Chapter 1581 - Suicide attempts

"What did he say? "Think about it!" Feng Xinglang asked.

"It seems to be … Ya... My god … I can't remember! It should be Japanese! "


Feng Xinglang pondered for a moment, then said, "Let's ask Baotou and the others, see if anyone can hear what Miyamoto is shouting for!"

"Is there a need to make things so troublesome? Why not just bring Miyamoto, the pear, and ask him over! "

"No!" Before you find out Miyamoto Wentuo's identity, don't disturb him! "

"Alright, then I'll ask Baotou to ask one of his subordinates!"

Just as Yan Bang stood up, he bowed and leaned towards Feng Xinglang. "Lang, you can sit? Are you feeling any better? "

Only then did Feng Xinglang realize that he, who had been as weak as mud an hour ago, could actually sit on the bed and chat with Yan Bang for so long!

It looked like the medicine that Cong Gang brought for him had taken effect. And the effect was quite obvious.

"Um... "Much better!"

Feng Xinglang replied and felt it again: It seems that the feeling of swelling has been reduced by a lot.

"Cong Gang cured you?"

Yan Bang raised his eyebrows and asked, "I knew he wouldn't really kill you! I just want to see why I'm so nervous about you! "

"Alright, stop dawdling, hurry up and ask!"

Feng Xinglang urged Yan Bang to do something. He was not the least bit interested in the topic of Yan Bang just now. He didn't want to answer him either.

Under the chorus of the crowd, Baotou finally found the final answer.

"Second Master, that pear should be talking about: Ya! My god! Ro! It's a sentence in Japanese! "

Feng Xinglang was also not very familiar with the Japanese language. But as long as someone was proficient in it, it would suffice.

"Peng, make a call to Nina and let Baotou learn this phrase for Nina! She should know! "

As GK Venture's general secretary, Nina is proficient in three major languages and can communicate with others in four minor languages without any obstacles.

Seeing that Yan Bang actually took the initiative to call her, Nina was overjoyed.

However, when two or three people spoke shoddy Japanese at the same time, she knew that she was just a translator.

"Tell President Feng, that means' stop! '" It has the force of a command! "

Feng Xinglang fell into deep thought: This Miyamoto Wentuo, he actually dared to order the people of the Yamaguchi-gumi. It should be as Cong Gang had analyzed, he was at least at the edge of the realm!

Only, what Feng Xinglang did not understand was: If this Miyamoto Wentuo was just an outsider, then not all the members of the Yamaguchi-gumi should know him! Could it be that his level is very high? However, the higher the level, the greater the chance of not being recognized.

Was it through his words or his appearance that that group of people recognized Miyamoto Wentuo?

"Baotou, think about it carefully. Back then, other than shouting that phrase in Japanese, did Miyamoto Wentuo do anything else?"

Baotou scratched his ears and cheeks, "After shouting that phrase in Japanese, he ran off to see the Brother Bang … He thinks that Brother Bang is injured! "

"And then? What did he do then? " Feng Xinglang asked.

"Later on, he saw Brother Bang carrying the unconscious you towards the living area … He just left on his own! "

"Did the Internet Cafe leave the Yulong City on its own? One person? "

"It should be a person!" He did not bring an assistant with him that day! "

… ….

After returning to his own small apartment, Yuan Duoduo closed the door and wailed for a long time.

She really didn't think that she would give up the right of access to her two daughters.

At this moment, Yuan Duoduo cried her heart out.

If it was said that after getting divorced from Bai Mo, he could still earn money for the work he did with his two daughters, but now that he had given up on visiting his two daughters, what was the point of him living in this world?

Yuan Duoduo felt that his naivety had collapsed! In the chaos, there was no light!

What had he experienced in the past three years? It was like a nightmare!

No, not all nightmares! She had two beautiful and healthy daughters!

But... But now she had even given up the right to see her two daughters!

'Bang! '



Yuan Duoduo slapped himself hard three times, until his hands were in pain!

What crime had he committed to actually give up the right of visitation for his two daughters?


Yuan Duoduo raised his head, shouting at the ceiling, as though he was really going crazy.

She could no longer see her daughters! She really wanted to die! He didn't need to suffer so much after dying!

How to die?


No! It will affect other residents!

He might as well jump off the ninth floor! It was the simplest! It's over!

Yuan Duoduo opened the window on the balcony.

But Yuan Duoduo could no longer feel the cold!

How could a dead heart feel cold?

Yuan Duoduo stepped over the windowsill, extended his legs out the window and sat on the windowsill. He raised his blurry teary eyes to look at the night sky.

The nights in Shen City were like this, there were only a handful of nights in a month where stars could be seen. Most of the time, the sky was so gray that it was suffocating.

At this moment, Yuan Duoduo's heart was filled with sorrow.

Perhaps, in the next second, he would fall down from the ninth floor and his brain would splash out while his limbs would break!

Who would be sad for themselves?

Young daughters?

They doted on them, they pampered their father, and they even had a great-grandfather … And that Shui Qiannong!

Yuan Duoduo was not worried about the food and clothing of his two daughters, nor did he worry that no one would hurt or love them!

Someone said: People die three times in their lives. The first time your heart stopped beating, so from a biological point of view, you were dead. The second time was at the funeral, when everyone who knew you came to pay their respects, and your place in society was dead. The third time was after the last person who remembered you was dead, and then you were really dead.

The first time he died was too easy. As long as he lightly jumped out, his body would be able to freely descend, and he would reach the ground in less than ten seconds. End the heartbeat!

But when Yuan Duoduo thought about his own funeral, he couldn't help but sob.

Her two daughters were still too young. When they came to pay their respects, how scared they would be if they saw Mommy with her brain broken!

"No …" No! I can't die! He couldn't die so tragically! Doudou and Yaya can't not have a mother like me! "No way!"

Maybe because he had pressed his legs against the window frame for too long, when Yuan Duoduo wanted to raise his legs and step into the balcony, he felt so numb that he couldn't move … …

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