Undying Warlord

Chapter 399 Lucky? My foot!

Dilan didn’t have a reason to stay in the encirclement of the werewolves, nor did he have any desire to chit-chat with the Alpha Lord and the Vampire Lord.

After he advanced to the second Tier, Dilan’s strength had increased to a state, where the number of opponents that could fight head-on with him was extremely low.

The two were quite arrogant considering that their strength was much lower than his. That was also why he gave them a small lecture.

“Wouldn’t you usually kill everyone?” Victoria asked all of a sudden as she looked at him with gleaming eyes. She knew that Dilan wouldn’t mindlessly kill others but whenever someone attacked him, he would usually return the favor and slap some interest on the principal amount generously.

Yet, the situation had an anticlimactic end, which was rather uncommon in Victoria’s opinion.

“I have killed more than enough in the last three days. I’m a bit tired of it right now. Furthermore, we can make use of the Vampires and Werewolves if something troublesome were to happen!” Dilan answered without giving his answer a great deal of thought.

Victoria was still shocked at Dilan’s display of strength but she could keep calm because his strength was everything that had changed. His personality was still the same as before, and that was reassuring.

“I heard that you turned all hybrids into your underlings, your small army. What are you planning to do with them?” Dilan asked, glancing over at Victoria.

There were numerous things Victoria could do with the Hybrids but the best would probably be to turn them into an elite combat unit.

These hybrids possessed the racial traits of both werewolves and vampires. That being said, they were extremely powerful and could become good fighters as long as they were nourished properly.

“I’m not sure yet. Right now, we’ve helped them level up to Level 10 with the stats limit of 20 Units, and we’re looking for suitable occupations for everyone. Of course, they should be of a high grade, [Extraordinary] or above if possible, but that’s easier s

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