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.Trivia of the day #5: Asmodeus becomes Nigh's Omnipotent every February 14th





The sound of swords and spears hitting each other could be heard clearly in the background, as the sight of several mercenaries could be seen having an intense battle with each other.

Although one Mercenary, in particular, stood out, as he was dressed in grey pants, a white work shirt that was covered in the blood of another mercenary he just killed, black leather boots, and a black fedora on his head.

The man had pink eye similar to a certain demon, snow-white skin, and was easily over 6'8 in height, on his back were two giant swords, that take the shape of literal kitchen knives, and his curly black hair that reach his shoulder flows elegantly in the wind.

Before him, a total of five other men, and a single woman was dressed similarly to him, if anything the only difference between this one man and the rest, was their choice of weapons, and the fact some of them were using magic and others were singularities.

It was obvious that these guys came in a group, but due to some mysterious force at play, one of the most powerful Mercenary members turn on the rest and killed the mass majority.

One man shouted out to the curly hair man, as he said while holding his stomach in pain, as blood gushes out of his mouth and seep out of his stomach wound, and stain his teeth, and dirt below him.

He showed a strained expression, as he fell to the ground, and look up at the man that did this to him as he asks with a defeated look.

"W...Why... Com...rade?"

Ask the nameless mercenary, in a Russian accent.

While the Mysterious man looked down at his falling colleague with an emotionless look in his eyes, as he raised his sword high, preparing for a final blow without even saying a word.

As the man's last words were.

"Damit... Comm...ander Caliber... this isn't yo...


But before the nameless mercenary had the chance to finish his sentence, he was immediately silenced by Caliber blade, and the sight of a dark-skinned man's head could be seen flying in the air, as a geyser of blood flew from the severed neck, in every direction.

Coating his work shirt with the blood of his fallen comrade.

The other mercenaries look at the sight with great shock and fright as the man they once fought many battles alongside, was now killing them like useless cattle.

However, there was one woman who watch this with great anger as she shouted at the one name Caliber, and said.

"Caliber please stop this, this isn't you, you idiot!"

Upon saying that Caliber turns around to see a blond woman with green eyes and white skin, she had nothing but a briefcase in her hand, along with a black baton that conductors usually have to lead an orchestra.

However, when the woman saw the face of Caliber and the color of his eyes, she finally realize what happen to him.

"No way, you're being controlled are you, but by who, only a true vampire can control someone remotely from a far distance, unless...

And when she thinks of the culprit, her eyes suddenly fall on Rize, who was just sitting under the old palm tree drinking tea, instantly she shouted at the old vampire.

"You fiend why are you doing this, we came to help you."

However, Rize replied with a simple answer.

"Me... no I'm not controlling anyone, it's the person you pick a fight with that controlling him."

And upon saying that, her eyes instantly fall on the tall man beside Rize, he was a tall and handsome man, with beautiful black hair with white-pinkish frills, and he had beautiful and inhuman neon pink eyes, along with clear and majestic porcelain skin that shines like the sun.

Glaring at him one would believe that not even the Gods would even dare to touch him because of his immense beauty and masculinity, he was very handsome too handsome, abnormally handsome, and the same could be said for his height, he also had a body that was built like a temple.

He was muscular his abs and muscle could be seen clearly behind his gray sweatshirt and pants, however, she didn't have time to admire his amazing look for too long, because she suddenly felt death looming over her as the sound of something cutting the air could be heard coming from behind her.

And when she looked, It was his long sword on his back that was coming towards her head at a blinding speed cutting through the air.

When the woman saw this, she instantly tilted her body to the right barely dodging the sword, despite her fast reflexes that he said to like the wind.

However the same couldn't be said for the other four men, who were providing support from behind because the blade beheaded the man who fired fireballs, but it didn't end there, the blade began moving on its own like magic.

As it instantly rushes towards the other, sadly, to say to the rest that it moves so fast, it beheaded them as well in no time, and just like before, it moves on its own once again to the woman.

The only difference though was that as soon as it reaches her neck the blade burst into hundreds of pieces, as it was attacked from every direction imaginable.


And then Asmodeus, for the first time, since he gained the skill tree and resumed time, look at the mercenaries, he has labeled as nothing but human waste.

As he eyed the woman with lesser stats, compare to the man who had superior stats.

Rize instantly looks at him and asks.

"Do you see something interesting?"

To which he replies.

"That woman's power, it suddenly tripled."

"I know, if I remember correctly, her name is Colony Vanitas, she is one of the mercenaries sent to rescue me, she specializes in a unique magic called Persona magic, and she is very popular and famous as well, both in the real world and supernatural world."

