VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1559: I Swear I’ll Kill You If It’s The Last Thing I Do

Chapter 1559: I Swear I’ll Kill You If It’s The Last Thing I Do

A row of 200 ballistae were set up on top of each mountain ridge. The steel bolts they fired were several meters long and magically enhanced, so they dealt even more damage to your metal armor class than usual. They were all built by Burning City. Candle Dragon wasn’t here, so Tear Stain didn’t need to worry about breaking Candlelight Shadow’s heart or something. She was doing absolutely everything she could to destroy Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls, Warsky Alliance and Soul Battle Robes!


Tear Stain unsheathed her blade and narrowed her eyes a little. "All ballistae, target Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls and fire!"

Swhoosh swhoosh swhoosh…

I, Li Chengfeng, and Lian Xin activated our Domains at nearly the same time and created a spatial crack that bounced away at least dozen of steel bolts. However, it didn’t take long for the barriers to be shredded, and dozens of Dragonlight Cavalrymen to be skewered by the steel bolts and turned into cold, dead bodies.

Heart aching painfully in my chest, I said in a hurry, "Little Gui, I’m going to use Xuanyuan Art first. Have your Shennong Tastes Grass at the ready if our HP falls low again!"

Gui Guzi nodded. "Got it. But I can only use it three more times, Boss Broken Halberd. I’m running out of Divine Energy Points!"

"Got it!"

I turned my blade toward the sky and activated Xuanyuan Art, healing all Chinese players within 1,000 yards by 70% HP. That of course included Warsky Alliance and Soul Battle Robes’ players.

Song of Ice and Fire laughed. "How invigorating!"

Warsky frowned. "Song of Cloud and Water, where are the guilds under your command? Why aren’t they coming out yet? We need to form an offensive square formation outside the valley soon so we may break through their second defense line."

Song of Cloud and Water gritted her teeth. "It’s too late. Vienna’s Sorrow, Breeze and Rain, God of War and Shabby Castle had split up our forces into smaller groups and trapped at least a dozen of subguilds inside. There’s no rescuing them!"

While shooting and killing the archers on the mountains, October Rain said, "Screw it then. We’ll save whoever we can. Tell those who are trapped inside to find an opportunity to use a return scroll. If even that is impossible, then tell them to kill as many enemies as possible before they die!"

Song of Cloud and Water nodded. "Mn!"

Warsky activated the Immortal Blade’s unique skill to heal everyone within 500 yards of him continuously. It was like every man and woman was carrying a Level 180 priest of their own.

Noticing this, Tear Stain immediately pointed a finger at him and ordered, "Focus-fire the guild leader of Warsky Alliance! Make him drop his Immortal Blade!"

Warsky’s face immediately became riddled with arrows. The symbols that represented Touch of the Dragonkiss appeared beneath his feet before he was engulfed by a torrent of spells. His HP dropped at a drastic rate despite the Immortal Blade’s power.


"You think you can kill me? Come on then!" Warsky’s eyes were bloodshot with fury even though the Immortal Blade was keeping him alive. He pointed his sword at Tear Stain and roared, "What are you waiting for? The Immortal Blade is right here for the taking! Or are you too pussy to carry out the job yourself? I should’ve known that you’re both an ingrate and a bangzi, bangzi!"

Tear Stain turned green from the insults. "You Chinese guild leaders have no class at all. Hmph!"

While dropping a couple of Ancient Seals on top of the ballistae, I looked at Tear Stain and growled, "Yoon Pae Meng, you are a friend of the Candlelight Shadow and half a friend of the China server. During the previous Nation War, we gave you Sunset City without asking for anything in return. But now, you would help the Northern Alliance to ambush our main force? Do you have any morals at all, Yoon Pae Meng[1]?"

Tear Stain responded coolly, "Lu Chen, it is true that I love Candlelight Shadow deeply. It is equally true that you are the man who single-handedly destroyed his dreams. Might I remind you who was the one who put him between a rock and a hard place during the War of Dawn City? It was you. It was all you. Also, it’s cute you’re trying to spin your gift of Sunset City as an act of generosity when we both know that you’re just trying to use us to delay the Northern Alliance. Or are you going to deny that as well? Anyway, I’m going to destroy you and take revenge for Candlelight Shadow. What are you going to do about it?"

I parried away a volley of arrows before laughing. "I see. So you’re one of those who can never have enough, no matter how much kindness you were showered with. Very well, Tear Stain. You may have dealt a heavy blow to us, but you have my word that we will march to Burning City in 24 hours and make it submit to the Center. Don’t believe me? Just wait and see what happens!"

