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.Trivia of the day #9: Lilith was originally an alien that was a part of an advanced H.I.V.E mind race that forcefully takes over other galaxies to empower themselves further.


[My name is Shublavara V. Nyuhgartaam, the Witch of Eldritch and the first true magic user, you may refer to me as lady Shublavara, Demon King of primordial Lust Asmodeus Morningstar]

Her introduction was short but also right to the point, however, based on the reference to me, without a doubt, she is already aware of my existence, and who I am.

Although im not impressed, not in the slightest, if anything this annoys me to no end, so I replied as such with an uninterested voice.

"Firstly don't order me around, I will call you whatever the hell I will woman, secondly have no one told you that is not nice to interfere with people's personal life, are you a stalker or something?"

However, her response to my previous statement was rather immediate as she said.

[If you had any idea who I am, then you wouldn't be talking to me this way, in my day I was feared by all, worshiped by many, and undefeated at that, even the Demon Kings of Old acknowledge my power, I even defeated many Demon Kings in battle as well, aww yes the blood quenching, bone breaking, flesh tearing scenes I have shared and experience with your kind were some of my greatest memory of war]

Although despite her claims the reaction she got from Asmodeus was quite the opposite, instead of being impressed, Asmodeus was more annoyed than anything else, he sighed loudly as he responded.

"Fun fact even if I did I still wouldn't give a fuck, may you be some God-like existence or something else entirely, I still wouldn't care, and before you say I am ignorant to the world, let me just say this, I wouldn't be speaking if I know I didn't have the power to back it up, and for your information unlike other Demon Kings before me, I don't tolerate bullshit for too long, much less disrespect."

"So if you have something to say get it over with, and stop wasting my time."

[Sigh you Demon Kings are always so serious, very well then, I will be very blunt about it, I am actually in dire need of your help]

"Help you say, and give me one good reason why I should oblige?"

[There is something I want you to do for me, that child Nero doesn't have enough power to do it, but she came close to it, however, she told me that you might have enough power to do what she failed at, the problem was to get you to agree]

The Witch of Eldritch said as if she and Nero had a good relationship, this puzzle Asmodeus a little, he found it nigh impossible for Nero to just follow the orders of others not because she was not the type to do so.

It's because he owns her, and she wasn't allowed to do so, he made her in such a way that manipulating her was almost impossible, not by normal standards at least.

The only conclusion that Asmodeus can come up with in the small amount of time was that this so-called witch was hiding something from him, what it was he does not know.

However, there was also a small problem, normally he could read the mind and thoughts of all beings, but he just has to be in contact with them at least within a range his eyes can perceive.

So reading her mind was not possible, if his eyes can't physically interact with the target there is no truth to be seen.

Although a notable weakness it doesn't mean he couldn't use his high intelligence stats to his advantage, for one by simple observation, he has already concluded that his summoning to this mysterious place was more caused by this witch than Nero.

Why well it was simple, although Nero's knives the Doki-Doki blades are blades capable of being infinitely sharpened by +2 every +1 seconds, as long as her love for Asmodeus never fades, while at the same time Asmodeus consider Nero a part of his harem.

Then the blades themselves will be powered by the passive ability of Harem empowerment, although you can say it's currently being sharpened by +4 sharpness every +1 second since Asmodeus considers his untrained maid Necroma part of his harem.

By now the blades should be pretty sharp, but not to the point it can cut through the fabric of reality while cutting the very concept of space and time, then there is the fact she following the orders of this so-called Eldritch witch.

It was obvious some bullshit or manipulation is at play here, and he doesn't like the fact of being manipulated by another who is not his lord.

However, there was one person who can more or less give him answers, if Nero was here then she would be here as well, maybe he could get a better understanding of what is happening here, and come to a more optimal conclusion, which will determine if he should help this so-called witch or not.

So with that plan in mind, he raised his hand in the air, which caught the witch of Eldritch's attention, as she asked with a neutral voice.

[What the hell are you doing?]

Asmodeus didn't answer, however, he began to focus on a certain connection.

"Good I can still feel her."

[Her as in... Nero, well, of course, after all, she is fig...

But Asmodeus didn't give the witch time to speak because he called out the name of someone that was not Nero instead.

"To me Kuromaru."

And upon saying that name, five seconds barely even pass, and the sound of air being cut could be heard, and upon looking at the direction of the sound, a certain long sword fell from the sky like a bolt of lightning, and it lands directly into Asmodeus hands.

The impact of the landing was so strong the surrounding bodies and snow blew away due to the shock wave.

The blade was a long sword, it had a black handle and blue guard, and the hilt was also black however at the end of the sword hilt was a beating heart, that was beating as if it was alive, while the blade itself was pure pink, however, the sharpness and the aura of the blade would make anyone think twice to go up against it.

Asmodeus smiled at the blade as if he had a well-needed reunion with his life partner, as he said.

