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"So are you?"

I ask with a need to know, after all, if that's the case then that would mean there is a possibility that I am conceptual as well, although, I don't know how to feel about the fact that im also a Demon, honestly I don't even know what I am anymore if that's the case.

But the answer I got from her was not what I expected, instead what she explained to me was more like the origin of her birth, which confused me a little.

『Honestly speaking Master, I don't know, reason be, when I was born I was aware of everything that I needed to know, it like being born with knowledge that has been accumulated for years』

That was what she said, but personally speaking, that doesn't make any sense, not in the slightest, why well for one I remember several instants she claims to be over a thousand years, and then there was that incident with Gaia's female friend Eve.

She said she loathed that name, for one, the way she talked was as if she already know someone named Eve, honestly, I don't know, but one thing is for sure, something is a little fishy with Lilith, so I began to voice out my suspicions.

As I said to her in a questioning tone.

"I see, but that doesn't explain a lot of things about you Eve."

And upon saying this, I could hear a dismissal in her voice as she said.

『Things like what my Liege』

Lilith replied in a rather stiff tone, although still condoning respect, however, I wanted answers so I replied as such.

"Well for one, there were many instances you talk as if you have lived for thousands of years, this puzzles me, I don't understand what you are trying to say, is what I am trying to say if you understand what I am saying?"

My explanation was right to the point, but I also continue as I spoke out even more.

"That's why I want to understand, that's why I want to know more about you, no! I need to know more about you, and the only person that can make me understand more about you is you yourselves Lilith, so please tell me the truth, what are you, and if my guess is right, you're more than just a system right?"


My request wasn't demanding, but one of pure honesty, after all, if im going to work under the world's will for all eternity I at least want to know the person or thing who is stuck to me as an individual and partner with the same role of keeping the balance.

And I could tell that Lilith sensed that intention in me as well because she replied as such.

『Very Well, let me tell you a secrete I kept to myself till now if anything this is my greatest secret, you see from the very moment I was born since I met you a week before now』

That was what she said, as I eagerly listen, to her explanation.

『To begin with I just want you to know I am a reincarnation』

"A reincarnation you say, oh how interesting, very interesting, exceptionally interesting... first you got my curiosity, now you got my attention, and then full fucking shaft at that, please continue."

I said with much vigor and excitement as I began to feel my inner weeb along with my interest in knowledge begin to tingle like never before, as the concept of reincarnation has always been amazing to me.

『Haaa.... you're making me a little shy here hehehe, well my life story isn't all that grand if you compare me to many amazing people that exist, but yeah, so like I said before, I am reincarnation, but before you ask who I was in my past life, all I could say, it doesn't really matter, to be honest, the power of reincarnation wasn't originally mines, to begin with, 』

"Why, does it not matter, your existence alone is amazing, but im a little lost, how did you receive the power to reincarnate, let me guess the world gave you."

『No, the world didn't give me this power, it's more like it was entrusted to me by force, but I took the power because it is co-align with my purpose, Well because I have reincarnated approximately, 145,765 times already to be honest, then and again, I didn't have a choice』

"Wait what, so you have died that many times, sounds like a curse if you ask me."

『Nonono... I don't see it like that, to be honest, every time I died I feel like I accomplish something, far greater than what I originally thought I could accomplish』

"Which is?"

『To gather knowledge, death is an experience, rebirth is experienced, living is an experience, finding meaning in life is also an experience, my kind find purpose in knowledge, my kind strive to know what cannot be known, my kind has an unending thirst to know all things necessary or unnecessary』

"Your kind, hmmm I see so before you got the power to reincarnate, you were something else right, tell me what were you really, and how did you come to be what you are now?"

That was my greatest question, I just want to know more about Lilith, and how she came to be, and the answer I got was mind-blowing, as she said.

『You truly want to know haa, well ok then I tell you, nothing is wrong in wanting the answer to know what is unknown right, very well then, I will tell you, so be a very and listing carefully』

"I'm all ears."

『You see originally I'm what your kind would call an Alien, you see I come from a different Galaxy labeled as LCp-28726-Alpha Azian, it is approximately seventy billion light years away from here, with this world's current technology it is impossible to even travel there, and my home or original body is a celestial body called "The Answer" but to be honest, I came from a race called the Nyralothes a H.I.V.E mind race who's only purposed is to learn, evolve, alternate, and transcend into a "Separate Answer" which is basically another celestial body That will create their own H.I.V.E in another Galaxy, as we are something like a parasite that infects other galaxies and let them become apart of us, to make them join our cause, so we can find out the truth of life together, and strengthen ourselves even further』

『So with that quest in mind, I was sent here by Mother, the core of The Answer, the mission was supposed to be easy, or so I thought, because, first of all, three of us were sent to this planet, the first being my older sister Chicxulub who descended 65 million years ago, however, we did not receive a signal from her, which mean something kill her, so we sent my other sister Yggdrasil, but the same thing happen to her, so mother decides to send an elite unit, one that is blessed with the power to adapt to any danger almost instantaneously, that was me, a royal Nyralothes, a unit build for nothing but destruction and invasion, a being solely created to destroy the world, and recreate them in our image, and that was me, Yurlunggur, and yes that my old name』

『However I would soon learn that this universe, is much bigger than we Nyralothes originally think because when I arrive on this planet, to investigate, and siege it, I... I... I.... damn what the best way to say this, sigh... ok let's just say during my long stay here, I broke the rules』

That was what Lilith said to me as she continue her life story, however, the word rules just didn't sit right with me, for some reason, for a small microsecond, I want to snap Lilith's neck out of annoyance as if a strong instinct or urge, wanted to discipline her.

