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(A/N): Please check the axillary chapter for an important announcement






The sound of powerful wings could be heard in the distance, as a giant black and yellow behemoth of a bird could be heard coming from the south as its head to the North, it was heading straight towards Asmodeus.

Lighting surrounds its entire body, but t doesn't affect the people on its giant back, the best itself must be over sixty meters tall, bigger than most dragons that are for sure.

Each flap of its mighty divine wings calls forth thunder and brings fort chaos into the sky, on its back were many people, consisting of two old men, a woman who appears to be in her thirties, a set of young twins, and a group of several mercenaries.

However, there was one individual that was clearly above the rest in both status and power.

Even the great Lighting bird, a divine beast could not compare to another divine being that was accompanying it.

And that second divine being was none other than a woman with immense spiritual pressure.

She was 5" 3 in height, relatively short, and have a petite build, she was completely naked but had clouds around her body like a convenient bikini, she had beautiful silver skin, along with long curly silver hair, and her eyes were golden.

Around her body were five pairs of floating gold rings that resemble halos, she had one around each limb even above her head.

While on her back was a single pair of giant silver angel wings, with a wingspan of 2 meters, around her entire body is a menacing but majestic coat of rainbow-like aura surrounding her.

She had a serious expression on her face as she observe the enemy from afar calculating the probability of winning as she spoke out loud in an inhumane way.

"Human take notice, we shall approach the target in minus sixty seconds, I will start counting on the tenth second downward, so prepare, even with the numbers we have currently, you all are nothing but liabilities, I will distract the Vanta Succubus as that one is Dangerous, her mana level is a quarter of what mines currently is, but overall her physical strength exceeds mines by far and seeing that the enemy is on holy grounds I am prohibited from using my magic, as my weakest spell is considered a city buster attack, so make the retrieval quick, I do not wish to fail my master."

Said the beautiful Angel like being.

To which the white hair old man in an old fashion shirt and pants, said.

"To think we have the assistance of a Flugel for this mission, the fifth progenitor must have good relations with the flugel?"

Said the White hair old man with yellow eyes, to which the angelic woman replied.

"Silence inferior one, the fifth is considered a member of the flugel race due to her unique physiology that allows her to be all races, it's because of this the lord our Goddess fawns over her, but to me, she is nothing but a wannabe."

"How harsh."

Replied the white hair old man.

Meanwhile, the middle age woman replied as such.

"Do we need this many people for a rescue mission though, even if it's a Vanta Succubus isn't this overkill?"

"Yeah, that's right, it's just some low-level, not mid-tier Demons we are dealing with."

Said a random arrogant mercenary who had a bored expression, as he was hired at the very last minute for a rescue miss that was not in his schedule, so you can say internally he was in a bad mood the same could be said for the other mercenaries.

But the Flugel nor the mysterious old man said anything as they intend to use them as sacrificial pawns to make this a successful mission, of course, these mercenaries of either warlocks or singularity were not aware of this, but the person that hired them was and he wasn't going to tell them anything.

However, the two twins beg to differ as they also felt an immense wave of mana coming from the North, most likely Necroma was the one giving the majority of the people here that are sensitive to mana and energy signatures PTSD at the moment.

Although Necroma was a creature to fear it was the other old man who remained silent till now, that knows who the true monster is, as he still remembers that sense of hopelessness when he crossed paths with Asmodeus and that was no other than Sebastian as he was dress in a battle suit.

But the silence would soon disperse as the flugel said.

"I am about to begin the countdown, please prepare."

With those words said, everyone got into formation as order, as the flugel began to count down.









In that fraction of a second, Sebastion remained still, it has been a total of five to six hours since his lady was stolen from the vicinity by the mysterious entity with power far beyond his own.

But as they approached the site where his master is, everyone that was upon the giant wing beast named the heavenly Eagle, or as it is known in many legends as the lighting bird, a being so powerful it outranks even a dragon, legends say every flap of it wings is like a strike of thunder.

But everyone present despite their years of profession in the field, could not truly gauge the situation, as they all thought this would be an easy mission, however halfway through the counter, or at 0.5 counts of the 8-second call.

One man fully gauges the threat and Realizes the true danger of this mission, and that was Volta Strikmos, the patriarch of the Strikmos family, or as he was referred to earlier the mysterious old man.

In that mere second, his senses react to the absolute limit, as a menacing pressure could be felt exactly two hundred and sixty meters away, from the landing site.

It was so strong and so menacing it felt as if time itself stop within its presence just to make it clear, however, there was no time for reaction, there was no time for panic, and there was no time for second-guessing.

The atmosphere was tense, not because of the mission for say, but because of the being below, not Necroma, not Rize, but something else entirely, and that every being is an obstacle they will have to cross to reach the target that is Rize.

Volta finally understood Sebastian's fear, after all, seeing and feeling are more vivid and clear than plain words.

However, the plan was not to kill, nor was it to negotiate, it was simply to rescue the fifth progenitor, if this rescue mission was going to be successful, everyone here has to play a role, and abide by the three rules.

Rule one: Do not engage the enemy in battle, and focus purely on dodging without hitting.

Rule two: Do not pay heed to anything else but the assigned task.

Rule three: Survive for twenty seconds, till flugel inherent ability of "imaginary time" activates, while Christina the milf and Sebastian's butler will get close to the lady and warp her out of there using Warp Gate.

That was all that was needed for a smooth victory.

However, despite the plan, Volta could not help but tremble at Asmodeus's spirit release, or as it is called in the supernatural world "Aura"

Volta gazes at Sebastian with an emotionless look as if to visualize how this rescued mission might play out, no! If anything this reaction was expected.

