Susie forced herself to fall asleep, and then, at six o'clock tomorrow morning, she would wait for him at the door of his house. This time, the loss of jewelry money can solve the problem, but in case of any outflow of this matter, her reputation would be greatly damaged.

What if someone scribbled about it and she swallowed it? The image that she has not easily created in these years will collapse immediately, so in order to solve her own image problem, she must also take this gem back and compensate for some repair costs at most. Maybe the merchant will exempt her.

Suzie is lying in bed, hoping to come soon tomorrow.

Susie couldn't sleep until more than three o'clock, and she didn't sleep until six o'clock. The alarm clock woke her up. She reached out and pressed the alarm clock. She was going to turn over and go to sleep. Suddenly, her eyes opened, and she quickly turned around and took a look at the alarm clock.

She clapped her forehead. Fortunately, she didn't oversleep. She got out of bed and washed. She put on a pair of casual jeans and a white T-shirt and went out.

She knew the place where the man lived. It was a place with rich people in the north of the city. Obviously, the man was still a single villa. Suzy stepped on the accelerator and drove fast in the morning when there was no one.

The rich area in the north, at this time, is still covered with a light fog. In the early morning, it is full of quiet atmosphere.

Suxi registered in the security room and checked her ID card before entering the community gate.

Sushi hurriedly drove in and ran on the route just pointed by the bodyguard. At last, she drove to a house number. She looked up at the huge villa which occupied half of the hillside. She made a secret noise.

As expected, it's not ordinary money!

The villa was built at a height of more than ten meters from the ground, like a castle in the air. It was built on a wide row of steps, while the fence circled a section of nearly one thousand square meters around it. At this moment, Su hoped that the villa on the hillside was a little stiff.

Susie looked at the time. At half past seven, could she go up and disturb him at this time?

He has had a profound and bad influence on her. If she still sleeps with him at this time, he will never want to see her again.

Susie bit her lip, got out of the car, and waited idly by the side garden, kicking stones.

In a luxurious room on the top floor of the villa, Wen lichen had just finished his Satin training. He had a towel around his neck and was drinking water with a teacup. His eyes could not help looking down. He saw the girl in the garden who looked like a little girl and was still kicking stones.

She did come.

However, he didn't want to see her now. She had to be punished for her bad behavior last night.

Time waits like this. While other people are sleeping and dreaming, Susie has been standing against the car for a long time. She dare not get into the car, for fear that the man would suddenly drive out and run away, and she would not find anyone.

Finally, it's half past eight. She's been waiting for an hour. She's going to ring the doorbell.

Sushi's courage is also big. In the entertainment circle, she has suffered any setbacks. When she started her career, she was scolded by the director and cried every day. Now, she has a thick skin and a big courage.

I don't know why. Standing at the man's door at the moment, she is as timid as a mouse.

She took a deep breath, and then she gently pressed the doorbell with her fingers, dingdong, dingdong

Listening to the bell, Susie's heart beat accelerated. She remembered the cold noble man in her mind last night.


The iron door in front of her opened, and Susie's heart beat fast. She pushed the iron door open, reached for the area, closed the door, and she walked step by step to the stairs.

As sushi went up the stairs, she couldn't help looking back when she went to the last two sections. At this view, the scenery was beautiful, just like the top of the ancient imperial palace, overlooking the visual effect of the whole imperial kingdom.

Such a high place is occupied by this man. It can't be done with money.

When sushi went to the hall door, he saw that the door was half open, which seemed to be opened specially for her. Sushi bit her lip and knocked at the door manually, "Hello, is anyone there?"

"Come in." A low, cool voice of a man sounded from the door.

Susie quickly stepped in and saw the outside scenery. The luxurious decoration in the hall was not surprising.

However, when she came in, she did not see a man. She looked left and right, and then a breath of awe came from behind.

She couldn't help turning her head to the direction of the kitchen.

A handsome man, like a God, came slowly with a cup of coffee.

In the bright morning light outside the window, the man exudes a light halo. In an instant, his precious and charming breath sublimates and becomes unpredictable.

Sushi seemed to see a modern king.

"That I'm here to apologize to you. ' Susie's hands were wringing in her belly, and a small face, full of apologies, bent over the man."That's the way you want to make amends?" The man side said, the slender body stepped toward the direction of the sofa, lazy and charming sit down.

The long legs are folded together.

This man's eyes have an irresistible power of awe, which can only be practiced by those who have been at the top for a long time.

"I I'm going to invite you to dinner to make amends, and If you have any request, I will certainly grant you. " Susie made a noise, biting her petal like red lips.

Wen lichen looked at the girl in front of him, her eyes twinkling with thinking, she saw him, which is not the general way to make amends.

However, he didn't want to get too involved with this girl. Besides, this girl is also one of his employees. He doesn't need to get involved with his employees.

"Well, treat me to dinner." A man's thin, sexy lips open.

Su Xi stared, flashed a surprise smile, "OK, I'll invite you to dinner, restaurant you choose."

As long as we can get rid of the trouble.

Wen lichen opened the drawer and took the sapphire out of it. "Take it back. It's like last night's dress. You'd better refuse to wear it."

Last night?

Yes, she was more open last night. Susie's pretty face was a little red. "I don't want to wear it anymore."

Sushi immediately stepped up to him, reached out and picked up the sapphire. The cold temperature made her feel extremely warm.

"Then I'll treat you to lunch! "

"I don't have time today. When I have time, I will contact you."

"Yes, I'm on call." Suzy blurted out and said, her pretty face turned red again. She quickly covered her mouth and explained, "I mean, I'll be with you at any time."

Wen lichen squinted, didn't say anything, and looked colder.

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