"Persona magic haaaa, as in split personality?"

"Something like that, but it's not what you are thinking?"

"What do you mean Rize?"

"Persona magic is mental type magic, that allows one to copy another person's personality or aspect of it, by touching their heads and into themselves, it can only be used by those with a strong will, if not...

But before Rize could even finish talking Asmodeus finish her sentence as he took a sip of his tea.

"Then the person's personality, that they copy into themselves will take over, giving birth to a copy of someone else."

"Yeah, that's the gist about it, but even me would not dare to use such dangerous magic."

"And why so?"

"My mind can't take it."

"And how would you know that."

And when Asmodeus ask this, Rize suddenly felt a touch on her shoulder, her face didn't change but the voice wraps her hands around her neck as it whispers in her ears, slowly, in a loving and hateful tone.

"Yeah.... how would you know that, mu-rd-er?"

She didn't turn around, nor did she acknowledge the voice that has cursed her mind for hundreds of years, so she shrug it off, as she took a sip of her tea once more, and said to Asmodeus.

"Just a guess."

"So you say, but anyway, let's see what these tools can do to entertain me."

"Speaking of tools, what do you plan on doing with the twins?"

"Turn them into weapons, and make them a part of my army."

"Hmmm... army, so you had plans to build an army as well?"

"Yeah, I need useful fodder on my side, Necroma is strong, but not enough to achieve my goals."

"And what are your goals?"


"Power, and what will you do when you get it?"

However, the answer Rize got was the complete opposite of what she wanted, no if anything it was at this moment all life on Earth, was now rendered thanks as she know it, and the answer she got was as followed as Asmodeus gave her the most sadistic smile she has ever seen in her life.

It places a sense of immense fear in her soul, as she remains motionless with a great abundance of fear seeping into her, as Asmodeus move beside her and whispers.

"Spreading terror, lust, and discord, across this world, and many other worlds as well, the more lust, and sins that strive through existence the stronger I become along with my siblings, and yes by siblings I mean close toys, of course, nothing is above me except my creator, and everything else now lives below me."

"In conclusion, I have decided im not satisfied with world dominations alone, and seeing that Akashina demands me to get stronger, by all means, necessary, to give hell to some unwanted parasites that dare comes to our universe, I now have permission to play with this world and many others as I please, what a joyous day this is."

Asmodeus said with the greatest bliss and contention in his heart, but to Rize, this was the worst possible news she could hear, as she began to tremble before Asmodeus's words.

Rize eyes him down as she asks.

"What do you plan on doing?"

His smile widens even more as he took yet another sip of tea and said right after.

"I'm going to make this planet burn, women, children, and elderly, all of them human and none human will perish alike."


Rize shouted in anger and confusion, to which Asmodeus replied as such.

"Why you ask well, it's simple, some people just want to see the world burn."

However, upon hearing this, Rize drops her cup in terror as she said with a trembling voice.

"Y...Y...You... mon...ster!"

"Hehehe.... why thank you, Rize I have you to thank for this, after all, you being a good doll, and a good pawn."

"What do you mean doll?"

"None of your concern."

"Then at least tell me what you plan to accomplish by bringing chaos to the world."

"HMMM... Well maybe I can tell you what my plan is, you see humans of today's society have become too dependent on technology and blinded by their wisdom, and because of that they now lack fate in god, simply because of their no need for one."

"Your point is?"

Rize replied a little hesitant.

"It's simple, thanks to you, I have become something akin to a God, although I need believers, as more believers equal more power, I plan to destroy and recreate mankind so they never have the opportunity to progress into the future, I plan to build a world anew by destroying it."

"Are you crazy, do you even know what would the consequences of such actions would be?"

Rize asked worried about the world well being, as Asmodeus replied.

"Humans will die, the birth rate will decline, the economy will be destroyed, and a balanced society will crumble to nothing, this world will become something akin to a dystopian, or will fall back to the medieval era which is exactly what I want, you see Rize you are blinded by modernity, it's because of this flaw your unable to see the benefits that surpass the cons, to be honest."

"How so Asmodeus, you're just being a smart ass all of a sudden?"

Rize said with clear irritation in her voice, as she does not agree with Asmodeus's way of things.

However, Asmodeus the demon King of Lust, the enlightened evil has finally been granted sight through the accumulation of intelligence and wisdom stats and has achieved a level of perfection that will lead him to greater perfection, although he knows that reaching true perfection was impossible.

Although reaching a level of power, where no one can defy him, was enough, as power is what he needs and wants the most right now.

Unbeatable power!

Unmovable power!

Undefeatable power!

Overwhelming power!

