[... No…]

Juni's voice was low. It had a hint of resignation, and a bit of frustration. The others shared her fear and anger as they watched in silence. Sam was losing his hold on his emotions. He gritted his teeth as he fought against the storm raging inside of him, and with each passing second the urge to scream became much and much stronger.

In less than ten seconds, the Black Stone Giants Army replenished all of their losses and even added some more. For every hundred or so of obsidian monstrosities, a different giant stood at the back row. They seemed to be a new type, each one ten times larger than the rest and much more menacing. Compared to the bulky build of the average Black Giant, their forms were leaner and much more polished with thin arms and torsos. A pair of horns decorated their heads, and instead of the single hole with the red glow they had three.

Sam didn't like it, and the moment the Demons moved he understood why. Their movements, while still slow, weren't as sluggish as the rest of the army. He watched them raise their arms over their heads, the red halos crowning them shining with an ominous light.

A cloud of black dust gathered around each of their hands, solidifying in the span of a few seconds and forming long obsidian spikes.

As the white glow of the barrier breaking Runes covered the spikes, alarm bells rang in Sam's head and he yelled into his communicator.


Unfortunately, despite his warning, the Valkyries had very little time to prepare. Each of the Demons stretched its arm back preparing to launch the spikes like gigantic javelins. There were twenty of them. Even if the five maintaining the barrier moved as well, the girls were still not enough to stop what was about to happen.

Five launched two arrows destroying the arms of two Demons. CS launched herself at one and managed to force the glowing spike out of its hand. Trenta teleported in front of another one and severed its arm down from the shoulder. Juni kicked one in the head sending it tumbling backward then fired her bean at the one next to pushing it down as well.

Unfortunately, even with all their efforts, six Demons were still able to finish their motions, launching the giant spikes at the abandoned airport. The obsidian thorns covered in the white glow looked like divine spears raining from the sky to smite the enemies of the gods.

Zero Five teleported in the trajectory of one of them, her katana shining with the blue light of her force field. Zero Three moved to block another one, creating a triangular shield hundreds of times larger than normal.

Venti did the same and so did Triska. Ichigo closed her eyes and clutched her staff, Sitta gritted her teeth and Sam glared at the sky.

Nino firmly held her Yari with both hands, and knowing what was about to happen, she braced herself for the impact.

ραndαsΝοvεl ƈοm A violent earthquake shook Africa in its entirety. The abandoned airport, along with the lava pond surrounding it, was covered in a large cloud of sand and dust. A couple of minutes passed before the aftermath became visible, and to the surprise of the eyes in the sky the barrier and the purged area it protected were still there, the spikes launched by the giants having pierced the ground around them.

Five struck a spike but only managed to deflect its trajectory, the force of the blow shattering her right arm along with her weapon and sending her hurling toward the lava pond. Three's shield held on, but only for a single second. She managed to tilt it a little altering its course but was sent flying as a result. Venti and Triska weren't so successful, but they managed to achieve the same result, though they suffered some severe injuries as a result.

Juni was able to deflect one of the spikes at the last moment using her beam, and CS did the unthinkable, blocking one of the spikes by tossing one of the giants at it.

That said, everyone's efforts would've been in vain if not for Sitta's quick reaction. With the others going out to block the spikes, she was the only one left to keep the barrier protecting the airport active. Even with her skills in barrier creation covering such a wide area was going to be a challenge, and with the spikes being coated in the white glow it seemed only inevitable that they would penetrate the invisible wall.

Keeping that in mind, she waited until the last second, studying the altered trajectory of the spikes and creating a new barrier with five walls, each of them leaning at a different angle that served to deflect the spikes.

The barrier breaking Runes should've rendered her efforts useless, but the orange haired Valkyrie took that into account, making the barrier smaller than Ichigo's Transcendent Purge causing the white glow to be cleansed off the spikes before they collided with the barrier.

"Doctor…" Sitta spoke, smiling as she panted despite having no need for air. "This sex thing the others keep talking about… it better be worth it, you hear me?"

"Ah…" Sam let out the breath he held, only to grimace when he saw what was happening in the distance. "Once we make it back home, I will make sure each one of you has the best night of her life."

The Black Stone Giants began marching.

The tentacles came down once more. This time they seemed to repair the broken Demons instead of creating another batch. Once they were back in one piece the giant demons raised their arms and new spikes began to form in their hands.

Five was severely injured. The same went for Venti and Triska. Three had to quickly go around and pick them up before they melted in the lava pond. CS, Juni and Trenta were doing their best to take down as many Demons as they could, but there was only so much they could do.

Just as he gave in to the despair and was about to admit defeat, Sam heard Nino's voice, her tone so relaxed it almost seemed like the current situation didn't affect her at all.

"Just to be clear, Doctor-" She turned to him with a smile, winking as a reddish color spread on her cheeks. "Next is my turn, okay?"

Behind her, something flashed in the distance, and the next moment, the entire army of Black Stone Giants exploded, huge globes of fire swallowing them as the horizon was painted in their orange color.

The sound reached the airport a second later followed by the shockwave resulting from hundreds of simultaneous explosions. The violent tremors dwarfed anything that came before, forcing Sam and the others to kneel down just so they wouldn't tumble and fall.

Everyone was confused about what happened, but when the light faded and the dust settled down, they all looked up and saw it:

An army of Angels slowly descending from the sky.

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