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.Trivia of the day #21: Asmodeus can speak ancient languages due to the blessing of Akashina


Asmodeus walks to the center of Rize garden, and looks at Shublavara's brain, it is purple with black veins visible all over it.

It had a weird feeling to it, as it gives off a weird vibe because the closer and the longer he stares at it, the more he could feel a voice attracting him.

It wasn't the voice of Shublavara, instead, it was the collective of random scrambles and whispers of god knows what, it was enough to send anyone insane.

Although despite being weakened, Asmodeus was perfectly fine, after all, if it was anyone else their mind would be in a state of chaos.

You can even say the reason why Asmodeus's mind wasn't collapsing into madness, was because his mind is already a sea of Chaos, you can't break what is already broken from day one.

Although upon looking at it he said to himself.

"Is there any way to open it... Hmm well, I just have to break the container then."

Announce Asmodeus, as he prepares to smash the container till Lilith said.

『Wait my liege, that container is made from Omniruium-X you can't break it, by merely smashing it』

"Omniruium-X, what is that?"

『An ancient alloy, if I had to give context to how durable and rare it is, then I would say it was the material used to craft several known weapons in history, one of which is Caliburnus, and the other is the lance of Longinus』

At these words, Asmodeus's eyes open up wide, he wasn't a historian, but, he was well aware of the legend of the lance that peirce a certain holy man, meanwhile if he was not mistaken, Caliburnus was the sword in the stone in Arthurian legend.

After pondering this fact, he looks at the material once and asks.

"Lilith is this entire thing made out of Omniruium-X, the reason being it is nothing but glass."

『That's how the alloy looks, many would mistake it for glass, but so far that specific alloy was used as a vessel for energy, as it can easily house a large portion of natural energy within it, even divine energy, and demonic energy』

"Amazing, if that's the case simply destroying it would be a waste, but then and again, they seal her body part very well, and to think her capture would go as far as to make it nigh impossible to free her, however, this won't stop me, although it will take a lot out me, seeing that I am healing I think I can do it."

With words said Asmodeus began to close his eyes, as he began to Chanel mana into his right and not his entire body, eventually, his right hand began to make a familar glitching effect, this was of course his conceptual freezing spell, as he freezes the existence of his hand.

As it starts to behave like an error in existence, and as time passes his hand glitch through the container, grabs a hold of it, and spread his spell to the organ, which made Shublavaras brain glitch and then.


It drops through the glass, landing hard on the ground, Asmodeus look at this with a lost expression as he said.

"Oops my bad, I hope Shublavara didn't receive any brain damage."

However, upon saying this, at that same time, across the entire dimension, a sudden influx of. immense pressure could be felt far and wide, as the feeling of impending doom passes everyone.

Ophis, Stay still in horror, as her entire body began to stiffen in fear of the unknown.

Nero wakes up instantly but remains still due to the terrifying pressure holding her down.

Both fables remain silent, but their face shows signs of great concern.

Necroma remains calm, but still registers the feeling of death that she is so used to more deeply than she has ever felt before

Meanwhile, in another dimension, an entirely different plane of existence,

A shota and loli were holding hands, both of them already had concerned faces, but due to the pressure, their worry and concerns were now immaculate.

Deep with the floors of the Pandora, a certain witch was absorbing all the life force it had accumulated from Asmodeus, the sense hit her strongly, as she look down in shame and said.

"The beginning of the end is near, all because of negligence, I beg your forgiveness lord Zenobia, the first trumpet has been blown."

At the same time, a figure hidden by the shadow was overseeing all the rooms and floors in Pandora, as they slowly open their eyes, and a single whisper left their mouth.

"It is near...

And finally, the last person to experience the pressure was none other than the person who freed Shublavara to, begin with.

From Asmodeus Point of View what he saw, was a dense and dark aura coming forth from the brain, and then it suddenly stop, as if the torrent of power was suddenly under control.

"What the hell is up with this power?"

Asmodeus asks in shock.

However, as he asks this, something rather creepy began to happen.


