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.Trivia of the day #3: The main Antagonist throughout most of the series is SVA "Setherina Van Anguish"


『Vampire Deity Skill Tree』

"Yes, I decide to go with this one, after carefully thinking things through, vampire Deity would be the most optimal skill tree for me."

『May I ask why?』

"Divine energy is the power to control laws of the universe, and Demonic energy is the power to destroy laws of the universe, that is the conclusion I have come up with after carefully observing my feats, as the Demon King of Lust."

"And yet I am allowed to wield both these forces like some freak of nature, hehehe.... truly my eyes are open now, I under why my master made me this way, I am her main character, that's why I am allowed such privileges, however why I am her chosen, is the one truth I am still unable to reach no matter how hard I try, as I lack sufficient information to make an optimal conclusion."

I said with a slightly expressionless face, with a tint of sadness and confusion.

However, Lilith was the one who seems the most lost here, of my new unique way of speaking after my awakening to new knowledge that has enlightened me within my absence of unconsciousness, to her it reminded her of Akashina's unique way of speaking as if reality is a story.

Asmodeus was speaking as if he has seen beyond the fourth wall if only a little, then it got even weirder as he replied to Lilith's surprising conclusion and confusion.

"Fourth wall ha... hehehe Ugha hahahahahahahah.... no, no, no, no Lilith.... don't go jumping to weird conclusions now my power isn't enough to graze the fourth wall, as that is a dimension beyond my comprehension if anything knowledge is basic compression and understanding at this point and time."


"Now Lillith... let's not waste any more time, the witch of Arsenal is waiting for us, although I need to find the other witches as well."

『Why are suddenly bringing up witches master, why can't I grasp you master, it's like you left my realm of predictability altogether without question』

"Again I haven't left anyone's realm predictably, you are still smarter than me, Lilith, there is no way I can beat the Arch type of knowledge, at a game of all-knowing, what you are currently witnessing before your eyes is an Asmodeus who has mastered the eyes of truth and is now using it to the fullest potential at constant and finite level, as I dissect limitless spectrum of relevant and irrelevant information all at once."

『Haaa... I see it's just that your way of speaking has become way more profound to the point I feel stupid in your presence for a second, however, if this is you at a mastered level, then I must say you have become a force to reckon with』

"Well don't be disheartened Lilith I am still using many methods of calculation to reach my answers, whereby you are the universal principle of knowledge, (past, present, and future) is nothing but numeric values."


"But anyway let's not get distracted by such trivial things, all you need to know is the reason I want to locate all the witches, is because I want to learn "magic" so far my main magic is esoteric winter magic, and I still haven't awakened my secondary or primary magic attribute as yet, so who is better to teach me magic, than the witches."

『I see that does make sense』

"Of course, it does, after all, I put +100 in both INT and WSD, which made my mana pool skyrocket to a marvelous +10,000 MP, so I need to master magic."

"And another thing as well, I need to find a flugel and an elder demon, who understand the principle of divine energy manipulation, and Demonic energy manipulation."

『Is related to your previous statement』

"What else could it be?"

『I see, it is true in a way, but I don't see what you are trying to imply here』

"Lilith, my race is more than just a demon, if anything Akashina had gone ahead of herself and disobeyed her own rules to create an existence that shouldn't exist in her world, have you not noticed?"

『Divine incubus, ohhhh wow, so your saying』

"Exactly, a Demon isn't supposed to use divine energy, a demon isn't supposed to be capable of usurping a god's authority like when I plunder Hestia's blessing from Pandora's portrait, a demon isn't capable of holding a divine sword."

『However you can』

"That's right, Lilith my physiology is not that of a demon, in short, Akashina's intention was never to create a Demon King, to begin with."


"Lilith I am more similar if not the same as a Ne... Nephilim."

『Nephilim, a hybrid between the two of the deadliest forces in existence, on one side you possess divine powers similar to those of the gods, on the other side, you also have unholy powers of corruption and madness that a Demon King would normally have, but as you are now can you utilize both forces of law and discord』

"Yes, that's why I choose the Vampire Deity skill tree, it is the most compatible with me, a vampire deity is something like an evil God, that still relies on divine energy."

『I see』

"Hehehe... well let's get to picking my chosen tree then."

『Very well then』

So with that said, I click on the vampire Deity skill tree, as I confirm my decision.

And upon doing that notifications start to pop up like crazy, and I suddenly feel a weird sensation take over me, it was as if my soul, was expanding, and my blood was boiling with power.

I didn't even notice, that my eyes went from pink to crimson red, to purple like Rizes, and finally to golden and back to pink again.

My mouth began to grow a set of fangs, and when I feel them they were pointy, and finally, my hair tha was a combination of black flowing down, with red tips, began to transform to gold in an instant, even my entire body, skin, blood, bones, transforms into pure gold, and right back to my normal colors after it initially takes over at first.

Meanwhile, the notification told things like

[The Vampire Deity skill has been successfully implanted in the user]

[The user has unlocked (9) universal laws as main abilities under the unique skill tree with (9999) set of individual abilities for each]

[The first law of the vampire skill tree has been awakened, "The Law of Blood"]

[The first two skill under the law of blood has been awakened]

[You have unlocked the skill "Primordial ancestor"]

[You have unlocked the skill "Ancestral recreation"]

[An unknown and unnamed esoteric bloodline has been awakened within the user's Demon blood]

[Due to a mysterious, bloodline, you have unlocked a new divine form, labeled as Unnamed]

[All initial stats has increased to +50 due to awakening strengthening you both physically, spiritually, and mentally]

[Notice. Your blood has surpassed your Sire Rize-Eternal-Immortal-DyingOrion-Nebulamoon in both qualities and rank]

[Notice. Rize-Eternal-Immortal-DyingOrion-Nebulamoon has forcefully become part of your family due to the skill "Primordial ancestor" influence]

[Notice. Rize-Eternal-Immortal-DyingOrion-Nebulamoon has forcefully become your familar due to being a close relative, and the passive effect of the skill "Ancestral recreation"]

[Notice. Necroma D'Undying has become your familar due to being a close relative, and the passive effect of the skill "Ancestral recreation"]

[Several vampires traits have been copied and remade from Rize to suit your body physiology due to the passive effect of the skill "Ancestral recreation", such as Solar Hyperspeed regeneration, Enhance perception, Self-sustenance, Power Giving and taking, Sun empowerment, Blood Manipulation, and Mind control]

[The inherent title Enlighten Evil has been given to you the user]

[The inherent title the God who sleeps in the Golden coffin has been given to you the user]

[Notice. This brings an end to the power, please collect the suitable amount of SP to unlock skills and categories within the Vampire Deity Skill tree]

And like that everything just went quiet, however, despite this massive power-up, I didn't flinch in shock nor did I act surprised instead I said to Lilith.

"This is good but this still isn't enough, I need more power, and lots of it, but I guess this is a step forward to my plans, well I will think it over after I deal with these homo-sapiens cock roaches."

"However the only important-looking people are that old man, the butter, and the twins, and that milf, hmmm... maybe I will just cripple them, I didn't promise Rize I wouldn't kill her people, but I didn't say anything not crippling them, they would make perfect guinea pigs test my powers as well, and that bird, maybe I should capture it and keep it as a pet."

Next time: What kind of monster are you?

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