Unlimited Items Shop System

Chapter 136 Going Dark Sky City

Ye Kai was wearing his clothes, he looked at himself in the mirror, those same long hairs that obstruct his vision from time to time, but today he used the band to tie up behind and because he tied his hair back, his black eyes were visible, and with that his handsome face.

He wore a grey suit with a white shirt underneath and on the lower side he wore pants that match the fabric and colors of the suit, looking at himself, Ye Kai smiled and spoke

"Sometimes I think there is not single man handsome than me."

Then Ye Kai admire himself in the mirror for while, before he stepped out of the room, as he step out he heard a voice.

"Wow, brother where are you going?"

Ye Kai saw it was Ye Ming, in her tight top and pants, sweating all over from the training she was doing it.

"I'm going out for some business work, but why is mother going out herself for vegetable shopping?" Ye Kai asked.

Ye Kai sensed that his mother was at the vegetable market, but he couldn't understand why she would go there when he could easily give her whatever she need.

"Oh, mother said she liked to go out and shopping like that, she told me to tell you this," Ye Ming said.

"As she wishes," Ye Kai spoke, "Okay, then I'm going out, take care of the house."

"Okay, but came back fast, May said she needs to talk to you about something?"

"Okay, I will," Ye Kai said then he stepped out of the house.

'May, what does she want to talk about? I wish she transformed into her final form and control other wolves as fast she can but from the way things are, I think she will take yeas to transform into her final form,' Ye Kai was walking on the road as many people turn eyes to look at him, such handsome man bound attracts the gaze of people, not minding this gaze, Ye Kai was walking and suddenly stopped.

'I'm a fool, I should just directly teleport there,' Ye Kai sighed, then find a place where was not single person, and reaching the such place he teleport to the Dark Sky City.

Ye Kai stepped into a house that was crumbling around its edges. The roof had long since been ripped away, leaving only the skeletal frame of exposed beams reaching up to the sky.

'This place sure turned into a disaster,' Ye Kai walked out of this broken house and his gaze meet many other broken houses, and someplace only a door left, looking at it all, Ye Kai thought that May really did cause a disaster here, and dried blood that was everywhere, Ye Kai thought that it was good May hate human other him and his family, otherwise this mass killing would turn into the trauma for May.

Ye Kai walked into this broken city, and after walking for a while he began to see people, he saw many shirtless men working to clear the big stones that were here and there.

"Kid who are you? Why are you here?" A shirtless man, flexing his toned muscles come to Ye Kai and asked.

"I'm here to meet City Master, Lyroad Vellistion," Ye Kai answered.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

"What relationship do you have with him?" Man asked, there was big hostility in his tone.

"My father is helping him to build the city again," Ye Kai smiled and he answered. He couldn't say he was the one who was helping to build the city.

Man looked at Ye Kai for while then sighed, he looked behind, where some men were looking over here, Man then shook his head and asked, "Why are you here? Shouldn't you be in that mansion?"

The man pointed at a mansion that builds a bit far away from where Ye Kai was, this time there was no hostility in the man's voice and he sighed again then asked, "How many years your dad can build a city again?"

"If everything goes according to plan then only six years," Ye Kai said. In fact it would only in two years.

"Six?" The man was surprised but then he smiled and this smile seemed sad as he said, "I hope it builds in six years."

"Everything goes according to plan, then yes in six years the city will be standing again, but every plan isn't perfect, expecting less is good," Ye Kai said and then he walked to the mansion.

He saw that most men here were sad and had lots of anger towards the city master, which isn't surprising considering these men might have lose their loved ones, home, and many things.

Ye Kai walked and stood in front of the mansion.

The mansion stands tall and regal, its walls made from a white marble that glistens in the sun, and had decorative stained glass windows. Its spires reached into the sky, the roof was topped with a golden dome. The grand steps leading to the entrance were made of stone and flanked by two stone gargoyles, who seemed to watch over the grounds. Inside, one could find luxurious tapestries, rich wooden furniture, and grand staircases.

Ye Kai stepped into the grand entrance hall and he noticed there were no guards to be seen, but he could hear a faint swish-swish sound coming from somewhere nearby. Moving closer, he saw a figure in a maid's uniform running a feather duster along the intricate woodwork of the balcony.

Ye Kai sensed the Sakura location, and his foot moved in that direction, soon he reached outside of the giant door, and he pushed the door as he saw inside the room.

He opened the door to find Sakura with her kimono sash unknotted. Her lavender top revealed a glimpse of her pale skin and he quickly shut the door.

'I should have a knock on the door'

ραпdα nᴏνɐ| сom [Hate = 53]

[Hate = 58]

'Yup, I should have knocked on the door,' Ye Kai regretted not knocking on the door as he exhaled a sigh.

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