What!? Never seen a Demon King of Lust before?

Chapter 71 I Never Hated Humans More Than I Do Now


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.Trivia of the day #18: Nero was gifted the abilty to cut through space and time due to Shublavar interference.


"Are you alright my liege?"

Lilith asks Asmodeus as she bends down to meet him, offering him a hand as he catches his breath.

Asmodeus looked at Lilith with a tired expression as he gladly took the hand of Lilith and asked.

"Lilith... Is that... Is that really you? **Gasp!**, **Gasp!**

Asmodeus asked in a slightly hoarse voice with beads of sweat dripping down his forehead, to which Lilith replied as such.

"Yes, my liege it's me, Lilith, sorry for being late, I should have arrived sooner, but I got caught up in some issues that made me go offline, a blunder on my part, if I was more competent none of this would have happened to you."

Asmodeus closes his eyes and slowly opens them back once more as he said.

"No worries, I'm just so glad that you are here, you save me from this hell, you have my heartfelt thank you."

"Of course I did, you are my reason for living my liege, I would not trade that honor for anything in this life."

"Hehehe... I can't take that seriously, seeing that Eva curse of eternal love still holds dominion over you, but nevertheless I am so glad you came to my aid, so your presence here truly means a lot to me Lilith, thanks you, really and truly."

Lilith said nothing, Asmodeus word were indeed true, Lilith would love any Demon King as long as they hold the title of the current, her existence would not allow her to find true love, as that is the will and power of Demon King Eva's curse.

A curse so powerful, not even the first Demon King can rid her of it.

However, Asmodeus was different from the other Demon King she has serve so far, she doesn't know why or how, but one thing was for sure, this attraction she feel towards him, compare to the others seems slightly more promising and real compare to all her previous lives she lived till now.

Although one thing hold true, as long as she exist no harm shall come to Asmodeus, but as things are right now, she wasn't doing her job due to some unexpected interference, that was not within her expectation.

Asmodeus seem to see the despair in her eyes, so he decide to change the top as he force him self to get up, but as he rise to stand, he loss his balance, and fell back down, luckily Lilith caught him between her arms hugging him tightly and acting as his support in order for him to get some leverage.

Strangley enough his entire world began to spin, till the point he loss all strength in his body, and just collapse in Lilith arms as she proceed to put him back to rest her lap pillow.

His breathing became less rigid, and more stablaize, as Lilith tries to give him comfort by rubbing his head, Asmodeus open his eyes, and ask Lilith.

"Lilith... W..Why, why... do I feel so weak?"

The question was simple but it was one that needed to be answer regardless.

So Lilith began to speak explanation to Asmodeus.

"I will be honest with you my liege, your in a severely weaken state, and when I mean severely I mean that with a passion, your body is basically between life and death, and your mental psyche is tired to the point it can only be classified as severe emotional damage."

"Emotional damage, yeah now that you said it, wait is this, are we...

But before Asmodeus can finish speaking Lilith place her slender fingers on Asmodeus lips, as she silent him, and proceed to say.

"Shhhh... Rest my liege, as things are right now, you shouldn't be worrying about anything else but returning to full health, you just need to rest, I will take care of your recovery process as I need to stabilize your psyche, to think my absence made you clash blade with one of the monster of the Zenoba-10, I am to blame for this, thankfully Akashina blessing should have activated, so reinforcement are on the way, I am fool, I deserve to be punish for this."

"If I had known that one of the claw of Zenobia was presence, I would have done everything in my power to convince you to run away, you were clearly not ready to fight any of those legendary monster hunters, specifically design and train to expelled and destroy the excels, thankfully though it wasn't Demon specialist the strongest of the 10 and most feared by the Demons, Saint Nicholas the Sinterklaas, the killer of 333 High Demons, 2545 Noble Demons, and 6 Demon Lords, and 3 Demon Kings, of Lust, Pride, and Greed."

Announce Lilith as she continues to rub Asmodeus, who was listing carefully, but as he listing to her sweet and somewhat comforting voice despite her words being that of concerns and worries, he soon fell into a deep slumber.

And the last thing he heard, was.

"Sleep well my beloved master, you don't have to worry anymore, when you wake up you will be safe from danger as Ophis is taking destracting the enemy, while Ja... Is... N...sing.. to health.... and Nero...

