Uchiha’s God of Muscle

Chapter 253: Permanent Neutral Village

Chapter 253 Permanent Neutral Village

In the meeting room.

Duan and Terumi Mei, one standing and the other kneeling, met each other's eyes.

Obito used Sharingan to manipulate the fourth generation of Mizukage at the beginning, and made a big fuss in the blood mist, but was finally noticed by Kirigakure ninja, who used his white eyes to release the illusion on Mizukage.

In contrast, Duan's manipulation of Terumi Mei is very subtle, and he hardly interferes with her usual behavior, so she seldom makes abnormal or outrageous behaviors, so naturally she doesn't show any flaws.

If he really wants to, he can always use Terumi Mei as a puppet to grasp all the future trends and internal conditions of Wuyin Village.

But at this time.


The broken kaleidoscope Sharingan suddenly released a shock of pupil power and entered Terumi Mei's body.


The next second, the scarlet Sharingan in Terumi's dark eyes suddenly disappeared, and her original pair of beautiful emerald green eyes came back again.

Terumi Mei's face was momentarily dull and dazed.

When she came back to her senses, she realized that she was kneeling in front of Duan. She couldn't help being ashamed and angry for a while, she stood up suddenly, and angrily shouted at Duan:

"So you have been using Sharingan to control me!"

"So." Juan asked in a flat tone, which made Terumi Mei dumbfounded.

I just manipulated you, so what can you do.

Faced with the absolute disparity in strength, Terumi Mei had no temper at all, and her aura soon weakened.

"Then... why did you cancel my illusion again, just to see me embarrassed and humiliate me face to face?"

She gritted her teeth and continued to question Duan.

The decisive answer was beyond Terumi Mei's expectation.

"You are useless to me." He looked down at Terumi Mei indifferently, as if looking at a piece of useless garbage.


Terumi Mei was at a loss for words.

She gave Duan a complicated look, then turned around and left the conference room without looking back.

Half an hour later.

As the news spread from the castle tower, hundreds of thousands of villagers in Konoha learned of the agreement reached between Six Daime and Sikage.

Konoha will remain permanently neutral.

Juan made this decision, which caused everyone to discuss for a while, and everyone has their own understanding and opinions.

Subsequently, Fuyue called the village committee and Uchiha's tribe.

"What does that guy mean?"

As soon as Tsunade entered the conference room, he frowned and asked.

She originally thought that after taking office as Hokage, she would not only regain the lost territory of the Fire Nation, but also unify the major countries and become the master of the ninja world.

This is in line with Duan's arrogant and domineering character. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

Unexpectedly, Duan actually played such a card, completely unreasonable.

Not only her, but the rest of the village committee members were also very surprised. Almost no one could guess Six Daimu's thoughts.

Fuyue signaled everyone to be calm, and explained in a deep voice:

"The Sixth Generation told me that his plan is to build Konoha Village into a neutral, safe, and open international metropolis, attracting talents and money from the entire ninja world to flow here.

In this way, Konoha will become the most prosperous place in the entire ninja world, and our Uchiha clan, as the ruler of Konoha, will also get huge benefits, and the family will have no worries from generation to generation. "

"Then... why not just unify the ninja world, solve all problems at once, and establish a unified country."

Tie Huo hesitated for a moment, but still expressed his doubts.

His idea is also the idea of ??many people in the clan. After all, the Uchiha clan has the strength to do this.

Unifying the ninja world in the name of Uchiha, and then being recorded in the annals of history, such a great achievement is in front of you, who will not be tempted.

Facing Iron Fire's doubts.

Fu Yue did not answer immediately, but looked at the crowd, and asked a question: "Why do you think it is?"

After a moment of silence.

Itachi stood up from his seat and was the first to speak:

"Unifying the ninja world may seem simple, but in fact it is destined to be a long process. The shortest is three to five years, and the longest is more than ten years.

During this period, the Uchiha clan will have to fight everywhere, and no one can guarantee how many people will die.

We ended the war with great difficulty and lived a prosperous and happy life. Are you ready to go to the battlefield again? Are you ready to see your relatives, companions and lovers die in front of you? "

Itachi said, his eyes swept over everyone present.

