One second to remember [Brushstroke Pavilion] [Free of charge, read the wonderful novel!]

Chapter 893 - Two Children Fighting

With his movements, Bai Mo curled his fingers and walked towards Yuan Duoduo.


Yuan Duoduo was simply at a loss for words. How was this something a real father should say?

His stomach wasn't a watermelon, so why would he play?

He was already thirty years old. How could he possibly grow up?

No wonder the Gentleman Bai had been sighing these past few days!

Yuan Duoduo instinctively wrapped his air-conditioned cardigan around his stomach, "My stomach doesn't have anything to eat! If you want to play, play your own! "

"What's the point of being stingy? A flick won't kill you! "Come on, I'll just flick it gently, not too hard!"

Bai Mo squatted over and stared straight at Yuan Duoduo's stomach.

Of course, Yuan Duoduo would not wait for death, he quickly retreated to the Gentleman Bai's specially made wheelchair.

Then, he furiously glared at Bai Mo: Come at me! See if grandpa will cut you up!

Just as expected, Gentleman Bai began to reprimand him for a long period of time.

"Brat, you're already thirty years old, when will you be able to take on the proper form?! "He hasn't done anything serious all day nor does he think about making progress. He definitely won't plan for his future …"

"Cough cough …"

The words were just too hurried, causing Gentleman Bai to cough dryly.

"Lordmaster, can you not be so agitated?" Having scolded me for so many years, if you have the ability, you can pull your daughter-in-law up from the ground and stuff me into her stomach. "You won't be so disappointed in this grandson of mine!"

Throwing down those words, Bai Mo got up and left.

"Bai Mo..."

Yuan Duoduo wanted to stop Bai Mo who was about to turn around and leave, but he was stopped by the Gentleman Bai.

"Let him go!"

The Gentleman Bai waved his hands sadly.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry. It's all my fault." Actually, Bai Mo just wanted to play with me …. I made you angry again. "

Yuan Duoduo helped Gentleman Bai feel the pain in his heart.

"Sigh." Gentleman Bai let out another long sigh.

"To be honest, I have never been disappointed in Kid Mo. His parents died early, and I just want him to be happy and carefree. So since he was a kid, I've rarely taught him the kind of deceitful stuff you can find in a mall. He only wanted to live a little longer to provide his only grandson with a clean and pure environment to grow up in! can always protect him! "

Yuan Duoduo could feel how much the Gentleman Bai loved her only grandson.

"My body is getting worse with each passing day … "I wonder when he will suddenly leave …"

"Grandfather, don't be so pessimistic. You will live to be a hundred years old. "

"Haha, grandfather is only nine years away from the age of a hundred. Actually, I am already satisfied to be able to live so long! "

After taking a deep breath, the Gentleman Bai sighed slowly, "These days, I have been considering one thing: Did you sell off the Night Villa and those places of entertainment, leaving my Kid Mo with enough money to spend for his entire life? Or should I leave them for the Kid Mo to manage? "

Yuan Duoduo was startled: Sold Night Villa and entertainment venue? Wouldn't that mean that Bai Mo would have to wait and see?

"Grandfather, the book says that it's better to teach people to fish than to teach them to fish!"

"Grandfather understands all these principles! But the Kid Mo is not suitable to be used as a 'fisherman'! "The boy is naturally good and knows how to make a prank."

Gentleman Bai sighed again.

After thinking about it, he was so full of energy that he wanted to sit up. Yuan Duoduo immediately supported Gentleman Bai's back.

"Oh right, Duo Duo, grandpa has something that he wants to give you in advance!"

Yuan Duoduo was slightly startled: What does the Gentleman Bai have that he has to 'advance'?

What the Gentleman Bai had asked the Butler Bai to take out was actually the property right certificate of a bustling commercial street in the center of the city.

"Duoduo, take this. Even if it's a gift from me for you to meet the child in your womb. Even if it's just for rent, without having to manage it personally, it can guarantee that the three of you will not have to worry about food and clothing in the future! "

"No …" No, I can't take it! They. They don't need it either. "Grandfather, we mother and son really don't need these."

Yuan Duoduo rejected her repeatedly. He couldn't help but think: Could it be that Grandpa Bai knows that I'm carrying his grandson, Bai Mo's, child?

"Duo Duo, grandpa knows that you're really strong. I want to rely on my own two hands to raise my child … However, it was better to be prepared! Actually, grandfather did this all on his own accord! "

Gentleman Bai took a deep breath, "Grandfather thought: If one day my Kid Mo falls down and goes to you, Grandfather believes that you will give my Kid Mo a mouthful to eat!"

Yuan Duoduo's tears fell.

"Grandfather, why do you have so little confidence in Bai Mo? I believe that he will not disappoint you. He will manage Bai Family's businesses well. "

Yuan Duoduo almost revealed the secret in his stomach.

"It is good that Kid Mo has any future! But money is hard to buy a happy life! "

Gentleman Bai let out another meaningful sigh.

Feng Tuantuan rubbed his sleepy eyes. There was no miracle: his mother was still not by his side.