Because in such a short time frame, in such a dire situation this can play out in one of two ways.

The first way is a mission success with the cost of a limb or two, along with other major injuries, and possibly one or two losses on their side, despite the number difference.

While the second way is... "Death".

That's why in this situation how could they form an expression of impending doom if time doesn't allow them to?

The obvious way to approach the situation is to go along with the plan that was discussed in the meeting before.

The plan itself was well calculated because Flugel sama would be the time guard, as she is the one that will manage everyone and give support from a safe distance while dealing with the Vanta Succubus.

Volta would be the one to temporarily disarm the divine barrier that prevents monsters from entering with the aid of the divine bird and the Flugel.

While the twins Lio and Mio would be the ones to defend the others, because of Lio's Singularity ability, The Mane of ambition, and Mio's Inherent healing magic, Exoteric regeneration magic.

The mercenaries hired will have an easier time distracting the enemy as the combined support of the twins is not to be scoffed at.

While Sebastian and Christina will enter the battlefield with Christina's Spatial magic.

This should take no more than two minutes at maximum, as the plan is to separate both the Vanta Succubus and its master from each other.

This entire plan was formulated by Volta and mostly the Flugel.

That was just how incredible the thought process and keen intellect for battle and strategy by the man known, as Volta Strikmos is, despite getting aid from the Flugel race because their goal aligns.

For the rest though, the laughs they had earlier and the smile of amusement that was on their face suddenly disappear as everyone began to fall in line, as the clock began to tick.





The twins finally realize a loathsome dread beneath that was as cold as the coldest terrain any man can walk upon, a shadow of death that was always following them was the best way to describe the feeling as an immense sea of killing intent and aura could be felt from the enemy beforehand.





Christina's eyes opened in worry as the sudden feeling of imminent danger overwhelmed her very being, if the option to turn back was still available she would have stopped at nothing but escape this hell hole that is to come.













And finally, the group of so-called professional mercenaries that were chosen for this mission was the last one to sense it.

And by instinct, they immediately switch from arrogant and naive, to humble and serious as they took their position.

The pressure and aura that was subconsciously leaking from Asmodeus were so dense it wouldn't be a lie to say that everyone here was afraid or respectful to him in some way.

Although everyone had their own opinion.

Volta being the first thinks that the enemy that kidnapped the fifth must be a master that has trained for years as the aura he possesses was akin to that of the king and the hidden master of his great ancestral family.

Meanwhile, the twins thought that the man below them was the very embodiment of their ideals and desired self they so wish to reach one day in their life, after all, the strong should be respected, and Asmodeus was worthy of that respect despite the current circumstances.

Christina on the other hand was a blank slate, but if you were to read her mind this is what she was thinking.

"What kind of Mana is this?"

While the other remaining mercenaries that were chosen could only think, that they didn't get paid enough for this shit.

However there was two creature, that think differently from the rest.

The first was the lightning bird itself because, in its point of view, it saw a creature that was leaking a literal sea of divine energy, even more so than itself, it ponder whether should it retreat or move forward.

For now, the answer could not be decided due to its master's influence.

While the second was the Rank 4th IXX:Cel: The Flugel, an existence that has power comparable with the Demons.

Her thoughts on the matter were blank unlike the rest, but her expression was deadly serious, as that can mean anything.

However as time gets closer for everyone to engage in the attack, to save the fifth progenitor, there was someone that was already aware as they were ready to engage.









"Descend Now."

The Flugel said in a neutral voice, and it was that moment, the first person to attack was the white hair old man as he sends down a barrage of hundreds of thousands of lightning strikes to make both a grand distraction and attacks, as he absorb mana from the Divine Eagle, and act as Catalyst.

[Latern Rain, 100,000× folds Paralysis Banquet]

The entire night sky suddenly became golden, as thousands of lightning balls started to fall from the sky like a raging rainstorm.

--Necroma Pov--

At that same time, before Asmodeus or even Lilith, senses it, someone with great talent and aptitude for magic did.

A maid was sitting on one of the graves far to the east side of the cemetery as she watches a video about the basics of Nuclear physics.

Her focus soon shifted towards the south, as she look at the dark clouds her captor summon fort earlier.


She didn't know why, but her body instantly react to the incoming danger that didn't present itself fully yet, it seems that this body acted on behalf of any threat that comes Asmodeus's way even if she was against it.

Her soul was without a doubt unloyal in every sense of the word, but this body was the opposite, it felt that when it comes to the king, it will go to extreme levels to protect the king at all cost, and once again Necroma lost control of her body.

And the divine item known as a phone fell to the ground, as it was a second priority because as of this moment the king was in danger.

So with that in mind, everything else was irrelevant, as Necroma instinctively went into a battle mode unfamiliar to her, however, this untrained body that she had no experience in was the opposite, just like a bird that was born to be a flyer.

As the technical biological daughter of Asmodeus, she was born a warrior, no the body was born with experience, all it requires was push or reason to follow its instinctive nature, and now is good of a time.

As the sound of wings popping out of someone's back could be heard, and soon after a pair of two, meaning four wings suddenly sprout from her back and what was revealed was a beautiful set of two wings, the upper angel-like wing was fully red, and the

lower full black like her master.

Her horn even grew a little larger, while her aura and killing intent spiked up to the maximum, and finally, all her claws suddenly retract revealing a series of sharp red claws that were swords.

And for the first time, without anyone showing Necroma how to fly, the High Succubus took off toward the enemy at blinding speed without even realizing it.


As the approaching danger was arriving, the sky soon became golden, and what was revealed was a barrage of countless lightning Strikes that were all heading toward the king, for Necroma, well her body that is, this cannot stand.

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