Edward grabbed the steering wheel tightly. He was furious at what he had seen just a moment ago. Right now the man was across from Ethan's house. He had just seen his ex-lover was making out dancing on the balcony with his half-brother.

"Damn! I can't keep quiet. Luna is mine, only mine! Ethan can't have her all the time! No matter she is pregnant, I will still take her heart again!"Edward was more and more determined to be desperate. He stared intently at the balcony of Ethan and Luna's room, which was already deserted. of course, because the two lovebirds were making love in the room. AW, poor Edward.

Edward immediately drove the car at high speed. He was not heading back home but headed for Sarah's house. would he ask the wild girl to serve him as an outlet for his jealousy towards Luna? To be sure, Edward will be even more attached and will even neglect Viona.

Arriving at Sarah's house, Edward immediately got out of the car and walked toward the main door of his wild girl's minimalist house with impatient steps.

"Sarah, open the door!" exclaimed Edward as he pounded on the door.

Until a few moments, the door opened. Sarah's face was just waking up and looked at Edward lazily.

"Why didn't you tell me you wanted to come here?" Sarah asked as she turned back into the living room.

Instead of answering, Edward asked in return, "when are you going to make Ethan flirt with you?"

"I haven't had time," Sarah replied as she lay on the sofa. "Your wife is giving me too much work. I'm very tired even today," she continued.

Edward sighed, then sat on the sofa right next to Sarah. "You have to do it right away, I'll record you later," he said angrily.

Sarah glanced at Edward in surprise, she couldn't understand why the man had insisted on forcing her to do her mission right away.

"So what if I do it any time, is it too important that I have to do it right away?" asked Sarah.

"He's getting more and more romantic with his wife," said Edward.

"So what? Naturally, if a husband and wife make out." Sarah gave Edward a strange look who made an illogical excuse. because he did not know that the man in front of him liked the wife of his potential victim.

Edward flinched in thought for a moment and then replied, "That means he's happy. And I don't like that!"

"Who exactly is he? Why do you want his destruction so badly?" asked Sarah?

"He's my half brother," Edward replied and then glanced at Sarah, who had made his male instincts rise. "Don't ask too many questions! Do the mission tomorrow,"

"Yes," Sarah said briefly.

Edward got up from the sofa and pulled Sarah into the room.

"Uh, why did you even bring me to the room?" Sarah asked, grumpily. Because at that time she was tired and sleepy.

"I want you now!" Edward pushed Sarah onto the bed to her knees. He immediately followed in a supportive position above the girl.

"I'm tired, Edward." Sarah turned her face when Edward was about to kiss her.

"You can't refuse! It's your fault for always teasing me," he said, then began his attack.

Edward didn't think how much Sarah wanted to rest. His heart, which was burning with jealousy by Luna, he vented by touching another girl.

as long as Luna was his lover, he wasn't even allowed to touch beyond the limits. And now his former lover belongs to his half-brother. Of course, Edward felt that he was missing the opportunity and was always haunted by jealousy.


elsewhere, Viona was curled up on the bed waiting for Edward to arrive. But her husband didn't come. She was getting more and more uneasy, especially since her stomach hurt earlier.

viona grimaced in pain as she tried to contact Edward, but her husband did not pick up the phone from her at all...

"Oh damn! Where are you, Edward?"

Viona chuckled irritably as she threw away her smartphone in any direction. She is tired of waiting for her husband, who has always come home late for several days. of course, the man always comes home late at night, because he has another girl to release from.

Viona got out of bed, then walked out of the room. Enduring the pain, she descended the steps to the ground floor.

"Mia ...!" Viona calls her household assistant, then sits waiting on the sofa.

Until a few minutes, Mia just came over to her.

"Yes, Mrs. What is it?" asked Mia who had just come from the direction of her room. Maybe she was asleep but her employer woke her up.

"Tell Hendra to prepare the car, I want to go to the hospital now," said Viona while holding her belly.

"Yes, Mrs." Mia immediately left the house to meet Hendra to prepare the car. Hendra is Viona's driver when she is lazy to drive alone.


Viona immediately entered the car, then Hendra immediately drove his employer's car to the hospital.

"Does Mr. Edward already know if you are sick?" Hendra asked while looking at Viona from the mirror above him.

"He didn't answer my call," Viona replied curtly. She even felt annoyed that when she was in pain, Eďward had just gone somewhere.

Hearing that his employer seemed angry, Hendra chose to remain silent and focus on driving the car faster to the hospital.

until nearly 20 minutes of travel, Viona arrived at the hospital. Luckily at that time, the obstetrician was on the spot, because usually, he had already returned home. it was eleven o'clock in the evening.

Viona immediately received treatment from a gynecologist. now, she is lying down with an IV tube in her hand.

"Are you here just by yourself?" asked the doctor, since no one had approached Viona.

"No, I am with my driver," Viona replied while glancing at the handsome doctor with a smooth jaw without the slightest beard.

The doctor nodded in understanding, then asked again, "did your husband already know if you were treated?"

"No, I didn't bring a phone," Viona replied as she put her right hand on her forehead.

The doctor reached into the pocket of the white coat he was wearing to take out his smartphone and gave it to Viona. "Call your husband by my cell phone," he exclaimed.

Viona did not move for a moment, then reached for the doctor's smartphone. She immediately typed Edward's number and called him, hoping it would be answered 

"Not answer." Viona returned the smartphone to its owner.

The doctor felt sorry for Viona. Moreover, she was lying limp and had to stay overnight to recover her condition. Because her womb is weak and she could feel pain again like before.

"Where is your driver now?" asked the doctor.

"I told him to go home earlier," Viona replied.

The doctor sighed, then sat on the chair beside Viona's bed. He couldn't leave Viona alone, but it was his schedule to return home.

"Why are you still here, Doc?" asked Viona...

"If I come home, no one is waiting for you," replied the doctor.

"It's okay. I'll be alone."

"But you could be in pain like before because your womb is weak and unstable," said the doctor. He got up from the chair and walked towards the door. The man looked around for a nurse who if not home but was not there. finally he went back in to meet Viona.

"You just sleep, I'll wait here," exclaimed the doctor as he sat on the sofa.

"Hah, your wife will wait at home. You better go home, I'm sure won't relapse," said Viona.

the doctor even smiled faintly, then lay down on the sofa. "I'm not married, you take it easy" he exclaimed.

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