Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 788 There’s Always A Price

Ning Xin Xue's tale definitely felt sad and was on par with Keith's, with the exception being Keith was forced into it while this woman did it willingly.

Though, in both cases, they were two helpless little girls and had pretty much no choice.

If Keith had wisdom like Ning Xin Xue, she might've walked on a similar path like her. Both were cursed with beauty and no matter where they went, there definitely was going to be some strong old pervert who would be after them.

Lith couldn't comment on whether what the Enchantress did was right or wrong, for everyone had their own ways of survival.

What he did feel for her was great pity. This woman had suffered, but well… that's about it.

There was no other emotion within Lith for her. She was just another person going through the ups and downs of life in Lith's opinion.

After the Enchantress was done telling her story, she looked at Lith with a soft smile and said, "These conditions of mine have their pros and cons. Pros being that I am strong and have sects in all realms and cons being that… well… as you can see, I am a slut."

Lith was taken aback by the sudden self degrading comment this woman made.

No woman in this universe would ever drop her pride to such a degree and call herself that, even if she had slept with multiple partners, much less a strong one like her. The reason being, it was normal for immortals to have multiple partners.

What she had done was nothing wrong and was just a means of surviving and ascending to higher ranks. A cultivator had to use all the resources available to reach the pinnacle and in the Enchantress's case, it was her beauty.

Her calling herself a slut… this wasn't because she loathed herself, but because she wanted to show her sincerity to Lith.

The Enchantress had no other means at hand to show her sincerity as even if she were to kill herself right now and present her head, Lith would simply think that there might be a hidden ploy to this.

Lith finally relaxed himself a little and properly looked at the Enchantress.

"You said you are the Oldest Temptation, yes?" Lith asked, finally conversing and not giving her a cold look.

"That's right." The Enchantress said in a soft voice.

"Then, you must be someone really old, yes?"

Lith's question made the Enchantress's eye twitch a bit, but she sighed and nodded her head lightly.

Lith flashed a small smile. "Then that means you're older than even my mother. That's not good. I can't get together with someone so old."

The Enchantress blinked a few times as she stared at Lith with a dumbfounded expression.

For the first time in her life, someone had said something like this to her.

There never was a man who would reject her advances or reject her in itself. Heck, even women never rejected her!

Then why of all days… ah!

The Enchantress understood now.

This woman… she wasn't hiding her real self anymore just like how Lith wasn't.

Maybe, her motive to pull beings who have reached a certain state of pleasure was to find a partner? Thought Lith.

"You were pulling people to see if there's someone suitable enough to be your partner, right?" Lith didn't hold back and asked.

Ning Xin Xue turned to look at Lith and then shook her head.

"They were pulled to be used as test subjects for the Great Love and Beauty Sect. There are only girls in the sect and they would use this person to see if they were strong enough to make him reach this level of pleasure again." Ning Xin Xue explained.

"The girls would have a challenge with this and if the person that came up here was a woman, then that would end up being an even bigger challenge to them."

"I see…"

Lith fell silent after hearing that. So it turns out he wasn't pulled here because the Enchantress was looking for a companion. It was simply his own self that caused him to be summoned.

If the system hadn't enhanced his pleasure, he would've never met this Enchantress or even know of her existence.

The Enchantress's favorability increased in Lith's mind and he was taking a step closer towards her.

The Enchantress was nothing but a hot box of trouble, but if Lith properly made use of her, then things would be totally in his own favour.

It would be too bad to let go of a person who could seduce anybody so easily. It was a massive ability.

Though, Lith wouldn't let her sleep or even be touched by anyone else if they got together, he could still use her charms to mess with people.

Thinking that this woman wasn't bad, Lith decided to just go with the flow for now.

He looked at the depressed woman and said, "I'll try to find you in the real world and see if I can fall in love. Though, no promises."

The Enchantress's eyes widened in surprise as she heard that, but then her face went back to normal.

She got up from her rock and appeared right in front of Lith.

She smiled and looking at his face seductively, said, "It seems my beauty indeed is irresistible. This isn't my real self though, so be careful when you see the real me, lest you get swallowed whole by her."

It was a friendly warning and not a threat.

Lith looked at her and ignoring what she said, asked, "Tell me about the ego things. I'll go on a date with your real self."

Ning Xin Xue smiled widely. "I refuse. The conditions have changed. You have to kiss me—"

It didn't matter and Lith went in for a kiss, greatly surprising Ning Xin Xue.

It was a light peck on her lips, but a kiss nonetheless.

Ning Xin Xue's heart thumped with happiness but calming herself down, she looked at Lith and said, "You sure know your way."

Lith shrugged and said, "Answer now."

Ning Xin Xue nodded and said, "For Gods, their egos are…"

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