After dinner, Rachael accompanied Edward to play with the blocks while Andrew and Justin stepped out in the garden for a bit to discuss a few things.


"How long are you staying this time?"

Justin did not answer, instead he kept gazing at the night sky.

After keeping quiet for a long time, he finally said, "It's not safe to raise a child in that atmosphere."

Andrew understood what he meant and nodded. He couldn't agree more. "What are you planning to do?"

He sighed and shook his head. "I don't know Andrew, I have never been so confused in my entire life. At first it was just me so I could do whatever I want but now with Edward around, I have to think at least a hundred times before doing anything." Having a child by his side had changed Justin's entire life.

"Take over Hans Corporation and settle down here." When he looked at him in disbelief, Andrew added, "This is a very nice city to raise a child and with Rachael and me around, you don't have to worry about Edward all the time. And you know how Owen is, if you and I both settle down here he will fly over all the time and spend most of his time here."

When Justin became silent again, he remarked, "If you are thinking of leaving Edward all by himself in the city then that is a very bad idea. Don't even consider it. Even though he calls Owen and me 'dada' too, the kid knows who his real dad is. It will affect the child in a negative way."

Andrew looked at Justin and sneered, "Who better than you, me and Owen know how that feels?"

"At first I considered leaving him here and flying every now and then but my heart didn't allow me to do it," Justin sighed. "It's not just him, even my heart can't bear to leave him alone."

"About Hans Corporation, what are you planning to do?" Andrew inquired.

Justin shook his head. "I don't know—"

"You are the major shareholder there, the company has been yours for years. Now that you are with a son and have a family of your own, you should consider taking over." Gazing at the night sky, Andrew remarked, "We can't change the past, it will always be a part of us. But that doesn't mean we should stop thinking about our future. The path we chose in the past will always remain with us but we shouldn't let it overpower us."

"What about Owen?"

"Owen is alone. He has nothing to worry about but himself. When the right time comes, he will realize and take necessary precautions like you and me. But it's different for the both of us now. You have Edward and I have Rachael. We aren't alone anymore."

Every word Andrew had said was true and sensible. They could live their life as they pleased in the past but now things had changed. They weren't alone anymore.

Justin had considered taking Edward far away, a place where he could peacefully enjoy his childhood. A place where he could raise him without any kind of worry. But he dropped the idea. It wasn't easy for him to leave Russia and shrug off everything he was a part of. It was not possible.

But that shouldn't stop him from giving his son the life he deserved.

Pausing for a while, he looked at Andrew. "Is this why you decided to settle down here? Was the reason Rachael?"

"If I didn't come back, how was I supposed to marry her?" He smiled.

"So you didn't come back for the company—"

"I had to take over the company. It was needed but not necessary." He could easily manage the company without settling down permanently in the city. Flying back and forth once or twice a week wasn't inconvenient.

"She is the main reason," Andrew added.


[30 minutes later]

"Thankyou for the dinner and taking care of him." Justin took half-asleep Edward from Rachael arms.

"You don't have to thank me, I had fun with him too." Gently caressing Edward's hair, she smiled, "He is a really nice kid."

"Drop him here whenever you have any work, there are many people here to take care of him. Aunt Maria is there too." Andrew wrapped his arms around Rachael's shoulder. "It's quite chilly today, don't keep him outside for long. You should go."

Justin nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Rachael observed as Justin carefully placed Edward in the back seat. He gave his car keys to one of his men and told him to drive. He then slowly stepped into the backseat and held Edward in his arms.

"What happened?" When she shook her head, Andrew asked, "If you want a kid so bad, we can find a way. Although I feel it's a bit too early."

She gently hit his chest with her elbow. "I do want kids someday but not so soon."


Seeing how she did not reject having a kid with him brought a smile on his face.

"It just feels so nice seeing Justin take care of him," she smiled. It was indeed very heartwarming.

"Hmm, I didn't know he had such a gentle fatherly side too."

As the car drove out of the mansion, Rachael and Andrew also went inside.


[Living room]

"What about Edward's mother? Is she not around?" After spending a whole evening with Justin and Edward, none of them mentioned anything about the child's mother. This made Rachael wonder if she wasn't around.

"Edward is not Justin's biological son," Andrew remarked. "He is Edwards uncle."

Detecting the curiosity lashed all over her face, he told her the full story. "Justin had a big brother, Abraham. Unfortunately Abraham and his wife met with a fatal accident three years ago. Justin's brother passed away on the spot but his wife was still alive. She was expecting Edward at that time and was 30 weeks pregnant."


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