Tear Stain gritted her teeth. "Hmph. I’ll be waiting for you at Burning City!"



I activated Profound Armor and abruptly flew up the mountains. After destroying a dozen or so ballistae, I immediately bounced toward a different group and killed the enemies there. Thanks to my movement speed, I was able to draw away at least some of the enemy’s firepower. Moreover, Tear Stain didn’t dare to stop me because a certain fire phoenix rider was following behind me all this time. If Tear Stain dared to attack me, Beiming Xue would immediately riddle her with crowd control skills and delete her from this Nation War with me!

The valley entrance had turned into a meat grinder. Countless Chinese players had died at this place, and the death of the Dragonlight Cavalry especially hurt me and He Yi. At a rough guess, I would say that over half of our 16k elites had already perished in battle. Of course, Warsky Alliance and Soul Battle Robes lost even more players than us. Too many players had died inside Pharaoh Valley to count.

Relying on the Immortal Blade to keep him alive, Warsky never stopped fighting on the frontlines. He even pointed his blade up the mountains and shouted, "One party of Gold Cavalry, follow me to charge the mountains now! Yes, now!"


However, I descended from the sky and knocked the Gold Cavalrymen who were about to carry out his order backward. I then glared at Warsky and uttered, "Are you serious? You should be commanding your men to escape this place, not fight the enemy! Have we not lost enough men yet?"

Warsky looked astonished by my reaction.

At the distance, Chaos Moon said, "We need to make our breakthrough soon. I just received word that Vienna’s Sorrow and a group of Hero Alliance players are circling around to surround us!"

I sucked in a deep breath and said, "Twenty more minutes, and we’re withdrawing from this place no matter what!"

"Mn!" Li Chengfeng nodded strongly. He too had had enough watching his comrades dying left and right.


In just 20 short minutes, another 3,000 Dragonlight Cavalrymen had perished at the valley entrance.

Finally, I raised my arm and shouted, "Almost everyone who can come out has come out, so it’s time to withdraw, brothers and sisters!

We started making a break for it. Already, over a million Warsky Alliance and Soul Battle Robes players were gathered outside the valley. Our sacrifice had bought them their lives!

Our blood-drenched Dragonlight Cavalrymen were galloping toward a forest clearing when October Rain shouted a question from afar, "Should we return to Swallow Ear Canton and meet up with Snowy Cathaya and Candle Dragon, Lu Chen?"

I nodded. "Yes, we’re heading there right now. Throne of the Wild’s perimeter forces aren’t too strong, so we should be able to blow them back easily!"


It was at this moment Beiming Xue pointed to the north. "Look over there, big bro! It’s Hero Alliance! There are so many!"

"Fuck!" I groaned on the inside while taking to the sky and scanning the surroundings with Dark Pupils. I saw none other than the divine player, Vienna’s Sorrow himself, flying toward us at high speed.


I shouted, "We’ll hold them back for a bit, so get your asses out of here as quickly as possible!"

Li Chengfeng nodded. "Heh. I’ve been wanting to meet Vienna’s Sorrow in combat!"

"Yeah. Let’s go!"

I, Li Chengfeng, Gui Guzi, High Fighting Spirits, Chaos Moon and about a thousand Dragonlight Cavalrymen started charging toward Hero Alliance. We had to do this because we couldn’t afford to lose any more troops than we already did!


"Watch out for Vienna’s attacks. I also see Shabby Castle in the sky, so you handle him, Lian Xin. The enemy is numerous, so be careful, everyone!" I said in the party channel.

Gui Guzi responded, "Got it. How are we going to do this, by the way?"

I replied, "I’ll stall Vienna. Lian Xin, Beiming and Chengfeng, you guys work together and try to kill Shabby Castle if you can. Don’t forget that he’s a divine mage, okay? He’s hard to kill, and his firepower is insane!"


When two people meet, only one shall emerge the victor. Vienna’s Sorrow flew straight toward me with a black sword in his grip. He cackled before he even got close and said, "I’ve waited for you for too long, Broken Halberd Sinks Into Sand!"

We met at the center and clashed swords with one another. The resulting shock wave blew Vienna and I at least dozens of meters to the back and shook the forest like a hurricane. This fight could very well be described as the battle between the world’s two strongest players.

Vienna’s Sorrow smirked. "Come. Let us settle the grudges between us once and for all!"


Vienna’s Sorrow made the first move. He executed a lightning-fast Berserk Triple Slash!

