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.Trivia of the day #1: Asmodeus at his most mature will have a personality similar to Beatrice the golden witch who is from Umineko when they cry.



That was what I said to Rize, as the offer of receiving her power interested me ever so slightly, however it still interests me, but then again, what kind of power is she talking about, seeing that she does indeed have the ability to share her abilities with others?

It is very interesting.

Now that I think about it, I should analyze that skill of hers that allows her to give another, one of her power.

So with that said I began to use the eyes of truth on her to break down that amazing skill of hers.

[Power giving]

- Power giving LVL MAX: Blood to blood, is the highest level of bond a vampire can share with another, power giving is the ability to gift someone else a random power through a method call blood transfusion, they are three levels to this power.

.Direct blood transfusions [20% of the original gained] Infinite amount of time

.Peerage blood transfusion [40% of the originals gained] ten times

.Sacrificial blood transfusion: (Intimate) [percentage Depends on the level of intimacy] one time

And right after I read the details of her power, I placed my hand on my cheek and said.

"Hmmm, I see, so it's like gaining any one of her power but if it's direct transfusion then whatever power you gained will only be 20% of the original level of power she possesses, for example, my time stop can stop time for ten minutes, but if you get my time stop then you might only be able to stop time for two minutes, but regardless any one of my abilities is a life changer ability, the same could be said for hers as well.*

"While the peerage method, is like the direct method, but a more powerful version of direct transfer."

"The question is though, what is the Sacrificial method?"

The last method of transfusion interests me, so to find out what it was, I peek even further, and what I saw was something I see in a lot of vampire movies, well maybe, although the method is kind of weird, the concept still remains so it wasn't all that shocking.

But just to make sure I didn't miss anything important, I began to re-read the method Synopsis one more time and this was what it said.

-Sacrificial blood transfusion: Instead of just drinking an amount of blood from Rize, sacrificial transfusion is akin to a mother feeding her child a part of her seld, it is the act of partaking in the flesh of Rize and awakening either a unique vampiric ability or inheriting one of her original ability with 100% usage.

Out of all three methods available to me, this method interests me the most, so much so, I couldn't help but announce it.

"Interesting.... very interesting."

However, although this was tempting, I wasn't going to make this decision on my own, so I went to my trusty all-knowing reincarnated parasitic alien of a system that lives inside me, as I ask of her a very simple but direct question.

"Sooooooo Lilith can we benefit from this?"

Her reply was instant, as she said.

『Of course my liege, I say we devour this vampire to get as much power as possible』

"I like your way of thinking, very well then let's get more power."

So with that said I look at Rize and replied as such.

"Ok then, and how will you give me your power?"


She remained silent for a while, but speak shortly after, as she began to explain her abilities to me.

And after fifteen minutes of explaining the situation, which I already knew due to my eyes, she end it like this.

"So will you allow me, sire, you?"


I didn't need time to think about this, as I reply as soon as she ask.

"Hmmm alright, but just so we are clear just because you are my sire on the vampire side of things I ain't going to be bossed around by you."

She smiles regretfully, but her answer was clear as day as said.

"Even if I wanted my power alone can't tie you down to me, your will is too strong for even me to get a proper read from you, even through flesh and blood, your presence alone would consume me, and I would be the one to be corrupted."

At these words, I couldn't hold it back anymore as I made a smug and evil expression on my face and started to laugh in amusement.

"Hahahana... ahahahahahhhhhhh!"

"What so funny?"

"Don't mind me Rize, I just think the whole situation is funny to laugh at it, but enough of this nonsense, give me power."

『Hihihihuhu uyayayayaha.... hahahana haa... I swear even a progenitor vampire is weak to my liege influence, out of pure fear for her failed love interest she is willing to do an act that can only be done for one person』

Lilith smugly laughs with an equally evil tone, however that one-person thing was still on my mind as I ask.

"One person you say, please do explain Lilith?"

I ask with a smile on my face, as I was now back in a really good mood, and after asking my question Lilith answer with much vigor.

『Sacrifical transfusion technically speaking will turn you into a vampire, as she is directly transferring a part of herself to you, this action of transfusion can only be done once, and it's something very sacred in the vampire community』

Lilith said in a neutral tone, as she slowly explains how things work, to which I replied.

"Ok, but why do I sense a but coming?"