Absolute power!

"Being on the level of a mere God is not enough, I need power that surpasses even casualty, if destroying the universe through mere thoughts is not accomplished within seven months, of project Omega-Alpha, a plan I have come up with to reach the top more quickly."

Then, in conclusion, he was not worthy of the title Demon King.

That's why he plans to reset the world and many more to come as a way to remake it into the ideal world where he can grow at a rapid rate, and at an infinite level at that.

So to answer Rize's question Asmodeus got up from his seat and look down at Rize as if asserting his dominance and teaching an unenlightened fool with glare alone.

His voice was stern, and full of confidence, for the first time Asmodeus truly look like a king worthy of the title of Lust, as he began to explain the ideal he was about to force on this world, at all costs.

As he said to Rize while looking down at her as if she was a mere insect.

"Now Rize listing carefully, and let me explain because I'm only going to explain this once, you see with technology gone, there would be no need for factories, which means no more deforestation, no more slaughtering animals in such large quantities, no more need for widespread communication, no more wars with nuclear warheads, that destroy the and poisoned planet."

"The Earth will finally have time to heal itself and return to what it was before the great fall of the old world caused by Pandora's box or even better, the tree will grow new, the soil will become enriched, the air will be purified and free of toxin caused by pollution, the water will become even more habitable, and old and new life will have an opportunity to flourish sea, land, and sky, the world will become nourished with ether, prana, true mana, divine accel, and way more, the material that is known and unknown will come into existence due to evolution."

"In short my little Rize the world will become something akin to fantasy-like reality, my goal is to give the world an upgrade through a downgrade, and isekai us all into a better future convenient for all monsters to inhabit, dragons, vampires, sirens, Old Zeniths, Flugels, conceptual, and much more, we will finally be free from the chain of humanity modernity, I will return us to the golden days, were dragon Rome the skies, Siren dominated the seas, demons commits acts of injustice to further their powers, vampire rule the night free from the bounds of the sun, gods war for power, monetary will be reborn, and witches and warlock strive for knowledge of the unknown without restraints."

"No longer shall we be restraint and blinded by modernity, everyone will have no choice but to rely on basic instincts to survive, there will be no Internet to distract us, no tablets or phones to bind us, and best of all laws will be non-existent, and sin will spread through this new world like never before, the laws of this new world shall be naught but the law of the jungle, the strong rules, the weak perish, every man for themselves, this way even the humans will have no choice but to adapt as they still needed as livestock."

Asmodeus said all of this with an evil and justified smile, and tone, as Rize said out to him.

"Your crazy, what do you even gain from this?"

His smile becomes settled as he replies with delight.

"No more, technology means no more modern entertainment or distraction, that means sex, reading, or surviving will be the closest thing to entertainment humans and even monsters will have, and you know what that means right?"

"You are empowered by lust, and by resetting us to an era where technology is lost, you...

Asmodeus finish her sentence.

"That's right... I grow in power, every second, primal desire, lustful desire, sexual desire, will reach a level like never before."

"But why caused such discord?"

Rize asked timidly.

To which Asmodeus replied cynically.

"To make the world sinful as no one has ever seen or witnessed in their life, Lust, Pride, Wrath, Envy, Sloth, Melancholy, Greed, Gluttony, and Vanity will flood this world and empower my sibling like never before, and by them gaining power is them falling and doing things according to the plans I have set for them without them even noticing there are just pawns in the grand scheme of things, in short, they will be under the impression there gaining when in reality they are losing."

At this point and time, Rize finally understood how dangerous Asmodeus truly is, he had carefully planned everything ahead of time, and it was done so well that she wondered how long did it take him to come up with this idea.

But little did she know it hasn't even been five minutes, and Asmodeus just thought of it now, to think that +100 intelligence and wisdom could have made him this dangerous, in short Asmodeus's prior stupidity was the only thing holding him back from becoming true Demon King.

But with that out of the way, he became an even eviler existence than he was before, in short, he has become a game master that is moving reality to his whim, all individuals are like chess pieces on his path to victory and power.

Now all the world and all other worlds can do is watch idly by as all forms, aspect, and concepts of nature serve him, he is a necessary evil and an evil that manipulates and destroy to recreate and preserve.

He takes to gain, but as he takes, the world gain as well, that is balance.

While his final answer to Rize was.

"In conclusion, I will bring us back to the age of the Gods."

Her reply to this was as followed.

"Your insane, do you honestly think the other Omicrons will accept your rule."

"I think you are missing something important Rize, they don't have a choice in the matter, just like you, so I will tell that so call Deus in your head, to stop plotting against me."

