"I would have told you this a long time back if you weren't being a pussy and running away from me." She smacked his chest again. "Do you have any fu*cking idea how I felt when you left me all alone for so many days? You did not even look at me Andrew, I felt so neglected. You have been here for more than a day now, did you even call me once or even care to drop a message?"

"Do you have any idea how many times I tried to get in touch with you? When you did not answer my calls, I called Ben to ask if you were okay. And you think you are the only one who cares?"

Wiping her tears with the back of hand, Rachael stormed away.

Ben, who was stuck in a very uncomfortable position, did not understand if he should run away or stay. But when he saw his madam storming away, he followed her.

After walking a few steps, Rachael turned back and approached Andrew, who was still standing rooted on the same spot.

"You think you are the only one who is loyal in this relationship? Do you think you are the only one who has fallen in love?" She smacked him again. "You are wrong Andrew Collins, I am as loyal as you are in this relationship. I have also given my everything to us just like you. You have no idea how mad I am right now but I still love you."

"There, you have your answer now." She grabbed her suitcase and pressed her finger on his chest. "Never again judge my character and loyalty. I will accept everything but not this."

Without waiting for his reply or looking at him again, Rachael stormed away.


[Two Days Later]

[Elisberg City, Outside Watson Mansion]

"Hey cheer up now," Emma gave Rachael a side hug.

"Emma is right, don't overthink," Tina added. "He is mad and jealous, he will definitely come back running to you once he realizes his mistake."

"I don't think so—" Rachael scoffed. It had been a day since she arrived home after their terrible fight back in Paris. Andrew hadn't called or messaged her and this time, even she did not try to contact him or Ben.

Since she came back, her mood had been very down. She barely got out of her room. His words had deeply hurt her and she didn't even wanna see his face.

To cheer her up, Emma and Tina dragged her out of the house for some ice cream.



"Roma, this is Andrew, Rachael's husband," Reeta introduced him to her sister-in-law.

"Oh yes, Rachael got married," Roma smiled at him. "You are so good looking, our Rachael really found a good man this time."

Andrew smiled and gave them the gifts he had brought over. "I was a little busy with work, I didn't have much time to prepare proper gifts—"

"Oh this boy—you didn't have to," Roma accepted the gift. "You are too kind."

"He is my son-in-law after all," Michael hooked his arms around Andrew's shoulder. "He is kind and has a very thick wallet."

When Reeta noticed how Andrew was trying to look around, she said, "Rachael is out with Emma and Tina, she will be back soon."

Just then Emma, Rachael and Tina entered the mansion.

"There she is—" Reeta gestured Andrew to look at the entrance.

When Rachael saw Andrew, she stopped in her tracks for a few seconds before walking towards him. It would be a lie if she said his unexpected presence did not make her feel flustered. She was mad at him, very mad but her excited heart refused to cooperate with her.

When he looked at her with a sly smile on his face, she rolled her eyes at him and looked away. She was trying to avoid his flirty gaze.

Despite her constant attempt to ignore him, Andrew kept looking at her as she approached him.

"Honey, Andrew is here to take you home," Michael exclaimed. He knew his daughter was upset for the past few days, he wanted to cheer her up.

"I intend on staying here for a few more days," Rachael remarked before looking at him. "You can go home first, I'll come back later."

When Andrew did not say anything, Reeta intervened, "He will be alone if you—"

"That's alright," Andrew interrupted her. "If Rachael wants to stay here for a few more days then it's okay. It will be nice if she spends more time with her family."

"Is he seriously planning to leave her here when she is already so mad?" Emma leaned towards Tina and whispered.

"I swear Emma, I had higher expectations from that handsome face," Tina sighed.

As the two of them were busy cursing Andrew for such a dumb move, his next sentence changed their opinion.

"I'll ask aunt Maria to send over a few sets of clothes here." He then looked at Rachael and asked, "Do you think five sets will be enough?"

"I already have clothes here," Rachael remarked.

"I know but I don't." When she looked at him and frowned, he raised his brows. "You don't expect me to wear your clothes, right?"

"Smooth," Emma chuckled. When everyone looked at her, she realized she had said it a little louder than she should have.

Awkwardly clearing her throat, she tried to cover up. "I was just telling Tina how smooth her skin feels." She nervously chuckled as she constantly rubbed her palm on Tina's arm.

Just then a woman came out of the kitchen holding seven to eight glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice.

"Arina, come here," Roma summoned her. "Give everyone the drink first, especially Andrew. He just came back from a trip, he must be exhausted.

Arina smiled and nodded. She then picked up a glass and gave it to Andrew but before he could take it, the glass slipped from her hand and the juice spilled all over his clothes and shoes.

"Ahh—I am so sorry." Arina panicked.

"T-Thats okay." Andrew took a step back.

"N-No this—" she picked up a napkin from the table and took a step towards him.

But before she could even touch his clothes, Rachael grabbed her hand...


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