I responded by firing my own Burning Blade Slash!

Bang bang bang…

I shuddered like a leaf as the skill struck me and deleted around 3 million HP. However, Vienna’s Sorrow lost around 9 million HP to my Burning Blade Slash, so I was definitely the winner of the first exchange. After I had closed the distance between us, I gathered my fist and punched him right in the chest!


The wind broke against Vienna’s sword as he struck my shield with an Ice Stream Blade. Then, he activated Heavenly River Transformation and used Smile of the God of War Ares to increase his critical hit rate by 70%!

He then proceeded to use Iron Arm Reinforcement to increase his Strength by 70%!

Not only did the guy buff himself to max power the instant he discovered that he was no match for me at his base stats, he unleashed Beast Howl Slash that was so fast that I couldn’t parry it in time!


A terrible pain engulfed my chest as the Beast Howl Slash critted. Not even my Profound Armor was enough to withstand the attack!


Over half of my HP was gone just like that. My bard buffs had expired a long time ago, so I only had a bit over 13 million HP. A prolonged fight would end in my defeat for sure!

Vienna’s Sorrow tried to hit me a third time, but I was able to dodge to the back before flying back in to grab his armor. Then, I "disarmed" his metal armor with Flying Dragon Arm before executing a lightning-fast Xuanyuan Slash[2] of my own!

"Shit!" Vienna’s Sorrow turned green when he realized what just happened.



The attack had nearly one-shot him because Xuanyuan Slash had critted!

I turned my blade and cast Xuanyuan Art without hesitation. Now is the time to end his life!

However, the distant Shabby Castle suddenly pointed his scepter at Vienna’s Sorrow and cast his SS Rank Ancient Divine Skill, Freya’s Kiss, healing him for 60% HP instantly. At the same time, Vienna’s Sorrow activated his own HP recovery skill and an invincibility skill!


Saving Vienna’s Sorrow came with a price tag, however. An arrow pierced through Shabby Castle’s Magic Shield and stunned him while he was distracted. Immediately after that, Li Chengfeng and Lian Xin executed their combos, shredded his Magic Shield and one-shot him from existence!


System Announcement: Attention all players, player "Legendary Brave" (China) killed the Heroic Bannerman "Shabby Castle" (England) and obtained 10% of their contribution points, 222,637 points!


That was all the havoc we managed to create before true danger arrived, however. On the ground, countless Hero Alliance Gold Cavalrymen were charging toward us and killing the sky with what seemed to be an endless number of Trapping Nets. I hurriedly shouted, "Withdraw! If we don’t withdraw now it’ll be too late!"

Li Chengfeng, Beiming Xue and He Yi immediately pulled back, but High Fighting Spirits swung his axe and said, "You guys go first. I’ll cover the rear[3]!"

"Fighting Spirits!!!"

I was already a hundred meters away when I saw High Fighting Spirits holding the line alone with Xiezhi Howl.

Then, a shadow dashed up to him and pierced his chest with a black sword. Blood spilled everywhere, and a critical hit damage number rose from his head!


"Big brother Fighting Spirits…" Beiming Xue murmured as she looked back at the berserker.

I was so furious that my heart could shatter. Li Chengfeng kept swearing under his breath with bloodshot eyes, "What the fuck is this, what the fuck is this…"


Blood spilled out of High Fighting Spirits’ lips as he slowly dropped to his knees. Right before he lost all control of his body though, he swung his axe one last time at Vienna’s Sorrow’s head before muttering, "Hehe, but everyone’s safe, right?"

Vienna’s Sorrow beheaded him for the rude gesture and swore, "Bastard!"


The scene was so shocking that I actually lost control of my Flight for a moment. Heart breaking like glass, I swore, "Just you wait, Vienna’s Sorrow. I will kill you if it’s the last thing I do…"

Li Chengfeng caught me by the collar and said quietly, "Let’s go, brother…"

1. T/N: pretty hypocritical for a guy who fought all of his Nation Wars preaching the greater good. It’s almost like the time he betrayed Flowing Cloud for his nation never happened. ☜

2. E/N: You took off his armor to use a skill that ignored armor…? ☜

3. E/N: That’s actually a good trade-off. He’s a player that dies almost too quickly, but has CRAZY damage. If he spams his AoEs, enemies will not walk into them. If it was a tanky turtle, they would just walk past him. Of all players of Ancient Sword, he’s the best to die covering the retreat. He has enough damage to make an army stop at a choke point and he’s not so strong he’s a huge loss overall. ☜

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