The pagoda stands tall and proud against the skyline. Its many tiers were topped with a curved roof, adorned with colorful tiles and gold-tipped spires. Its walls were covered with intricate carvings and painted designs, and its pillars spiral into the sky like ivory towers. The pagoda was a majestic sight to behold, inspiring awe and admiration.

"It's..." Miyu mumbled. She walked forwards and touched the pagoda and it felt smooth and cool.

The carvings on its walls were deep and intricate, each a small work of art in its own right. The tips of the gold-tipped spires were sharp, while the tiles on its curved roof were glossy and bright. Its spiraling pillars stretch high into the sky, an impressive sight of strength and beauty.

"Well... just go inside. If you die inside, then you're dead, and if you pass all the trials, then you'll be the Martial Art Emperor," Ye Kai said.

"Really? Will this help us reach the Martial Art Emperor in a year?" Fraz asked as it felt too unrealistic to cross five realms in a year.

"Of course... But as I said, there is a chance you might die, so be careful inside," Ye Kai warned them.

"Okay, then I'm going first," Yang Guifei said.

Ye Kai stepped aside and made way for Yang Guifei as Yang Guifei squared her shoulders, took a deep breath, and marched towards the pagoda's towering entrance. The doors were large and carved with intricate patterns of intertwining dragons. She examined the doors for a few moments before grasping one of the handles and pushing it open. As she stepped inside, the heavy air felt almost alive with anticipation.

She hesitated at the threshold, running her hand along the cool, smooth walls on either side. As she stepped inside, a soft white light emitted from a bright orb in the center of the room. She inched closer to it, and before she knew it, she had been completely enveloped by its brilliance. Seconds later, the light dissipated and she was gone.

After that, one person after another stepped inside and vanished. Lastly, Ye Kai was the only one standing outside the pagoda. He looked at the pagoda for some time before he disappeared from that place.


"Hm... This is problematic," Maruma said.

Maruma, the Evil Lord who looked like a small flying black ball, spoke in a high-pitched tone.

"What shall we do now?" Charles said as he knelt in front of Maruma.

"X... This damn man or woman always gets in the way of my plans. Every hundred years, two hundred years ago, three hundred years... whenever the chosen one game starts, X always makes some random person the chosen one, and this random person somehow always ruins my plan," Maruma's black ball-shaped body started to grow red with anger as he spoke.

"My Lord, we can still capture the Time Chosen One, and there are still some High-Level Chosen Ones. As long as we capture them and absorb them, let's give you a body if we don't find the Devourer, Angel, and other chosen ones within a year." Charles bowed and said.

"If possible, then I only want those seven peak chosen ones. You don't understand the gap between peak-chosen ones and high-chosen ones. A peak-chosen one alone is enough to defeat ten high-chosen ones," Maruma said.

"But... You're right. We can't delay my full recovery. If within a year you don't find those peak chosen ones, then we will go with the Time and other high chosen ones."

"As you wish, my lord," Charles bowed and said.


Ye Kai arrived at his home.

Ye Kai could hide from Charles' spiritual energy, and he also had to raise his cultivation through the Lust System, which required him to conquer three potential women, so he couldn't use the pagoda and had to come back here.

Right now, Ye Kai was Martial Art General Low-Grade, and to upgrade his cultivation to Mid-Grade, he needed 100,000 Lust Points. He didn't have but to earn this many Lust Points isn't something Ye Kai couldn't do.

He could earn Lust Points and made himself Martial Art High-Grade, but to become Martial Art Commander, he needed to conquer 5 potential women, and he already conquered two women. His mother, Ye Nuan, and his former fourth mother, who was now his girlfriend, Rong Ying.

So he needed to conquer three other women.

Initially, Ye Kai planned to raise his cultivation by conquering Ye Kaori, Ye Xin, and Ye Niu. But now that circumstances had changed and he didn't have much time, he decided to conquer his three aunts because his mother had suggested making them his slaves. So Ye Kai didn't had made any plans or anything to make them open to sex with him like he had to do with Ye Kaori and Ye Xin.

Ye Kai was getting a bit excited at the idea of having a slave, but that was for later. For now, he was going to have some fun with his mother, Rong Ying, his little sister, and May's mother, Noira.

As he entered his room, he found no one there. The room was empty, with only a bed, a table with a mirror, and a wardrobe. Ye Kai looked out of the window and saw that it was noon. He was covered in sweat from the heat of Desert Island, so he decided to take a bath first before having fun.

Ye Kai walked out of his room and didn't see anyone. Due to his Lust System, he knew his mother was in the front yard, Rong Ying was at his store with Noira, and May was in the mountains.

"What is she doing in the mountains?" Ye Kai wondered, but he didn't care much since he could sense if something bad was happening.

Ye Kai walked outside the bathroom and pushed the door as he already sensed that someone was inside. When he entered, he saw a scene he didn't expect to see.

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