Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 847 Killing Nishkavert

With Lith's provocation and having his pride being sullied before, King Nishkavert lost all his cool and screamed like a madman, running up to Lith to tear him to a million pieces.

Lith placed his dominant foot back and took on a martial stance, ready to erupt any moment when that blob of muscles reached him.

"AHHHHH!" Nishkavert screamed while running and placing his entire energy into his punch.

In his mad state, he really thought that he would be able to survive a head-on collision in front of Lith.

Nishkavert couldn't be more wrong and as he reached close, Lith slightly touched the guy's fist and directed him back to the straight path he was running at, avoiding his punch.

Well, even though Nishkavert couldn't be more wrong on surviving a head-on collision in front of Lith, this time he did due to Lith's mercy.

What was going on in Lith's mind, only he knew.


A chamber full of runes.

"GARRRRHHH! CHIEF, HOW MUCH LONGER!?!" A cloaked figure yelled on top of his lungs.

"A BIT MORE! A BIT MORE! THE SUMMONING IS ALMOST DONE!" The old chief yelled back.

"AHHHH! GIVE IT YOUR ALL ALLIES!!" Another cloaked figure shouted.

In response to him cheering, the rest of the figures shouted:


With such a shout, their energy output increased multiple folds despite their fatigue and the summoning circle grew much brighter than ever.


The madman Nishkavert charged like an angry bull once again when spared.

People spectating couldn't help but shake their heads with slight sadness. This was their King and he appeared so grand and mighty, but look at him now, he seemed no less than an animal.

The spectators had no clue as to why was this happening and even as to who Lith was and how could he defeat the King, but being the peasants they were, they shut their mouths and simply watched their King run charge towards his death.

As Nishkavert came close, this time around, Lith didn't avoid him.

Nishkavert's fingers twitched and the hole in his chest was getting repaired slowly. The wounds on his body also seemed to be disappearing and after a few minutes, his body twitched and he slowly regained his senses.

"Urgh… What… Stinging sensation?" Nishkavert said in a hoarse voice.

Surprised by this, Lith continued to look at him and analyzed what he was doing.

Nishkavert slowly got up and the spectators gasped in horror as they saw a dead corpse coming back to life.

They all screamed, but with Lith raising his hand, they shut up immediately and fell silent.

These were the crowd control skills Lith possessed and it wasn't easy to achieve. The amount of submission required was astronomical, but Lith ended up achieving it quite easily due to his abilities.

Finally, as Nishkavert stood up fully, he looked around and patting himself everywhere, said, "Where am I? What is this feeling? Why do I seem… tall? Huh? Muscles?"

Nishkavert seemed like a psychopath, patting onto his own body and checking his own muscles.

The spectators were already horrified with the corpse coming back to life, but now they could see that their ex-king had lost memories too. This was another source of panic for them, but with Lith here, they didn't scream anymore and watched quietly.

Lith, really surprised with the development, smiled and thought to himself, 'A reincarnation? Amazing.'

Thinking so, Lith walked to the now alive Nishkavert and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Are you alright?" Lith asked with a smile.

Nishkavert turned to look at the person that had just appeared in front of him and as he had a look at Lith, a sudden sharp pain assaulted his mind.

"Ahhhh!" Nishkavert held his head and screamed. "What is this sharp pain in my head!?"

"Oh?" Lith let out an amused chuckle. "The memories of old body are returning to him, it seems."

Smiling and shaking his head, Lith patted Nishkavert's head and said, "It's a pity that I'm in a rush and can't fully study a reincarnation. But no worries, I'll have more opportunities in the future."


With one head pat, Nishkavert's head burst open.


[Successfully attained Unique Ability: Soul Splitter!]


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