"It's good to hold you again Kuromaru."

To which Kuromaru replied.

[The pleasure is mine, my master, although why have you summoned me, I am still trying to fetch Nero, although it's kind of harder than I thought, that child is not acting normal]

"Yes I understand but I need some answers."

However, while the two were discussing a certain witch cut them short as she said.

[Hey demon you have been ignoring me, and we don't have much time]

"Look do you honestly believe I will help you, do you take me for a fool, first you summon me here without my permission, then you made a blatant lie that you were friends with Nero, and to make things even worse you have the audacity to order me around like I am your lap dog?"

[Ok... ok... ok... I apologize im desperate ok, I need your help, I don't know that child you refer to as Nero, if anything I met her by pure coincidence]

"Tsk I will be the judge of that."

And upon saying that, Asmodeus began to read the mind of Kuromaru, as he went through all of her memories, and after a minute of looking through it.

He sighs he said.

"Sigh~~ so we're on the 85th floor of Pandora hotel haaa, honestly who is responsible for making each floor into a different dimension, and how much power would it take to do this?"

And upon asking this Shublavara responded as such.


It was a name Asmodeus have heard more than once today, honestly what is so special about this witch was what he has wondered on multiple occasions.

Although seeing these worlds for himself first hands, made him realize she is either at Eves's level or near it.

Yes, the so call Eve could not leave his mind he truly wondered how can such a person reach such a high level, then and again he looked back at Gaia's word to him.

"She is a collective of what you hate the most."

However, if she truly was a collective of what he hated the most then it would explain the great amount of disgust he feel just being near her, and it's not because of the difference in power, it's more like being around a collective of 7 billion plus humans was enough to make even a normal human sick, so in his case it was torture.

"Never have I ever felt the urge to murder something than I do now, no fuck it, I will find a way to murder it sooner or later, at the very least bring its collective existence to the bare minimum of bearable."

Aside from that though, the things that are known as Eve were the least of his concern, so he began to focus back on the main topic at hand Pyyrah, as he responded to Shublavara as such.

"The Witch of Imperfection I presume, and one of the six primordial witches."

He ask Shublavara and she responded as such.

[Yes the witch of imperfection is capable of making an infinite number of worlds if she so pleases, with mere thought alone at that, each world can stretch to infinity, meaning it is never ending, if anything she is like me, a nigh-omnipotent being, however, this is only possible due to her infinite magic supply]

"I see... but what is her magic?"

[I honestly don't know, after all, giving away the secrete behind our magic, is akin to giving away or weakness, so far all I know is that her ultimate magic can destroy reality, recreate it, or make her completely untouchable, it's like she exists in this world, but at the same time doesn't if I had a better way to describe abnormal defense, so far that all she has ever show me the last time we duke it out]

[Apart from that though I need your help]

The witch pleaded with her all, while Asmodeus began to think, reason be after reading Kuromaru's memory, all he found was that Nero was running away from an army of vampires, however, the numbers were too great so Kuromaru forcefully made a hole to the next level which was here.

Luckily for Nero, she landed on the snow-based terrain, where she has a major advantage, however upon killing almost half of them, she got in a fight with one of the third progenitor's wives and suddenly went berserk, behaving in a way that was so unlike her.

Right after seeing this, Asmodeus said to himself, or more like to Shublavara as he said.

"You are responsible for Nero's weird behavior aren't you?"


"Tsk... look I have a lot of questions, sadly you can't answer them, but what do you want to help with, for you to go so far as to manipulate my servant?"

[Look, I just took advantage of the Chaos, that child caused, upon fighting, she ended up landing in one of my prisons]


[Yes currently my body was split into 100 pieces, each floor that bitch created posses a fragment of me, this floor has my brains sealed within the great Monoliths, naturally, each fragment of my body has a portion of my soul within them, however, my brain is special not only is half of my soul within it, but it posses all my knowledge and overall my consciousness]

"And you want me to free you?"

[Yes, I don't have a lot of power left, but with the remaining I have, I can use it to make a body and escape this place]

"Why did she seal you."

[Our Ideal were not the same]

"Tsk, so my guess is you manage to control Nero even gifting her abilities I did not, all so you can use her body to help you escape, or better yet you planned to have implanted your brain and taken her body for yourself didn't you?"


"Can I take your silence as a yes?"

[Ok, I admit it was pretty tempting seeing that her mind is extremely fuck up, which makes her a very compatible vessel, but upon reading her memories I found a better alternative, YOUUU, seeing that you are Demon King maybe you can free me?]



"Of course, however, I want something in return?"

[Of course, I also considered that you would want something for your troubles, normally if you were human I would have offered you riches beyond your imagination, all the women of this world, even immortal life, but it's clear that is something meanless to a Demon King]


[Then how about I tell you the secrete to acquire ultimate magic]

To be Continued.

Next time: The Huntress

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