"Hold on a second, is my wife complaining about having too much jewelry?" Andrew raised his brows.

In response, Rachael shrugged. "If the number keeps increasing, I will no longer have a place to keep them. I still have some at home which I didn't bring with me."

"Once we resume work, we have to attend many banquets, charity shows, auctions together. Those jewelries will come in handy at that time."

"That sounds quite hectic," she sighed.

"Yes, this is why we should enjoy our alone time while we can." Placing the knife down, he washed his hands first before wrapping his arms around her waist. "Let me hug you for a while."

She smiled and rested her head on his chest. "Elsa seems very nice."

He nodded. "She is nice but don't get too close—"

"Huh?" She looked at him.

"She can be a very bad influence."

Rachael: " "

Was he openly bad mouthing his sister? She was once again rendered speechless.

When she gave him a look, he started defending his statement. "Elsa may look very faminine but she is as strong headed as a man and very short tempered."

"But she seems very sweet and gentle."

"Yeah, her appearance is quite deceiving. You should stay away from her." He didn't want his sweet wife to get influenced by wild Elsa. Having a wild sister had already given him a lot of headaches in the past.

She wanted to question him more but since she had already made plans of going shopping and hanging out with Elsa later, she would figure it out herself.

"Didn't Justin come back with them?" When he nodded, she asked, "Should we call him over as well?"

"Call him if you want to. Take his number from my phone—"



After a long silence, Rachael raised her head. "Andrew, if you don't let go, how will I call him?" Even though he told her to call Justin, he did not show any signs of letting her go.

"Let me hug you a little longer." He kissed the top of her head and tightened his grip around her.

"Oh God, get a room—" Owen scoffed as he entered the kitchen.

"Close your eyes if you don't like it," Andrew remarked.

Rachael slapped his chest and struggled to break free from his embrace but he kept tightening his arms around her.

"Let me go," she said in a relatively lower voice. When he shook his head, she glanced at Owen who was trying to look for something inside the refrigerator. "Owen is here—"

"Ignore him."

"Excuse me—" Owen awkwardly cleared his throat. "Not that I want to interrupt your lovely kitchen romance but I am very hungry. So if you can please cook first and then continue in your bedroom, it will be a huge favour."

"If you are that hungry then cook for yourself," Andrew glared at him.

Seeing that he was distracted, Rachael wiggled out of his embrace and quickly rushed outside after grabbing his phone from the counter. "I'll call Justin."

Andrew sighed in disappointment when he saw her ratting out of the kitchen.

"You are calling Justin here?" When he nodded, Owen sighed, "Why are you doing this to me? I just wanted to have a peaceful delicious lunch, why are you trying to make it awkward?"

Resuming chopping the leftover vegetables, he remarked, "Rachael wants to invite me and it won't be nice if we just ignore him." When Owen did not say anything, he added, "They need to learn how to cope with the situation and so do we."

"Do you know how awkward the flight was? I literally felt tortured." Owen picked up a piece of carrot and placed it in his mouth. "They did not say a word to each other, they just kept stealing glances."

"How many days is Elsa staying?"

"I don't know," he shrugged. "She told me she wants to stay as long as she can."

"What about you?"

"Since you and Justin have decided to settle down here, what other choice do I have? I'll just buy a condo here and fly back home every now and then."

Ever since Andrew left Russia, Owen wanted to leave too but since they had many businesses there as well, he was forced to stay back. But now since Justin had also left, he didn't want to be the only one stuck there. So after a lot of consideration, he decided to partially settle down in the new city with his two best friends.

Andrew did not give any reaction as he knew this would happen. He had even told this to Justin. "I'll help you look for one nearby."

"Since you are looking for it, pay for it too," Owen grinned.

"I have stopped spending money on useless things, I am a family man now," Andrew stated.

"Geez, it's not like you will ever run out of money. You are f*ucking rich—"

"Rachael and I might have kids in the future, we have to send them to college. Maintaining financial stability is very important."

Owen: " "

"You have been married for a week and you are already thinking about sending your kids off to college?"


[Living room]

"Does Andrew cook for you often?" When Rachael nodded, Elsa smiled, "That's so sweet. He rarely cooks for us."

Rachael was about to ask her something when Justin entered the mansion.

"Oh—you are here already?" It had been almost ten minutes since she called him to come over for lunch and he had already arrived.

"I was on the way when you called me." Justin looked at Elsa for a few seconds before turing back to Rachael. "Where are they?"


He then walked away without saying anything.

As he left, she noticed Elsa staring at his back as he walked further away.

After Justin's appearance, the change in her composer did not go unnoticed by Rachael. The two of them did not even look at each other properly let alone talk. Given that they had known each other for years, she found it very weird and awkward.


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