Upon saying this Rize suddenly flinches in fear, she raises her hand and said.

[Black fog]

And upon doing that a giant black fog emerge and covered the entire graveyard, blinding everyone, into a world of darkness, she then calls for a sword that quickly emerges from her shadow, that resembles that of katana however it was a tachi, as she began to cut reality and open a portal to another dimension to hide in and recover her power.

However, before she even had the opportunity to escape, the portal suddenly disappear, and the sound of footsteps come closer to her, as she said.

"What the hell happened!?"

Meanwhile, she turns around, and from a far distance within the darkness she created, the glimmering madness of a bright neon-pink eye was all that could be seen, as it emerge closer and closer and when it was before her Asmodeus said.

"It's a useless doll, how can you cross to another dimension, if the concept of a dimension has been deleted?"

"Egh.... shit, WHYYYYY ASMODE...


But before Rize could even finish talking, Asmodeus finally put his pimp powers to good use, and gave her a refined bitch slap to the face, with a powerful backhand, as she swang in the air, and landed flat on her ass and hold her face, however as she tried to get up she realized she couldn't.

"What the hell was that slap, wh...why c-c-can't I move?"

"Lucky me, you got stunned with a single hit, now then, Rize, I shall take what is rightful mine."

"What ar-ar-are... you... doing?"

However, Asmodeus didn't answer, instead, he pick Rize up, as he look at her neck, his eyes became blonde with excitement, and his vampiric fangs began to show themselves, he open his mouth wide and then.



A slight moan escapes Rize's mouth, as Asmodeus began to feast on her blood, and drain her of her power and authority, instantly Lilith said.

『Notice, due to the skill "Primordial Ancestor" you have to enslave the one called Rize-Eternal-Immortal-DyingOrion-Nebulamoon, as of now nothing can break this bond not even the world, as this enslavement is absolute, and surpass even the concept of absolution』

『Notice. You have usurped the title of the Fifth progenitor from Rize』

『Notice. you have sealed Rize power, and only adaptive immortality is active』

『Notice. You have added all information and weakness of Rize within the book of fables, you now have authority over her fate, and can write her destiny as if her life was a story』

『Notice. You have copied the relic skill "Adaptive Immortality" and implanted it into yourself using the skill "Ancestral recreation"』

『Notice. your vitality has transcended to God-hood hence fort it has been set to initial state (∞) death by age has been rendered useless』

『Notice. A new sub-status has being awakens due to "Adaptive immortality" endurance has been added to your stats board, under the extension of defense』

『Notice. your endurance has transcended to God-hood, the skill, "Ancestral recreation" has interfered with the relic skill "Adaptive immortality" to destroy one mortal weakness, hence fort the endurance stats has been set to initial state (∞) death or weakness by pain, and stress has become meanless』

『Notice. A grand accomplishment has been reached, you have gained the title "He who seeks infinity" for being the first being to have three stats that have transended』

And right after I usurped Rize's power into my own, I look at her, she looks weak, in her unconscious state, but she won't die, after all, Rize's power to open up dimensions, will become a key factor in the multiverse domination.

So with that, I wave my hand and a giant red coffin came out of my subspace, and when I open it, the twins were sleeping inside, I then split the coffin in two turning them into separate coffins.

This coffin was made from pure blood, and as I use my blood manipulation, to make these coffins, I then proceed to place Rize within as I place her in my Sub-space.

And right I place Rize in a separate space I shouted out.

"Comfort my basic stats."

And like usual my basic stats appear before me, and when I have increased in power exceptionally, with stats like this facing me will not be an easy task, however, this is not enough, I need more powers.


Name: Asmodeus Morningstar

Age: 18

Wife: 1 (New)

- HP: 65,000/65,000

- LVL: 46

- EXP: 5,255/92,000

- MP: 10,240/10,240

- Strength: 9999 [+] (+2 every +1 second)

- Speed: 9999 [+] (+2 every +1 second)

- Charisma: 53 [+]

- Defense: 9999 [+] (+2 every +1 second)

- Endurance: ∞ (New)

- Stamina: ∞

- Intelligence: 161 [+]

- Wisdom: 155 [+]

- Vitality: ∞

- Luck: 3 [+]

- Servants: Necroma, Mio (New), Leo (New), Caliber (New), and Rize (New)

- Available stat points: 0

"Hehehe..... this is exceptional I guess, but this isn't enough, I need more power, well I already have many plans to gain power, one step at a time, world destruction is just stepped one, now then let's see how useful these servants of mine can be."

With that said I instantly reappear beside Caliber who still fighting Colony as I commanded him.

"Caliber, cripple that woman and bring her to me."

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