"Doctor, can't you take all our classes?" A silly girl with a silly smile teasingly asked the question, and the people in the classroom could not help their chuckles.

"I will see you next Wednesday, Miss Beena." Keith ignored her question but still politely smiled at her, which made her sigh and look at him with a love-lorn expression.

It had been a few weeks since Keith started teaching the 2k47-S Class, and so far, nothing eventful had occurred.

The students and the doctors alike loved his lessons, after all, he was quite knowledgeable and had the charisma as well to hold their attention and make them understand things that others would struggle to properly convey.

People were sceptical, of course, students mainly, but once they realised that they were going to be learning things that were otherwise not meant to be taught to them at the University, they were like hungry hounds who wanted to devour every piece of Knowledge that Keith had to share with them. And the doctors were even more excited.

If they knew that the things he was teaching them were only the most basic of the basics, compared to the astounding knowledge and medical secrets that he possessed, their excitement would have turned into self-doubt and even the breaking of their fragile hearts and minds.

Then again, he was only here to teach them the basics, not to shed light on the secrets of Medicine. Which he would not do anyway. And what he was teaching them was already scarce and very valuable by the standards of this world.

Keith silently walked out of the Hall and smiled when he sensed two people following him out of the class.

"Your next class starts in ten minutes, Mr. Arya, Miss Mir." He said, and the young man smiled as he caught up and started walking on his right side.

"My apologies, Doctor. But I have a question."

"Does it concern what we learned in the class today?" Keith asked without looking at him.

"Yes and no, Doctor."

"Ask." He nodded, and the Young Master of the Arya Family smiled brightly.

"The Aura Needles," Samrath said and Keith curiously turned to look at him. "How does one make sure that their Aura Needles stay stable when they are injected into the Chaotic Nodes?"

Even Kashish was a little surprised by Samrath's question. It clearly went beyond the scope of what they were supposed to learn in the class and what they learned today.

"You have me curious, Mr. Arya." Keith smiled. "What are you planning on doing?"

"You were there that night at the Yellow Street when the old man collapsed." Samrath was not bothered that Keith had seen through him. "Even though I managed to save his life, there are still some more tumours in his brain, and they would eventually rupture." He told them.

"You want to eliminate all those tumours?" Keith shook his head and sighed. "May I ask why you want to take that risk for that old man, Mr. Arya?"

"I don't like leaving what I started unfinished." He truthfully said. "Had I not stepped in to save him that night, I would not have bothered, but now it weighs on my mind."

"So it has nothing to do with the pretty girl who is following us and sneaking hopeful glances at you?"

Keith's words surprised Samrath, who immediately turned to look back and found the girl with pigtails following them, and just like Keith had said, she was throwing him hopeful glances.

Samrath sighed when he saw that and apologetically smiled at Keith.

"I want to help her. She only has her father in her life." He admitted to the other reason why he wanted to help the old man.

"If you help him, and manage to save him, she would have you in her life too." He reminded him. "What would you do then to save her from losing you?" He playfully asked, and the Young Master of the Arya Family visibly sighed once again as Keith saw through his last reason as well.


"Your personal life is not my concern, Mr. Arya." Keith cut him off before he could admit to his words. "To answer your question, it's quite simple. The Aura Needle would remain stable in a Chaotic Node if it keeps receiving a constant supply of Aura, but more than that, its survival would depend on the potency of the Doctor's Aura. Even though the old man you want to save is not an Auror, he has a few Aura Nodes opened in his body, and one such Aura Node is in the centre of his forehead. It's quite a risk."

"Yes." Samrath nodded to him. "It's the one I need to deal with since he likely developed those Tumours because of its presence. It's a distorted Aura Node."

"Show me your Aura Needle," Keith said, and Samrath unhesitatingly drew his hand forward and conjured up an Aura Needle. "Impressive, but you lack the potency." He shook his head. "It would be unwise for you to perform the surgery."

"I will work on it before..."

"Let's go and see the old man tonight, and I will help eliminate those tumours. You can watch how it's done." He suddenly offered, and Samrath was shocked by his words, but soon a smile crept on his face, mistaking Keith's intentions as his goodwill.

"Thank you, Doctor!" The Child of Destiny sincerely thanked him. "I will contact you in the evening."

"Fine. Now go be with your girlfriend." Keith smiled, and the Young Master of the Arya Family nodded to him and Kashish before stopping and waiting for the silly girl who was following them to catch up with him, ready to give her the good news.

"Can I say I am surprised?" Kashish suddenly said after they walked out of the building, and Keith started using his power to make people not look their way.

"Surprised that I offered to help him?" He smiled at her.

"Yes." She nodded.


"You would not bother about an old man's life or even care for his status as the Young Master of the Arya Family." She unhesitatingly told him what she thought.

"I saved your grandfather."

"Yes, but would you have done the same if it was not me who begged you to save him?" She smiled and asked, having already pieced everything together and understood that he saved her grandfather for her.

"Who knows?" He shrugged and then nodded to her. "I thought you would like to see how one could successfully remove those Brain Tumours without using any secret method or technique." He playfully said, and Kashish could not help but smile.

"Okay." She nodded her head, agreeing to accompany him tonight.

How could Keith tell her that Destiny had planned for her and Samrath to work on saving the old man together? And how could he tell her the true reason why he was helping the old man?

He needed the Fate Points, and Samrath would be losing some tonight when he saves the old man in his stead, and he would fail to get his hands on the gift that the old man was meant to give to the favoured Child of Destiny.

Keith did not ask Kashish if she wanted to attend the next class. She did not. And she got into his car without a question or hesitation when he opened the door for her.

"What Realm is he in?" She suddenly voiced her curiosity, recalling the Aura Needle that Samrath had conjured up earlier.

"He's in the early stage of True-Profound Realm," Keith told her, and the girl frowned. "Yes, he's much weaker than you but possesses a finer Aura Control."

"Is it something that can be worked upon?"

"Yes." He nodded to her, and she had to suppress herself from asking him to teach her how to do it.

Keith smiled when he glanced at her and found her blushing.

He hoped she would raise the request so he could tease her, but she was quite smart as she understood what it would entail.

"Steak or Seafood?" He asked.

"Seafood," Kashish replied, not really caring as both options were her favourites.

She suddenly gasped when a glass rose started forming in her lap out of nowhere, and though she had witnessed the phenomenon every day for the last two weeks, she was still just as fascinated by it as she was for the first time.

"That's the 15th rose." She smiled as she picked it up and inspected it. "How many do you plan on giving me?"

"Well, I could give you one whenever I am around. After all, they are my favourites." He smiled.

"And I thought you were giving them to me because you knew I loved them." She teased him and watched him simply shrug. "Can you make them red?"

"I can." He nodded, and she hopefully looked at him. "But it will cost you a kiss on my lips." He added, and Kashish blushed hard before turning her face away and looking outside the car.

"A kiss for a red rose?" She whispered.


"One for every kiss?"

"Yes." Keith played along with her, and she could not help her giggles.

"Well, you will have to wait a while before you can start making them."

"You should know that I don't like waiting for what I desire." He warned her.

"Is that so?" She smiled and met his eyes, but could not keep them locked as she felt her heart betray her.

Keith did not tease her more when she lowered her head and started tracing the glass rose he gave her today and allowed her to drown in the thoughts that were plaguing her mind.

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