『Hehehehe.... my liege is as smart as ever, of course, there is a but, well fine then let me explain properly, you see as strong as the one name Rize-Eternal-Immortal-DyingOrion-Nebulamoon is, her bloodline would perish the moment it tries to fuse with you』

"In short my blood is still superior, I expect no less from myself."

『Let's just say that compared to any other bloodline, it's like comparing a candle to the sun』

"Your praise is always above and beyond as always?"

『It's not praised my liege I only speak the truth』

"Hihihhi.... well then Lilith only time can tell?"

I said in a neutral and amused voice, as really and truly only time can tell how powerful I am going to become in the future.

But Lilith insists to get her point across, and replies by throwing In some fact that applies to me, and she is already aware of it.

『Time means nothing to someone with omnipotent potential, with your insane growth speed im confident that in one year, you will be strong enough to one-shot a universe, and at that point, your mere presence alone will be enough to shatter into another universe, and you will become a demon king of another universe, at that this rate it will only take you ten years to transcend into a multiversal being, then in fifty years a hyperversal being, and in a hundred years you may even become omniversal』


"Well it doesn't matter how strong I become, Omniversal or not I made a promise with my soul as the payment, and I will keep my word, I will still correct what needs to be corrected by Akashina's will."

『Your loyalty truly knows no bounds, another anime character would try desperately to free themselves』

"That's just called being an ungrateful dog, I have standards, im not that pitiful to not keep my word."

『Well, that's admirable in more ways than one, either way, I will follow you to the end』

"Of course, you will, you sing it every time, but enough of that, I need to get back to Rize."

However, as I said that Rize jumped at me waving her hand to get my attention as she said.

"Are you even listing to me?"

Instantly I gaze at her and said in an apologetic tone.

"My bad, my mind drifted, what were you saying again?"

And upon asking this Rize had an annoyed expression on as if to say.

"I can't believe he ignore me this entire time."

But her face soon went back expressionless as she re-explains.

And like so she explains the importance of sacrificial transfusion.

"Alright let's repeat in nutshell just to make sure you understand what I just explain, so remember I can only do this once, but for this, to work, I will need you to devour a piece of me, that way we can complete the sacrificial transfusion ritual."

"Yeah, I understand that now then which limbs are you going to offer to me?"

And upon asking this Rize looked at me and then at her missing arm, as she said.

"May I?"

"By all means."

And upon saying this I blink quickly and her missing arm along with her clothes sleeve immediately grew back, this was so fast I didn't even see how it happen, Rize seem to notice my facial expressions as she said with much pride in her voice.

"Fufuf... amazing right, I can regenerate at the speed of light, and not brag but my regeneration speed far surpasses even the first projector the Queen of vampires herself."


"Hmmm what this is someone finally seeing my charm."

The Kuudere vampire asks with a slightly perverted glare with one eye open.

To which I replied.

"Sorry I don't do lollies if you don't have a milf body, I want no part of it."


"I'm not a loli this body is just starved, that's why im like th...

But before she even finishes speaking I butt in and said.

"Yeah, Yeah whatever gives me power."

"Awwwhhhh... I can't with you, I give up, your simp resistance is too strong, I just hope you choke on my fingers, you fiend."

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say!"

And like that, I began to shape-shift my lower jaw, and teeth into sharp shark-like teeth, and I instantly bit off the left hand of Rize, her blood and flesh sank into my mouth her bone crushededed like fine mosquitoes in my mouth.

I took my time to heat the handhold, and surprisingly this was my reaction.

"Ha... you taste good Rize, who would have thought flesh is this good."

"Again what the hell are you?"

"An incubus."

"Bullshit, you shapeshift better than a mimicry."

"A special incubus."

"I call bullshit, for as sex demon flesh is supposed to taste horrible."

"Hmmm who knows, maybe im built differently."

"Too different if you ask me, you adapt at a scary rate."

But as she said this, I began to feel a weird feeling in my entire body it was as if all the veins in my body were set on fire.

I didn't cry in pain, im the type who is into that shit as long as it benefits me in some ways.

But suddenly a familiar green screen came before me, and to my surprise, it said the following.

[loyal servant of mine, due to consuming the flesh of Rize-Eternal-Immortal-DyingOrion-Nebulamoon, you transcended into 4-factor existence, as rewards I present to you three Options]

. Awaken Vampire deity skill tree

. Awaken Eldritch Vampire skill tree

.Awaken Alien Vampire skill tree

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