The brain twitches, as it began to bounce up as if alive

"The hell?"

Asmodeus asked with a puzzled expression, and right after.


It did it again, and again, and again, till eventually, it jump high in the sky, this surprised Asmodeus as the organ remind him of either a jumping rabbit or a hyperactive flea.

But just as he thought this couldnt get any creepier, it jumps yet again this time at least 30-meters up, however, it remained floating, and eventually, it began to swell up in size, becoming 20× larger than it was originally, it look as if was on the verge of bursting.

And then.


A loud stabbing sound could be heard, coming from the sky when Asmodeus began to look closely, he was shocked to see what happen, a single giant tendril suddenly pop from the right side of Shublavaras brain, but it didn't there.





One becomes two stabs.

Two stabs becomes four stabs.

And four stab becomes eight stabs.

It didn't take long for Asmodeus to see the new form of the brain, it not only enlarge, but it grow twelve creepy, black, sharp, and pointy elongated spider legs, each of them, was two meters long,

Six on each side of the brain, it then began to land on the ground, this puzzle interests Asmodeus greatly reason be he has never seen something as creepy looking as this.

But as it landed on the ground, he was taken by surprise by the speed of this thing, because with all eight of its creepy sharp spider-like legs, it began crawling all over the place as if it was getting used to its current form and body.

It was going so fast, it left behind several afterimages, due to this speed, dust rise from the ground making a rather large dust cloud.

Finally, it stopped right in front of Asmodeus, bending its leg to get an eye view of him, as if looking face to face, despite not having any eyes.

Right after Asmodeus began hearing a voice, of course, it was telepathic.

[Hahahahaha... You did it Demon, thou art has freed De from thy prison]

Asmodeus didn't make a scared face instead he tilted his head sideways and said.

"Interesting what kind of weird form is this?"

[Oh this... thou art should not be worried, thy current form is a temporary one]

"What up with your speech, you weren't talking like this earlier?"

[Oh, thou art, doesn't not like thy pattern our choice of words, hmmm... Well, im not using the translater currently implanted in your brain, so my words aren't fluent]

"Wait what, you implanted something in my brain?"

[Thy worry is for naught, think of it as a communicator to keep in touch thy mighty self]

"I will be the judge, of that, but now that you are free what do you plan on doing?"

[Ye ask a gud question, thou art need thy limb to recover my original powers, to return to thy former glory, however, I shall make a new body, the quickest way is to take someone else body, and edit it to thy preference]

"I see... So that your plan for the future woman."

[Thou art name is not Woman, Shublavara is thy name]

"Yeah...yeah... whatever you say, woman."




[Your manners are non-existence]

"Thank you!"

[You have zero care for anything dont you, well it doesn't matter I have one last request]

"No problem, however, it's going to cost you."

[Tsk you demon and your stupid laws of exchange, but very well, I shall cooperate]

"Good, what do you need."

[I sense countless life forces on this planet, Ye wants to spread terror and chaos, to the living in this world, dere fear, and suffering would be thy nutrients]

"Ohhh so this new dimension has other people living in it?"

[Yes alien, but as smart as those annoying humans]

"Hmmm aight go wild, only one condition though."

[Speaketh thy wish]

"So my powers are something that feeds off the worship of man if it's not too much, can you spread the name of Asmodeus Morningstar, the new god of this world, and yes this is my planet, and my rules, your not allowed to destroy it, but all other heinous crime is permitted, rap*e and kill the men woman, and children for all I care."

"Burn city to the ground if you so please, enslave and sell whoever you want, just do it in my name, and make sure the name of Asmodeus becomes something horrifying merely saying my name is forbidden."

[Ohhh world domination, on weaker race, thou art be a menace, very well, I need to recover a portion of my power, so with that said, I bid thee farwell]

And like that Shublavara blitzed away from Asmodeus at an amazing speed.

Leaving a trail of deep holes in the ground.

Asmodeus smiled as he said.

"Rize powers are already proving useful hehehe... with this, I can the start of my order is now in motion."

To be continued.

Next time: Lilith and Asmodeus

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