And like that he fell into an unconscious state.




-- ??? days later --

"Haaaa... Where am I?"

Asmodesu ask as he began to watch the unfamiliar ceiling above him, as a giant and fancy chandelair was dangling above him.

Light illuminate his view and vision, along with a piercing feeling in his head, he felt something soft and warm beneath him, the same could be said for beside him.

He turn to his left, and saw a familiar figure, it was a beautiful human girl, her red hair shine and and illuminate a beautiful glow of elegance, she had a mature look and appearance, then and again this should be expected from a 26 years old.

Because the person beside Asmodeus was none other, Nero, who was sleeping peacefully beside him and naked at that.

Her arms and legs were wrap around Asmodesu entire body, like a beautiful flesh blanket, her hair rest on his chest and face.

Asmodeus instantly hold his tongue, in order to not startle her reason be the first thing he saw on Nero was as followed.

-- Extremely exhausted --

-- Mana depleted --

-- Worry, concerns, emotionally attracted --

-- Currently in hibernated state --

However Asmodeus didn't want to stay like this for too long, so he tried to gently move his hands away from Nero.

But he soon stop as a familiar voice rang in his head once more.

『Dont overexhaust yourself your still recovering from the battle』

Instantly Asmodesu replied back via telaphic connection he shared with his partner.

"Lilith, agh is that you, well I already ask that but still."

『Yes it is me master, so tell how are you feeling』

"To be honest I feel a lot better, even more so I can use my powers again."

『Thats good to hear, but anyways I know you must have a lot of different questions, so why don't you ask away』

"Yes, first of all where exactly am I?"

『In another World』

"Ha... Another World, wait how, and when, wasn't I fighting Ekhidnanta, no I got defeated by hear, admit that means I didn't even got Shublavar brains."

But before Asmodeus could even question everything at once Lilith said as such.

『Calm down my liege let me explain the situation, slowly, first of all the mission was a success look to your right』

With those words said, Asmodeus look to his right and he was surprised to see the container holding Shublavara brain.

"But how?"

『I will explain that soon enough, but firstly let me tell you were your are, like I said we are in another world, no if anything this is Rize personal dimension, only she can access it』

"Rize... I see so this was were she was trying to escape to when I destroy the portal."

『Pretty much, but since she is under bloodline submission, I was able to copy the ability and forcibly brought us here to escape the enemy』

"That was smart of you, I except no less from you Lilith, although I have a lot more questions, we are their so many people outside?"

『Good, Good, your power is slowly coming back, you should be healed within a week, but yes, several people are outside waiting for you』

"Are you serious?"

『Yes I am dead serious』

"And who might they be?"

『Its better if you see for yourself, but one is Necroma, and the other is Kuromaru』

However at the same time Asmodeus began to hear voice coming from the other side as heard a little girl talk.

"Move maid... I desire to see tall Oni-chan this instant."

"Calm down... He still healing as we speak, aren't you doing the same as well, after fighting that monster."

"I don't need your concerns I have been waiting 6 days for my rewards I desire what I came for so I can get back to my Senpai, my clones can only do so much against those annoying humans."

"Hey.. Hey... You can't just barge in their like your CRRRRAZYY!!


But before Necroma could even stop the little girl from trepassing in Asmodeus bed chambers, she kick the door in, causing smoke to pile up, seeing the door was at least two meters high.

And what came into view before Asmodeus was a small and petite little girl, she look relatively human, despite her shark like teeth, moose horns and a single glowing eye ball that was flying behind her.

She wore a simple black T-shirt that says, Shark life or no life, with a shark wearing a colorful Mexican tsumbero on its nose, and short white jeans pants, with blue flip flops.

Asmodeus look at the little loli girl with shock, because above her head said.

-- Demon King of Melancholy: Ophis of Demise --

However Ophis look at Asmodeus as she said while dragging a literal bath tub behind her like it was nothing as she said.

"Ahhh that's great, tall oni-chan is awake, now then right to businesses, I save you, find out we are siblings, and by the laws of siblings, and as your cute little sister I demand 1 ton of blood from you, and thank you for your patronage."

End of Volume 2

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