Villain Ch 546. Emma's Confession 

Mid-hunt, as the party clashed with sewer slimes and spells were flung in the chaos, Allen stole a glance at Emma. There it was, a shift in her expression, subtle but unmistakable. 

He didn't say a word, didn't want to derail the flow of the hunt, but the unspoken disappointment emanated from Emma like a neon sign in a dark alley. Allen couldn't shake the feeling that maybe he had laid down the words a bit too harshly. The girl rarely got reprimanded, at least not by anyone other than her father.

In Allen's eyes, it was like catching a glimpse behind Emma usual behavior. He wondered if maybe, just maybe, he had hit her differently than he intended. 

He mentally debated whether he should address it, but the hunt called for focus. For now, he tucked away the observation, making a mental note to check in with Emma after the hunt ended.

The hunt progressed. The sewers seemed to spawn more monsters than the usual. Mutant alligator monsters emerged from the murky puddles, their slimy bodies ready to ambush the party.

Bella unleashed a thunder spell that crackled through the water. The mutant alligators, momentarily paralyzed, became sitting ducks, or rather, sitting gators. 

The rest of the party wasted no time, slashing and casting spells. The once-intense hunt turned into a monster massacre, and the group became a well-oiled killing machine. It was a piece of cake for them.

Yet, amidst the chaos, Allen's thoughts kept circling back to Emma. The hunt might have been a breeze, but his internal turmoil added an extra layer of complexity. Still, he held back, choosing not to bring it up in the midst of gator-slaying. The battleground wasn't the right place for a heart-to-heart.

An hour ticked by, and Allen couldn't help but cast sideways glances at the game clock. To his surprise, there was no sign of Kafra swooping in with her infamous "time to log out" decree. Even the girls were raising eyebrows at this unexpected thing.

Meanwhile, Emma continued the hunt unfazed. No log-out request, no glitches – just relentless slaying the monsters. It was like she'd found a secret cheat code to dodge Kafra's grasp, and the party couldn't quite believe her luck.

Allen observed Emma's hunting style. Every swing of her whip, every spell she cast, was a masterclass in efficiency. She moved like a seasoned gamer who relied on strength, a stark contrast to Allen's preference for speedy maneuvers.

What caught Allen off guard was Emma's head-to-head combat approach. She thrived in frontal fights. She didn't dodge; she countered, brushing off enemy attacks like they were mere annoyances. It was a style that screamed, "Come at me, bro," and the monsters were all too eager to accept the invitation.

She couldn't quite put it into words, this strange cocktail of emotions swirling within her. It was like a blend of nostalgia, recognition, and a hint of something she couldn't quite name. 

In that silent gaze exchange, a subtle truth emerged – she wanted to be near him. 

"Emma," he called again, a touch of concern in his voice, as if trying to bridge the gap between them.

Emma found herself oddly tongue-tied, the usually outspoken gamer at a loss for words. This wasn't a raid strategy or a witty banter moment; it was something entirely foreign, a feeling she wasn't accustomed to dealing with.

Allen, sensing her hesitation, didn't press. Instead, he took a different route. There was a silent understanding that neither of them was sure what the other was thinking. In an attempt to lift the fog, Allen, in a move that screamed comforting vibe, placed his hand on Emma's head. A gentle, reassuring pat echoed through the air, the kind of gesture that transcends any language.

"It's fine if you don't want to tell me," Allen said genuinely, his words carrying a weight of understanding. "I just hope you don't get careless like that again, and I hope you can get along well with everyone else," he added, the calm tone in his voice working like a balm. His smile, that big brother reassurance, washed over Emma.

She stared at him, caught in the crossfire of mixed feelings. Allen's sincerity cut through the haze, and she knew he regretted the dungeon rebuke earlier. The realization settled in – maybe, just maybe, it was his way of caring.

Allen, sensing the heaviness of the moment, moved his hand away and turned around. He figured Emma didn't want to say anything more, deciding to wrap up the conversation. But just as he began to pivot away, Emma's voice cut through the quiet.

"I-I just want to be close to you," she stammered, the words hanging in the air like a revelation. It was a confession wrapped in vulnerability, a truth that added layers to their dynamic.

Allen, in the midst of turning away, stopped dead in his tracks. His expression transformed into one of pure shock, like he'd just stumbled upon a rare in-game item he never thought he'd find.

Emma's unexpected confession hung in the air. Allen, facing her again, blinked in mild surprise. For a moment, the virtual world seemed to pause, and he processed her words. Then, a soft smile tugged at the corners of his avatar's lips. 

With a gentle nod, Allen simply said, "Well, then let's stick together, alright?" It was a pact made in the language of sibling bonds, they wouldn't wander too far from each other's side. 

With a pout that was both adorable and revealing of her vulnerability, Emma approached him and pulled him into a hug. Allen, now wearing the stunned expression of someone caught in a plot twist, tentatively wrapped his arms around her.

"I never had a sibling before, and I was so happy once I heard about you. So I want to know more about you," Emma confessed, her words carrying the weight of a long-buried sentiment. "I want to experience what it's like to be a little sister and have someone I can rely on."

Allen, still processing the revelation, hugged her back gently. A soft smile played on his lips, a mix of surprise and warmth. "I see. If that's what you want, I'll give it to you. But still..." His voice, firm yet tender, cut through the quiet. "I hope you're not as reckless as before."

Emma nodded, her voice sincere as she promised, "I promise."

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