"Yeah that is true, no one can resist your charm," she agreed.

Satisfied with her answer he grinned but her next sentence made him question everything including his irresistible charm.

"Even that woman from your office—" she looked at him and asked, "What was her name again?"

He did not say anything. Instead, he kept driving but he didn't let go of her hand.

After pretending to think for a while, she exclaimed, "Carol, even she couldn't resist your charm." Slapping his hand away, she inquired, "Tell me, are there any other women I am not aware of who have been charmed by you?"

"I can't take responsibility for everyone who gets charmed by me. It's not in my control." He grabbed her hand again. "I am only charmed by you, is that not enough?"

Pinching his arm, she chuckled, "You are such a smooth talker."

"I will take that as a compliment."

Looking at their intertwined hands, she smiled. Whenever he held her hand, she felt a sense of security, not to forget about the butterflies that churned in her stomach. It had been a long time since she felt this way.

After her unpleasant breakup, Rachael had thought she would never be able to trust a man again in her life but she was wrong. In a short period of time, she had already started trusting Andrew more than she had expected.

After they got married, they immediately clicked and started getting along. Maybe because they weren't complete strangers to begin with. Even though it was seventeen years ago, they had spent a lot of time together when they were small. That was an added advantage in their relationship.

When she finally made up her mind to marry Andrew, she was worried that one day she would regret making such an impulsive decision. But one week into their marriage she realized she wouldn't regret anything closely related to her relationship with him.

"What are you thinking again?"

She smiled and shook her head. "Nothing."

He didn't say anything, he just planted another kiss at the back of her hand and focused on driving.

"Why are we going to Yumen?" she inquired.

"My father's half brother stays there with his family, we are going to meet them."

Rachael widened her eyes in shock. "We are going there to meet your family?" When he nodded, she snapped, "Why didn't you tell me before? I would have worn something nice." She looked at her dress and frowned. Thinking they were going on a normal trip, she had packed all casual clothes which were definitely not something one should wear while meeting their in-laws for the first time.

"Relax, uncle Harrington is a very easy-going man. He is not the sophisticated kind."

"Still you should have told me earlier, I would have made proper preparations." She couldn't help but nag him.

"I have already prepared gifts for the both of us." When she did not say anything, he apologized, "I am sorry, next time I'll tell you beforehand. Don't be mad."

"I am not mad," she snapped again.

"Okay then why is your nose slowly turning red?"

Rachael wrinkled her nose and looked away. "I-It's cold."

Andrew chuckled and increased the temperature in the car.


[Yumen City]

[Uncle Harrington's place]

By the time they arrived at Andrew's uncle's place, it was already dinner time. The weather of the city was more chilly than Elisberg city. The sudden drop in temperature was because of the continuous rainfall for the past few weeks.

Luckily when they arrived, it wasn't raining.

Andrew quickly got down from the car and jogged to the other side to open the door for Rachael. He then took out the gifts he had prepared for them.

"Andrew—" a middle aged man came out of the house and approached Andrew.

"Uncle—" Andrew greeted him back and gave him a hug.

"Oh my boy, it's so good to see you again," he patted his back. "I am so happy you finally decided to come back."

Pulling away, Andrew looked at Rachael. "Rach, come here." He called her over.

"She is—"

Placing her hand on her back, Andrew introduced her. "Uncle, she is Rachael Watson, my wife."

Harrington was taken aback when he learnt that Andrew was already married. When he told him he was bringing someone with him, he was expecting a friend but who would have thought his nephew would bring home a wife.

"Juliana, Andrew brought home his wife," Harrington excitedly summoned his wife. "This boy—you should have told me beforehand that you are bringing your wife. I would have prepared a gift for her."

"You don't have to take so much trouble," Andrew remarked.

"Andrew is right, just give us your blessings," Rachael added.

Harrington smiled and gently patted Rachael's head. "Now I know why Andrew decided to come back. He found a very beautiful reason."

Just then Juliana, Harrington's wife, came out. "What happened? Is Andrew here?"

"Yes and he is not alone, he brought his wife with him."

"Oh my God, Andrew got married?" Juliana quickly approached them.

"Aunt—" Andrew gave her a hug.

She pulled away and looked at Rachael. "She is so pretty." She smiled and gave her a hug. "Welcome to the family."

"Thank you." Rachael hugged her back. She didn't know much about them but she could say that they shared a very close relationship with Andrew.

"Come on, let's go inside. It's quite chilly out here," Harrington suggested.



The house wasn't a big or extravagant one, it was small, cozy and gave off a very homely vibe.

"Hey Andrew—" A man rushed towards them and gave Andrew a hug. "It's been so long."

"How are you?"

"I am good, never been better." He pulled away and looked at Rachael. "And she is—"

"My wife, Rachael," Andrew remarked. Whenever he introduced her as his wife, he felt a sense of pride in his heart.

He then looked at Rachael. "He is Kevin, uncle Harrington's son."


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