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--Necroma Pov--

--2 hours later --

"I swear to God I want to slam and sink his skull in with a Raiden fire hammer spell or Prometheus grande."

Spoke to a certain Ex- Goblin queen who was walking around the graveyard out of boredom, at this moment she was well beyond her master's reach if anything he was the one that gave her permission to do as she please just don't stray too far.

That was what Asmodeus said to her, and so she took the opportunity to free and rid herself of his presence before her by taking an enthusiastic walk in the giant cemetery with thousands of graves as far as the eyes can see.

As she continues to kick away gravestones and stomp on them in anger while ranting to herself about her current misfortunes.

"Nightly duty he says."

"Sex toy he proclaims."

"My personal maid he announces."




"BULL FUCKING SHITTTT, I am no one toy or maid, I am Necroma D'Undying, the greatest black magic user of my time, I was feared by all and worshiped by many even that bastard Cu found me more troublesome to deal with than my muscle head of a husband, and I was even complimented by that freak of nature Scathach... the Void walker."

Aghhhh... FUCK ME!...

"How the hell did I even get into this situation, to begin with?"

I wonder to myself as I remember the great storm and cataclysm that emerge in my world before I was brought to his world, to put it in perspective I never felt so hopeless in my life.

"It's all his fault."

"From queen to fuck toy."

"How laughable...

The cold terrain and the feeling of the ice swallowing me and everything that moves and breathes are still engraved in my soul.

Not even my magic could fend against it.

And now that I think about it, can ice get so cold to the point that it can freeze even magic, it was as if my body itself was also becoming ice, time seem to have slowed down dramatically as well, or was that just me?

I see it reminded me of a forbidden ice spell called "Absolute Zero" if my theory is correct the attack he unleashes defeats not only my husband-enhanced corpse but everything else alive or not as well.

But Absolute Zero freezes everything in place absolutely, but then and again, I sense no mana, so it couldn't be a spell, it was something more natural, maybe I was right, he is capable of manipulating the weather, but to think a demon is capable of effecting the planet to such a degree, Hmmmm.... despite him being a Demon King there weren't that strong according to the legends I know.

"Damit I feel so hopeless... I wonder what should I do now?"


"Sigh there is no use complaining about it now."


"But still what the hell is this thing, it looks weird and a little cold to the touch."

I said as I gaze at it with much curiosity and confusion.

"If remember correctly he said this small thing contains all the world's information."

"Hmmm, could it really contain all the world's information though, is that even possible

If so isn't this the strongest artifact in all of creation, doesn't that mean whoever possesses this device is capable of taking over the world?"

I said to myself as I recall the three principal of magic.

"Ok, so for one to become a grand magus like myself, three things must be needed."

First of all, one must be fluent and diverse in their attributes, there are three ser attributes for mages the first being the main attribute, in my case I specialize in Necromancy, then my secondary attribute is thermal meaning heat magic, I can freeze things and burn things, it's a more advance form of fire magic, and finally my primary attribute I can't control so I don't even bother with it, although if mastered I might obliterate an entire civilization off the map, well it isn't important, I have thousands of original spells I could rely on.

The second is Resources, after all, when one is born they are born with a set amount of mana and they can't increase their mana pool, and sadly to say I was originally born with a small mana pool, thankfully there were many ways to increase said mana pool, at least I am one of the few who knows countless ways to do so.

And finally the most important is theory and knowledge in your field, knowledge is very important because the more wisdom you have you utilize and place it in your spells to increase attack power and proficiency, that's why this device that contains all knowledge of the world is truly a God send the device for mages.

"Hmmm... how do you use it I wonder?"

"No... No... for all I know I might waste my asking privileges and I still want to know more about this body, I can't use it all, despite sensing great power and potential in it, so for now let's just see am, eh what does this bottom do."


[Hi, how can I help]

The phone said as Necroma drop it in sudden fright as she said.

"On my God, the weird thing just talk...


"Wait, maybe it's just a function or some weird magic, although I don't sense any mana, hmmm.... am weird bod thing can you hear me."

[Hi how can I help, my name is Ziri]

When the phone speaks Necroma's eyes glowed with excitement as she asks

"Show me the secrete to this world."

But sadly it didn't reply the way it wanted to, as it said.

[Sorry I don't understand]

"Haaa what do mean you don't understand, aren't you the smartest thing to exist?"

[Hi, how can I help]


"I can't believe it, this thing just ignores me and ask the same question again, why do I feel so offended, sigh maybe the question was too complicated, ok then, show me your strongest method of attack preferably fire magic."

