"Come back here!"

Little friend Linnuo, who was about to run out to look for foster father Hetun, was stopped in his tracks by his father's stern shout.

"I don't want to like a bastard like you, Father!"

Although the little guy's mouth was filled with stubbornness, he still did not dare to step out of the house.

"You may not like your father, but your father will not hate you!"

Feng Xinglang growled, as the little fellow that was about to run out the door was scooped up and left the ground.

"Bastard Feng Xinglang, why did you kick my foster father out? My godfather has already admitted that he was wrong, so why are you still unwilling to forgive him? " The little guy stubbornly asked.

"Do you want to know the reason?"

Feng Xinglang then placed the little thing on the chair in front of the table, "Sit properly, dad will tell you the reason!"

Glancing at his wife who was silent, Feng Xinglang let out a breath of impure air, extending his hand to lightly protect her abdomen.

"Nanny An, take Bound Bodies to the study room."

Feng Tuantuan was only a little over five years old, so something that was too bloody and hateful was not suitable for her to hear.

"Don't leave!" "I also want to know the reason!"

Seeing that big brother Nuonuo could still stay at the table, Feng Tuantuan then hugged Feng Lixin who was beside her coquettishly.

"Everyone wants to know, right? Alright, then I won't hide it anymore. I'll give all of you the right to know. "

Feng Xinglang slightly raised his breath, "Diego — Celeste, a famous military thug of the eastern part of Mexico; Xing Er's death, was caused by him! In order to avenge Xing Er, on the day of his birthday, Hetun … The clan was exterminated! A family of fourteen, Diego was the only survivor! He followed the Hetun all the way here, but then disappeared along the way! "

Everyone was silent for a few seconds, so silent that it was creepy.

"Xueluo... Are you all right? "

Feng Xinglang's hand had always been protecting his wife's stomach, allowing this little life to feel his existence as a father.

Xueluo shook his head indifferently, "I'm fine, I'm used to it."

When she was in the Pater Castle, she had heard a lot about the bloody events that had occurred.

"Then find that Celeste, and annihilate him once more!"

The hostility in the subconscious of little Linnuo wasn't something that could be dispelled in a short amount of time.

"Nuonuo, you can't be so ruthless! When did we repay each other for this injustice! "

Feng Lixin took over his nephew's words. Now he finally understood the painstaking efforts of Feng Xinglang.

"I heard that Celeste is very vengeful! If he lost something, it would probably cause the Hetun to lose it too! "I'm afraid that you will have to give me an eye, a tooth for a tooth..."

Feng Xinglang paused slightly, then gently moved the hand that was on his wife's abdomen, to comfort her.

"I'm not afraid!" If he dares to come to Shen City, I will make my foster father's team wipe him out a hundred times! "

The little guy's hostility originated from the cruel actions of having too many Hetun s infected his ears.

"Nuonuo! You are just a child, how can your words not be so vicious? Your foster father caused so much trouble because he was too brutal! Not only will he bring the fire upon himself, but he will also bring calamity upon himself! "

Xueluo scolded his son in anger. Towards the Hetun's vile behavior, she was also bitter beyond words.

The little guy's flat mouth was silent.

"Xinglang, why don't you bring Xueluo and Nuonuo out to hide?" Feng Lixin interrupted Xueluo and berated him.

"I'm not going anywhere! Stay in Shen City! What is to come, cannot be avoided! "

Xueluo spoke calmly. There was also a hint of anger in his tone.

"Mommy, don't worry, your son will protect you!"

The little guy jumped down, walked to Mommy's side, and gently touched her with his little palm, just like how he did with his father. "And Mommy's little sister in her stomach!"

"Don't be in such a hurry to protect others! The most dangerous person right now is you! "

Making the little guy aware of the potential danger around him would at least arouse his sense of danger.

"Is Nuonuo in danger?"

The originally calm Xueluo became nervous right after.

"Two years ago, when Hetun held that great wedding banquet, he wanted others to not know that he had the most beloved foster son 15. It was really not easy!"

Feng Xinglang gently stroked his son's little head, "I was worried that Celeste would start with the thing that Hetun cares the most about! That's why your foster father just came to our house without any reason, and would kill you, you little thing! "

"Then... "Then what do we do now?" Xueluo held his son Linnuo tightly in his embrace.

"Mommy, don't worry, your son isn't afraid of that Celeste! If he dares to come, I will destroy him! "

The little guy was still as vicious as before, wanting to kill everyone else with his mouth wide open!

"I'll make a trip to the Shallow Water Bay in a while … Talk it over with Hetun. "

Feng Xinglang patted his wife's shoulder lightly, "You are what I'm most worried about right now. Worried you'd be scared. It was really hard for my daughter to come … It was like an adventure! It also proves that our daughter is noble! "

"Don't worry!" I won't be scared! When it's time to eat, eat, sleep, and sleep, I will take good care of my daughter! "

"Wife, for you to have such a state of mind, your husband is truly gratified! My, Feng Xinglang's, woman is that outstanding! "

Feng Xinglang then exhaled a long breath and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"I'm not worried about myself, but Nuonuo …"

Thinking that his son might become the main target of Celeste, Xueluo, who didn't want to be nervous, couldn't help but to become nervous as well.

Feng Xinglang patted his wife's shoulder, "Your son will be fine, I will think of a foolproof plan."

Thinking about something, Feng Xinglang asked Feng Lixin in a humorous tone, "Brother, I will have to trouble you to follow me. When this matter is settled, I will give you two a grand wedding. "

"Let's not talk anymore. We should just keep a low profile."

Mo Ranran looked at the pregnant Lin Xueluo and then looked at his young friend Linnuo. He let out a long sigh. Feng Xinglang, you must be worrying too! "

"Xinglang, my wife was wrong to blame you just now." Xueluo muttered.

"My son is wrong to blame my father!" The little guy also played along with Mommy.

"It's fine... My husband is happy to be your punching bag, your scapegoat! "

Feng Xinglang embraced his wife, embraced his son, and muttered with deep emotions: "You guys are all fine, only I am fine!"

… ….

By the time Feng Xinglang rushed to Shallow Water Bay, it was already late at night.

Hetun who was kicked out of Feng Family by his son drank his liquor in a bad mood. Xing Ba wanted to advise but he knew that he couldn't.

He wondered if he should go to Feng Family later to climb a wall and ask Little Fifteen: What kind of medicine did his father eat wrong tonight?

Without waiting for Xing Ba to do anything, he never expected Feng Xinglang to come uninvited!

This Prince Xing came here in the middle of the night … Fuck?

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