Whether it was his former companion Tianma or his later best friend Zhishui, their deaths made Itachi hate all disputes from the bottom of his heart and yearn for peace.

So, he supports his uncle's decision.

Everyone was silent again after hearing the words.

Yeah, the idea of ??unifying the Ninja World is certainly a beautiful idea, but in order to accomplish this great cause, there will always be clansmen who are forced to become victims.

When the time comes, who will be responsible for this?

For a while, the whole Konoha was busy up and down, inside and out.

And this time.

Duan had already left the castle tower and came to the delivery room of Konoha Hospital.

"Whoa, whoa..."

In the room, there was a loud cry of a baby, crying so loudly, it was a healthy baby.

it is a pity.

Juan did not catch up with the birth of his daughter, because at that time, he was having a meeting with Siying.

Fortunately, the mother and daughter are safe.

Samui leaned on the bed and held her daughter in her arms. Although she looked pale, she looked happy.

"Break, you are here."

Seeing the arrival, Samui carefully handed his daughter to him.

Strange to say.

As soon as the little guy got into the broken arm, he stopped crying quickly and became quiet. A pair of big watery eyes stared at him curiously, without blinking.

It’s quite heavy.

He looked at his chubby daughter incessantly, stretched out two fingers, pinched her arms, back and thighs, and nodded with satisfaction.

Well, the talent is very good, she has inherited his genes perfectly, and she will definitely be a muscular girl when she grows up.


Being pinched by Duan, the little guy might be itching, so he laughed out loud.

"She likes you very much. Duan, the daughter's name...Have you figured it out yet?"

Samui asked softly.

"Just call me Marisa."

After thinking about it, he chose an unusual name for his daughter.

Uchiha Marisa.

In the beginning, the purpose of him and Samui having a child was to study the theory of double genetics.

But at this moment, holding his daughter in his arms with his own hands, feeling the little guy's body temperature, and hearing her pure laughter, a deep emotion appeared in Duan's heart.

is family affection.

Finding her daughter's eyes unceasingly, he slowly lifted her above his head.


Marisa didn't seem to be afraid at all, instead she danced and laughed even more happily.

Regardless of whether you can awaken a substitute in the future, I will teach you to develop perfect muscles and become the strongest woman in the whole ninja world.

Thinking like this, Juan has already made a series of meat reform plans for her daughter.


It started from the day she learned to crawl on the ground.

The next three days.

Duan did not go to the castle tower, but stayed at home with his wife and children, enjoying the happy life of a family of three.

Being absent from work right after becoming Hokage, if it were someone else, the people in the village would definitely complain.

But breaking is an exception.

Because, as long as he is Konoha's Hokage for a day, even if he does nothing, no one in the entire ninja world will dare to mess with Konoha.

This is the weight of the name Uchiha off.

Until the morning of the fourth day.

Duan changed into the Hokage robe, put on the Hokage hat, and walked out slowly to the castle tower.

Hold meetings as scheduled.

In the conference room, members of the Uchiha village committee, heads of various Konoha clans, and village representatives almost filled the seats on the table, with more than a hundred people.

"Master Hokage is here!"

Following a voice, Duan strode into the meeting room surrounded by several Anbu.

Swish Swish Swish.

All of a sudden, everyone present stood up and respectfully watched him go to the main seat, and Da Ma Jindao sat down.

"Sit down."

Glancing abruptly, everyone dared to sit down again after speaking.

Before the meeting officially starts.

Fuyue, who was sitting on Duan's right hand, reported to him in a low voice:

"Damn, our people searched according to the map, and indeed found the deep mountain temple that Daimyo said, but Hiruzaru Sarutobi and others were not there a long time ago, so we... came to nothing."

Fu Yue's expression showed a little anxiety.

After all, if Sarutobi Hiruzen really used the reincarnation of the dirt to resurrect the first, second and fourth generations, plus himself, then the Uchiha clan would have four more powerful enemies at once.

"Leave them alone."

Juan just said it lightly, seemingly not caring.

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