[One moment now searching]

[Here you go, the basics and theory of Nuclear Physics]

When the phone said this Instantly put on a face of confusion and ask out loud.

"What's the fuck Nuclear Physics?"

--??? Pov--


[On the highest point of the Black tree]

"He hehehehehhh... Seiko...SeikoseikoSeiko... Senpai."

"Your almost complete... your mines...minesMinesminesMines Alone... Sen...pai."

Said a beautiful Japanese girl, with short but straight black hair that reaches her neck, she was small in stature about 5'0 weighed less than 90lbs, and had beautiful neon glow-in red eyes that were menacing.

Her skin was pale, if anything it was so pale it released a glare similar to that of sunlight, she was beautiful that even Gods would hesitate to touch her, mock her, or disrespect her in any way, despite her gloomy and insane way of speaking.

Her drag tone sounds ominous to the point one can feel the madness from every word spewed from her mouth, but her beauty just makes such a horrendous quirk even more charming, she was what many would call a cute and petite girl, although her breast and cleavage were small, she had a thick, soft and well-shaped waist with a huge butt.

"She was a dress in full black, if anything she was surrounded in a dress made from nothing but shadows, and darkness, her heartbeat could be seen radiating along with the dress.

On her back were two beautiful black Pixi wings, that released weird purple dust that float and spread in the atmosphere every time it flaps or make the slightest movement.

On her head was a pair of giant Moose horns that was crimson red, while behind her was a giant snake-like tail that was also red, she had red claws, and many bright red eyes floating all-around her.

She was on top of a Black tree hugging and Kissing a giant human shape cocoon as it beat slowly as if alive.

But that passion for love would soon come to a pause when the sound of multiple air crafts could be heard coming from a distance in the sky.



And upon looking in the direction of the sound, What could be seen were seven military helicopters and further jets coming at fast speeds towards her domain.

However, this didn't sit right with Sakura as she said.

"More annoyance.... sickening humans... I'm tired of your kind interfering in my love nest."

"My precious Seiko can't grow to be big and strong if you're noisy, so, so, so noisy... annoying, revolting, disgusting, and unworthy humans."

"Die...diediediedie... a! ready, every last one of you is diseased to the planet, purge to all Homosapien life forms, your presence is not needed, not is it desired, drown in sorrow, and know pain."

And as she said that multiple missiles were fired in her direction without hesitation, clearly to wipe out everything in this area, but this did not sit right with Sakura as she arises to the sky with all four thousand 1 meters' eyes following behind her as she points her finger towards the missiles and said.

"You humans never get it don't you, very well then I think I have enough power to set an example."

"Four punishments for annoying me, a will destroy everything within a five hundred kilometer radius."

"Kill them, my children, let them know Sorrow."


And with those words said along with a snap of a finger.

The entire sky glows red as all four thousand giant eyes started to glow a menacing red, and then within a blink of an eye, thousands of laser beams were fired toward the projectiles, as it cut them in half setting the explosion off upon impact.

However, that mayhem didn't end at just that, no because all the military aircraft were sliced like butter, along with many buildings and skyscrapers, and the roads and streets were torn apart, while the homes of many innocent civilians were destroyed and vaporized in instant.

Thousand of people died almost instantly, while the screams of pain and agony of the survivor could be felt and heard for miles to come.

Many buildings began to fall to the ground, many of which still have people in them, as these many giant architectures fall and crumble like crushed biscuits.

The Earth beneath separated deeply, while dams were destroyed causing mass flooding to happen, and local gas stations were set on fire which caused multiple explosions to go off.

And in less than a minute the street was drowned in a sea of discord by one attack of Sakura Mai, the Demon Queen of Sorrow.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that everyone caught up in the attack was killed, and those who survive will die soon, as the environment is unfit for human life.

But apart from all that one thing was clear, this day marks one of the grimmest days in both world history and Japanese history, later it will go down in history as the Sakura incident the day the Demon Queen open her eyes for all to see.

And with all the chaos, that was caused due to her, it can be said that hiding the supernatural world, from the norm, would be almost impossible now, however as grim as it is for humans, it was a joyous celebration for the person that cause and did this mass genocide.

A familiar black and gold notification screen came before her saying.

[You have levels up]

[You have levels up]

[You have levels up]

[You have levels up]

[You have levels up]

[You have levels up]

[You have levels up]

[You have levels up]

[You have levels up]

[You have levels up]

[You have levels up]

These series of notifications came in like wildfire, never-ending at all, however, there was one Notification that caught her attention as it came in a different color as it was green, and it said or read as such.

[Congratulations the world that has taken note of your existence, and was entertained by the minor light show, and as rewards, it grants you the name, Ophis]

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