Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 600 First Ring Of Hell: Lust (14)

"You know, whenever I have sex with anybody, there are only two outcomes. One, they die and two… well, they become my slave, yet, you did neither. This intrigues me even more as if my hunch is correct… we could possibly be on the same level of power?" 

"That's because you don't search for new ways to gain power. You have plateaued, but I am far from that. In fact, in another one thousand years, I can guarantee you I will be twice as strong as I am now… so how about you join me?" 

"Pfft… are you saying you can make me stronger? That's utterly impossible. I can no longer evolve and I can no longer gain any skills." 

"But I know of a way…" Orion smirked, with the goddess squinting her eyes as if trying to dig deep into his thoughts to see if he was bluffing, but it was clouded. For some reason, she couldn't see anything in his mind as of now.

Why? Well, Orion made the genius move of using [Thought Manipulator] on himself to basically make his thoughts all jumbled with convoluted information while storing his actual consciousness in the back of his mind. A risky move for a normal person, but Orion was far from that. 

The obsidian carvings were a masterful display of demonic artistry, etched into the chamber walls with intricate precision. The smooth, glossy surface of the obsidian served as a canvas for scenes that celebrated both the carnal and the demonic. Demons engaged in acts of passion were depicted with an otherworldly sensuality, their forms entwined in poses that spoke of desire and hedonistic pleasure.

The demonic furnishings exhibited sinuous curves and decadent details, seamlessly blending with the overall theme of the chamber. Tables crafted from dark, polished wood showcased demonic symbols and motifs, their surfaces adorned with delicately placed vials containing exotic potions and elixirs. The materials used in the furniture's construction hinted at a fusion of earthly elements and demonic essence, creating a harmonious yet unsettling ambiance.

As Orion moved through the space, the luxurious furnishings beckoned him to indulge in their comfort. Plush cushions and pillows, adorned with infernal embroidery, offered a tempting invitation to recline and immerse oneself in the opulence that surrounded them. The arrangement of the furnishings encouraged social interaction, providing intimate nooks for demonic beings to engage in conversations or moments of shared indulgence.

The demonic craftsmanship, evident in every detail of the furnishings, added to the overall allure of the chamber. Each piece was not merely functional but also a work of art, contributing to the sophisticated and lavish atmosphere that defined the goddess's private domain within the first circle of hell.

The air within the goddess's palace bore a subtle, enticing fragrance that enveloped Orion as he traversed the opulent chambers. The scent was a delicate symphony of infernal blossoms and otherworldly spices, combining to create an aroma that stirred the senses and heightened the overall sensory experience. It was a fragrance that whispered promises of pleasure and indulgence, seamlessly woven into the fabric of the demonic realm.

As Orion moved through the space, the fragrance clung to him, infusing his senses with an alluring allure. It was a scent that seemed to emanate from the very walls and furnishings of the palace, an intangible essence that added to the enchantment of the surroundings. The infernal blossoms, with their exotic petals, released a heady perfume that lingered in the air, leaving an indelible mark on the atmosphere.

The subtle fragrance served as a sensory backdrop, enhancing the luxurious environment and contributing to the overall decadence of the goddess's domain. It was a testament to the meticulous attention paid to every detail within the palace, as even the air itself had been curated to evoke a sense of temptation and pleasure. The fragrance became an invisible thread, weaving through the opulent tapestry of the top-floor chamber, inviting all who entered to surrender to the intoxicating atmosphere.

The palace's design was a masterpiece of meticulous craftsmanship, with exquisite detailing that adorned every inch of the space. Fine and intricate patterns were etched into the walls, floor, and ceiling, forming a visual tapestry that spoke of both beauty and danger. The demonic architects had spared no effort in creating an environment that resonated with sophistication and an underlying sense of peril.

The details were a fusion of demonic symbols, abstract artistry, and scenes depicting both pleasure and danger. The walls bore bas-reliefs of intertwined figures engaged in seductive dances and forbidden rituals, their forms carefully sculpted to capture the essence of temptation and lust. Runes and sigils, pulsating with infernal energy, were seamlessly incorporated into the architecture, imbuing the entire space with an aura of arcane power.

Ornate columns, carved with demonic faces and twisted forms, supported the grand architecture of the chamber. These columns served as both structural elements and artistic expressions, their forms reflecting the duality inherent in the goddess's realm. Intricately designed archways framed doorways, each threshold leading to a different facet of the luxurious expanse.

The floor beneath Orion's feet featured a mosaic of dark stones, arranged in complex patterns that seemed to shift with the ambient lighting. The detailing on the floor was not merely ornamental; it told a silent story of the intricate relationships between pleasure and peril, desire and danger. The overall effect of the exquisite detailing was to create an environment that beckoned visitors to explore the dual nature of the goddess's dominion, where every detail whispered secrets of both beauty and the inherent risks that lurked within.

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