The driver was stunned to hear Kanae’s sudden yell. From the side mirror, he could see the incoming attack. Fear seeped into his mind, but he still stepped on the brake as fast as it was possible.

The car jolted violently, sending those in the passenger’s seat forward. Kanae swiftly held James and herself in place, carefully avoiding the impact to the seat.

In front of them, the missile passed. It didn’t hit any of the cars but instead, it was aiming at the pillar of the building beside them. The large building with several dozens of meters high started to fall towards them, threatening to crash into dozens car.

Kanae’s face paled. "Get out of here now!"

She kicked the car door and dashed out of the car. James was positioned on her back as she held on his feet, his hand tightly grabbed Kanae’s collar. At that very moment, Kanae couldn’t care about other people’s safety anymore. Many of them ran out of their car or sped up their car to avoid the building.

It was total chaos and the impending building came closer and closer, marking its fall on the ground with huge shadow.

"Sister Kanae, the building!" James shrieked. The looming shadow in front of them became darker and darker.

"It’s alright," Kanae sprinted even faster. Anxiety filled her heart, but she showed none of them. Right now, all that she could think was about how to get out of this place as fast as possible.


The building fell down. It nearly hit her, but she managed to get away from the place in time. Sweat trickled down on her face as she calmed her heart down after facing such an attack.

"That’s awesome, Sister Kanae!" James’s eyes sparkled in astonishment.

"It’s not over yet. James, you should hold onto me tighter," Kanae instructed the young boy.

James nodded his head. He clung onto Kanae even tighter and firmer as his eyes scanned the surrounding. There were only people who ran away from the building, so he didn��t understand what made Kanae so wary. However, he knew that she must have her reason.

Kanae had just stood up for several seconds when she sprinted again so suddenly. James was stunned. He turned around to look at the place where they previously stood and saw something was formed halfway, it looked like a barrier was trying to capture Kanae.

His eyes grew larger in surprise. There were so many interesting things that he didn’t know.

"You’re amazing to avoid the barrier, but your journey stops here," as the voice echoed, an attack was directed straight to Kanae.

Stopping her movement so suddenly, Kanae’s right hand had picked out the small sword that she had. Clicking on the button, the small sword appeared and blocked the attack.

"Randy," Kanae frowned. "Get out of my way!"


With a force, Randy was flung back. His heart fell at the realization that his power couldn’t match Kanae. However, he calmed himself down as he readied his stance once more.

"Unfortunately, I can’t do that, Kanae."

"If you can’t, I’ll be the one to make the way!"

Randy’s face changed when he saw a shadow coming towards him. He raised his hand in time to block the attack, but the force that hit him caused him to step backwards.

That was not all, Kanae rapidly attacked him while being careful to not make any excessive movement for James. Every single attack of hers was directed at the vital point, tiring Randy out.

’She’s truly a monster.’


With her sword, she forced Randy’s hand to move outside. While Randy was trying to use his other hand to block, Kanae raised her leg and kicked the man back. The force from her kick caused Randy to fall on the ground, making a path in the supposedly hard road.

"Hold on tight, James," Kanae instructed. She could sense that Randy was not alone. Someone else was coming at her at fast speed while being invisible. She couldn’t see him, but she could sense his presence.


Internally, she cursed them all. Stomping on the ground, she propelled herself to run away from the place. The barrier that was about to form around her was broken once again, letting her go freely.

"James, help out a bit!" Randy propped himself up. His hand held onto his stomach as he could feel the pain from Kanae’s kick. It may not wound him on the outer layer, but the pain was still there.

"You useless man!" James Wells yelled in annoyance.

Not far from them, Cain was standing. He was trying to make the barrier around Kanae, but her reaction speed far surpassed him. Before the barrier could finish, she had charged away from the place.

"Chase after them! You two too!" James Wells continued as he dashed into the way where Kanae went just now.


Gritting his teeth, Randy forced himself up from the rubbles and followed the chase. Cain did the same quietly.

On the other side of the fallen building, Patrick and Matt were cursing. They were trapped in the car because the building covered the back and their side, blocking their way out perfectly.

"Who in the world will fire that damned thing in the early morning like that? #$%^\u0026*!" Patrick snapped as he cursed out loudly. Right now, he was feeling terribly annoyed at the fact that someone attacked them.

Not only were they trapped, there were numerous people who didn’t manage to run away. The thought that many people died in this incident caused his heart to turn cold.

"This always happens to those important people," Matt had picked up his phone. "There are many people who want their life because of their value. This is why a certain wise man in the past had said ’with great power comes great responsibility.’"

Patrick glared at Matt. "Rather than spouting rubbish, why don’t you find a way out of this place?"

"I’m making a call," Matt replied. He frowned when the other party didn’t answer as a bad feeling washed over him.

"Do you think they know which car James is in?" Patrick asked.

"Senior Pat," Matt called. "I think it’s better if you just force your way out of the car. I can’t connect the call to Kanae."

"What?" Patrick was no longer in the mood to leisure around as he kicked the door with all of his power. It trembled a bit, but the rocks were still blocking the way. With gritted teeth, he punched forward repeatedly, pushing the block away along with the car door.

Matt’s lips twitched when he saw the scene. It was simply too scary to think that this man was truly capable of making his own way out. Seeing how Patrick pushed the rubbles away, he thought that Patrick would surely be able to make his own way out if he was trapped in an avalanche.

"This is Matt, reporting a dangerous situation. The rabbit* is in danger," Matt informed through his communication device.

"Matt, I’ll go to the other side," Patrick informed as he started climbing the building. The rubbles blocked the four way perfectly. If he didn’t climb, he would have to circle for a long period of time.

"Wait a minute! They tell me that there’s footage not long ago about a young woman carrying a kid behind her ran away from the scene!"

"What are you-? Wait! Are you telling me that Kanae has ran away from the scene?"

Matt showed a bitter smile. "I believe so."

"Track her or anything! Those d*mned people will never get away with this!" Patrick ordered as he started another round of cursing. Right now, he wished that he could help his daughter.

From the bottom of his heart, he hoped that nothing happened to her.


*Rabbit here is code

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