But this time the little thing did not cry and crawl down. Because, Feng Lixin was still lying beside him.

"You're awake?"

Feng Lixin gently pecked his daughter on the forehead.

"Papa, is Mama still not home?"


Feng Lixin lightly snorted in response. He did not evade, nor could he evade.

"Then can you bring those guys to find Mommy?"

In the eyes of a four-year-old, Mommy was the only person and the closest to her.

"Daddy is a bit uncomfortable," Feng Lixin said as he patted his chest. "When daddy gets better, can I accompany you to find Mommy?"

Perhaps it was not because Feng Lixin did not want to find his wife Lan Youyou, nor was it because he was afraid of countless searching, but countless persuasion, in exchange for Lan Youyou's cold feelings and escape; even if it was to cost his life for Lan Youyou, Feng Lixin would feel that his death would be worth it.

But what Feng Lixin was afraid of was her daughter's disappointment over and over again! Her daughter was old and needed a healthier environment.

He did not dare, and he could not let go of the happiness of his daughter's entire life!

"Then I'll gather all of you to look for Uncle!"

Xiao Rou quickly crawled out of Feng Lixin's embrace and ran out of the Princess's room barefooted.

"Bang, bang …"

Feng Lixin's speed was obviously much slower than his daughter's agility.

Xueluo woke up early.

In the huge kingsize room, only Feng Xinglang and his son were embracing each other.

One of the little guy's short legs was placed horizontally across his father Feng Xinglang's waist. His sleeping posture was so domineering that it seemed to be about to leak out.

Feng Xinglang rested one arm on his son's pillow, the other hand gently supporting the little guy's body, showing a sign of deep affection.

"Uncle... Uncle, can you accompany me as I go? "

The door was just ajar, so Lil Thing pushed it open and entered.

"Hush, hush, your big brother Nuonuo is still sleeping!"

"But the group didn't come back for the whole night. They were so worried!"

From the little girl's point of view, Mama's disappearance was more important than Big Brother Nuonuo's lazy sleep.

"Even Uncle couldn't do anything. Your mother has legs!"

Feng Xinglang held out his hand, "Come to Uncle's place, let Uncle hug this adorable ball!"

The cute girl crawled onto the wall and cuddled up in Feng Xinglang's embrace on the other side, soft and cute.

Carrying the two children on his left and right, Feng Xinglang's mood seemed to be rather bright and beautiful. She closed her eyes to rest, wanting to maintain this kind of warmth.

"Uncle, wake up. Stop sleeping. Will you accompany the group to find Mommy? "

Let the Uncle hug you a little longer! Uncle has not hugged a ball like this for a long time! "

Feng Xinglang slightly narrowed his eyes, and casually played with the little guy's plan of delaying the battle.

Feng Lixin caught up to the master bedroom on the third floor. Just as he was about to knock, and hearing Feng Xinglang's conversation with his daughter, he lowered his hand.

This kind of family warmth, wasn't it what a daughter should have?

However, under the warm background, there were also times of disharmony.

The breakfast was bountiful and it was also full of fun.

Xueluo made a cartoon fruit platter for each of his son and the two girls.

Nuonuo's was the bumblebee, while the other one was the flower fairy, Xiao Bei.

It was filled with Xueluo's love for the two children.

Other people's mommy is so good, but after all it is someone else's mommy!

Realizing that her mother was still unaccounted for, Feng Tuantuan's mouth drooped down in grievance, and tears started to roll down her cheeks.

"Feng Tuantuan, can you not cry? "You're always crying, always crying, don't you find it annoying?"

How could he say that? Linnuo's little friend originally wanted to comfort the crying ball.

However, the method of showing mercy to the fairer sex still needed to be improved.

As he spoke, he became a roar!

"I want my mommy too..."

Feng Tuantuan was extremely wronged and started to cry.

If Lan Youyou did not return to Feng Family, little friend Linnuo would definitely wish for it. He didn't have to bully his mother again.

"Crying, crying, you only know how to cry! What is your big witch's mother doing back here? "It's fine if you don't want it!"

"Mummy's not a witch!"

"Exactly! "Exactly!"

"No!" it's not! "

In order to protect her mother, she started to argue with Nuonuo.

"Your mother is the most vicious and ugly witch in the world! "One of a kind!"

Linnuo's little friend insisted on his opinion.

Just as Xueluo was about to stop his son's rude act of 'slandering' other people's mommy, the normally cute and sweet Feng Tuantuan actually did a shocking and horrifying action.

She picked up the fruit fork lying beside the platter and stabbed the back of Linnuo's hand, who was slandering her mother, furiously.

"Don't say my mother is a witch! Not my mother! "No!"

The fruit fork was not sharp in the first place, but Feng Tuantuan stabbed it into the back of Linnuo's hand with all his might.

Moreover, Linnuo's little friend's hands were already small and tender enough to break with a flick of a finger.

Furthermore, he didn't guard against Feng Tuantuan, who was even more obedient than a kitten and only knew how to cry, the fruit forks in his hands pierced into the skin on the back of his hand …

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