Urban Most Awesome Dad

Chapter 3 - Chapter 3 Accidental Encounter_1

Chapter 3 Accidental Encounter_1

Translator: 549690339

Soon, Xu Fan finished bathing and changed into slightly cleaner clothes before taking Tongtong out with him.

After leaving the house, Xu Fan threw the room key into a gap in the nearby pipes; he had no intention of coming back to this place.

“Daddy is finally clean and smells nice,”

At that moment, Tongtong, held in Xu Fan’s arms, was extremely excited, planting several kisses on Xu Fan’s face. Xu Fan felt immensely happy in his heart. With such an adorable daughter, what would life be like in the future?

“Heehee, now Tongtong finally has a daddy and a mommy. Soon, Tongtong will be the happiest child!”

Tongtong, nestled in Xu Fan’s arms, struck a victory pose. Seeing this, Xu Fan cracked a smile and said to Tongtong,

“Okay then, once dad sorts things out with your mom, we’ll let Tongtong live the happiest life. For now, let’s go eat some meat. Sound good?”

“Yes! Eat meat! Eat meat!”

Upon hearing Xu Fan’s words, Tongtong was even more delighted.

While watching Tongtong, Xu Fan made up his mind to win over Xu Yixue.

However, Xu Fan knew this wouldn’t be an easy task. Although the two had shared a brief romantic encounter, Xu Yixue’s stubborn nature was clear: upon discovering Xu Fan’s identity as the eldest son of the Xu Family, and even after becoming pregnant, she had not contacted him once—a testament to her personality.

Now that Xu Fan had been stripped of his heir status, Xu Yixue naturally looked down on him even more. When she brought Tongtong over the previous day and saw Xu Fan, there was not a flicker of emotion on her face, clearly not taking him seriously at all.

So Xu Fan needed to act fast. He had six days left, after which Xu Yixue would come to take Tongtong away, and finding Tongtong would not be so easy then!

But now wasn’t the time to think about these matters. The most important thing was to take his daughter out for a meal!

“Tongtong, what do you want to eat?”

Xu Fan asked, holding Tongtong in his arms, and Tongtong thought for a moment before saying in a babyish voice,

“Daddy, I want to go to KFC! Can we?”

“Of course we can. Let’s go, Daddy will take you there right now!”

Without hesitation, Xu Fan agreed, and at these words, Tongtong was overjoyed:

“Oh! That’s great. Mommy never lets Tongtong eat at KFC. Daddy, you’re the best!”

Upon hearing this, Xu Fan smiled slightly. He knew why Xu Yixue wouldn’t let Tongtong eat such food; certainly because she considered it junk food. But it couldn’t be denied, the food did taste decent. Since his daughter liked it, they’d go straight there.

As for any harm to the body, that was even easier to deal with. Xu Fan, the mighty Five-Direction Heavenly Emperor, just needed to acquire the herbs, and he could soon strengthen and cleanse his daughter’s body. What was a little junk food in comparison?

Before long, Xu Fan took Tongtong downstairs, went to the bank to withdraw fifty thousand yuan, and then directly headed to KFC with her.

Despite being abandoned by the Xu Family, Xu Fan still had plenty of funds. After all, the Xu Family had simply expelled him and frozen his accounts with them, but Xu Fan’s personal accounts still had a substantial amount of money. Moreover, he had purchased another property before—so factoring everything in, Xu Fan could easily maintain a decent lifestyle.

It was just a pity that the former Xu Fan could not accept the fall from grace, drowning his sorrows in alcohol daily, barely lucid, having long forgotten all these matters.

Soon, Xu Fan had finished dining with his daughter and then took some time at the nearby barbershop to tidy up his appearance. After all, his scruffy beard wasn’t comfortable for Tongtong when she got close. Xu Fan naturally wanted to spruce himself up.

After Xu Fan had freshened up, Tongtong, who had been watching, suddenly exclaimed and threw herself into Xu Fan’s arms, planting a kiss on him:

“Daddy, you’re so handsome!”

By this time, Xu Fan had neatly groomed his hair and beard, and since he was naturally good-looking, with the memories of the Emperor Xu Fan now also imparting an unflappable dignity to his bearing, he was indeed a very charming man.

In fact, the beautiful woman styling hair nearby had been planning to strike up a conversation, but after seeing Tongtong calling Xu Fan “Daddy,” she had to give up the idea.

“Alright, my little cutie, where do you want to go play next?”

Xu Fan asked as he picked up Tongtong.

“Hehe, as long as I’m with Daddy, Tongtong is happy to go anywhere!”

Tongtong touched Xu Fan’s smooth chin with satisfaction and kissed him on the face again.

Seeing Tongtong’s adorable antics, Xu Fan couldn’t help but laugh heartily. Indeed, having a daughter was something special!

As Tongtong saw Xu Fan’s happy face, she too burst into giggles. Their openhearted laughter attracted the sideways glances of those waiting their turn.

A middle-aged couple nearby, witnessing Tongtong and Xu Fan, looked on with envy. The middle-aged woman took a small toy from her pocket, approached them, and said:

“Little girl, you are so cute! Would you like this little toy from auntie?”

Spotting the little toy bear, Tongtong’s eyes lit up; she clearly wanted it very much, yet she didn’t take it immediately, instead looking up at Xu Fan with an inquiring gaze.

Seeing Tongtong’s eager expression, Xu Fan smiled softly and said to her:

“It’s okay, auntie is giving it to you. Go ahead and take it, but remember to thank auntie, okay?”

Upon hearing Xu Fan’s consent, Tongtong was overjoyed. She carefully took the little bear toy and thanked the middle-aged woman:

“Thank you, auntie!”

“Oh, what a sweetheart!”

The middle-aged woman’s eyes were full of tenderness and envy as she looked at Tongtong, and even a hidden sadness that she tried to conceal.

However, Xu Fan didn’t wish to delve into these matters. He said to Tongtong:

“Say goodbye to auntie!”

“Goodbye, auntie!”

Tongtong waved to the middle-aged woman, and then Xu Fan led her away from the barbershop.

But as Tongtong walked away, the middle-aged woman covered her face and wept, while her husband gently embraced her and sighed deeply.

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