but…. where is the appendix?”

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