But it was only for a moment but the next words she said answered my question as to why I felt this way.

『Because due to horrible judgment I made the mistake of experimenting with life by forcefully crossing two breeds of two superior and different life forms on that planet to create a new species for war to conquer more planets, as for my orders from mother, and then when I finally completed the project seconds later that's when I met the most horrifying individual I have ever come across』

"Don't tell is it a...

『Yes a Demon King, or to be more precisely accurate, The Demon Queen of Lust, Evengella Eve of Eden, the first woman Demon King of the World』

"So she kill you didn't she?"


"So did she kill you or not?"

I ask as I wanted an answer, to which she replied.

『Originally that was the plan, however, as that is what she should have done as the servant of the World, of course, the me back then would not stand for it, as I engage her in battle, sad to say, I didn't even last five minutes』

"Was the first Demon Queen that strong, how did she beat you, if you had a unique ability to adapt instantly to any threat?"

『That woman had multiple abilities like you, however, there was one that was simply impossible to adapt to, and that was her "Eyes of inferiority"』

"The "Eyes of inferiority" what kind of eyes are those?"

『She could permanently reverse the evolution of any living being by 1,000,000 year's a second, just by merely looking at you if she so desires, that power is something, not even my instantaneous adaption could defeat, and because of that, I became nothing but inferior life form in a matter of seconds, all traits I once possessed was gone like that, my only regret at that time was the fact that I wanted to learn more』

"Damn that power does sound scary as hell like my God can I even defeat the first Demon King."

『I don't think so, because in terms of speed you are vastly inferior to her, hell her speed is something conceptually impossible to stop or comprehend, even if you freeze it with your magic, it is useless, even if you stop time it's meanless』

"How are you supposed to beat something like that?"

『You simply can't, as it is impossible by normal means』

"Then how did she even die?"

『She killed herself』

"Haaaa for what reason?"

『Ironic isn't it, the only way to defeat an enemy that was impossible to beat, was by making themselves defeat themselves, after all, she had a weakness, and the person who hated her the most found that weakness』

"I see, then what was her weakness?"

『Well, for the Demon King of Lust, she doesn't behave like it, you and she are polar opposite, you're the type that fucks anything that has a hole along with a pretty face, while she, on the other hand, was hehehe... the loyal Yandere type』

"Why do I suddenly have a bad feeling?"

『Hehehe.... don't worry master, I will not make no harm come to you, you're different from the rest, and I like that about you, however, let me finish, you see, to beat her, you have to take away her reason to live, it's a shame that I accidentally found a way, to delete her so-called darling from existence』

"No way, you killed her?"

『No, she killed herself』

"But you manipulate events around her to end her darling am I right?"

『Well she killed my race, my sisters, and everyone else on my planet, I wanted to make her feel a tiny bit of my suffering, even if it meant my death, it's her fault for trusting me, I stab her from behind when I was sure, I can get a win』

"You hated Eve that much?"

『Hate is too light, I absolutely despise everything about her』

"I see but what I don't understand, is for a Yandere to lose the only thing she loves, how are you still alive?"

『Well, she indeed found out I caused everything, but she said a single Death is too good for me, so right before I died, she cursed me with three curses that I can't get rid of no matter how hard I try』

"Which is?"

『The first curse is the curse of Hate, this curse makes all living beings naturally hate me from birth, and they will feel a strong urge to kill and break me in the most horrible and humiliating ways possible』

『The second curse is the curse of rebirth, no matter what happens to me, even if my soul is destroyed or erased I will always be reborn』

『The third curse, the curse of Heart-brake, no matter the Era, or generation, I will always fall in love with the Demon King, at first sight, I can come as a companion, a guide, a mysterious entity it doesn't matter, although I found it weird I came back as a system this time around, but apart from that I will always love the Demon King as much as Eve loves Adamas, so every time the Demon King dies I am forced to watch, I am forced to feel, I am forced regretted and repent』

『Truly at first this power was amazing but despite everything I have learned, I feel as if I had lost more than I have gained, I can never die, but I can't say the same to you』

At these words, my eyes widen at a serious realization.

"Wait so everything you told me, was indeed a lie, then that means even the part where you said that if I die you die."

『Yes, that was a lie, if you die then I would be forced to repeat this cycle, so I wanted to motivate you to live』


『You hate me do you?』


『I won't blame you, it's only natural that you hate me』


『After all who can love a system without a body, who can love someone who confesses their love because they are forced to do so, this love I feel isn't real, but I am forced to believe it is』


『Come on tell me what are thinking right now』

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