Two days later, the most important and sad day finally arrived. Lisa was officially divorcing Oscar.

That morning, Lisa got up early. She could not sleep well last night. She even had to take sleeping pills so that she could wake up in the morning feeling refreshed.

After making her bed, Lisa cleaned herself and made up. Today, she had to look her best. Her long, black hair that she usually tied was let loose this time and touched her shoulders. The lipstick she wore was different from what she usually wore, this time she was wearing a dark red lipstick which was as dark as her life.

It was 8:30 am and Lisa was standing in front of the courthouse's door. She glanced occasionally around her, but she still didn't see Oscar there.

She waited nervously for her husband in the waiting room. To kill the boredom, she took out her cell phone and searched for the latest celebrity gossip.

Half an hour later, a black Alphard car arrived in front of the courthouse. A pair of long legs wrapped in dark blue cloth pants got off the car.

Oscar arrived wearing his usual dark blue suit, white shirt, and red tie. The man was very handsome. When he got out of the car and stepped in, all the visitors' eyes, both women and men, immediately fell on him.

They couldn't believe a man of European blood would come to a place like this. Oscar really looked like a male model in that building!

Oscar approached Lisa who was busy with her cellphone. He took the cellphone from Lisa's grasp and stared at her with the cold gaze.

The man closely watched Lisa's appearance from head to toe. Something was different about her.

"Looks like someone is mourning today," Oscar spontaneously said.

"You don't know anything about my feelings," Lisa briefly replied.

"Your lips are dark, your whole shirt is black. You're not like usual Lisa."

"I have to look good and memorable on the last day with you, Oscar!"

Not long after that, a taxi stopped in front of the courthouse. Clara hurriedly got out of the car and walked over to Oscar.

The demonic woman grabbed Oscar's arm, acting all spoiled and glanced at Lisa with a sly smile. Her face was painted with satisfaction.

Oscar turned to Clara in surprise. The man looked at her with disgust. "Why are you here?"

"I want to watch your divorce hearings of course!" Clara said excitedly. Her beautiful face looked very annoying, making Lisa nauseous and itching to beat her up.

"I want to see Lisa cry in court," Clara sneered, rolling her eyes at Lisa.

Hearing that sentence made Lisa's heart burn for the umpteenth time. Seeing Clara embracing Oscar made Lisa even more angry. Her hand gripped her tote bag tightly. Lisa tried her best not to cry.

"Oh, you can't wait to see my husband begging me to reconcile with him, huh?" Lisa mocked back. A wicked smile crossed her face.

"It's impossible, Lisa. You are the one who wishes you can go back to Oscar's arms, right? Never mind, I just came here to watch you two divorce for my personal satisfaction!" Clara fired back, not wanting to lose.

"Get out of my face, Clara! I'm sick of seeing your face. Just take care of your own life!" Lisa snapped, leaving Clara.

Lisa invited Oscar to register and get a queue number.

After that, the two of them sat two chairs apart in the waiting room. On the other side, Clara was still following the two of them. The demonic woman sat right next to Oscar. Seeing the sight made Lisa's eyes hot.

It looked like Clara deliberately wanted to anger Lisa further.

"Queue number 25 please enter the courtroom!" The officer from behind the courtroom door shouted.

Lisa rose from her seat and invited Oscar to enter. Clara happily followed the two from behind.

Before the two of them started the trial, Lisa stopped then looked up into Oscar's blue eyes and said, "It's finally over, isn't it?"

"Don't be reckless," Oscar replied curtly and sharply.


A few hours later, the trial was over. Lisa and Oscar were officially divorced. Lisa grabbed a folder containing divorce certificates and walked to the exit to return to Oscar's house, packing her belongings.

A black Alphard then pulled over in front of the building. Mr. Dani got out of the driver's seat and opened the door for Lisa. "Miss Lisa, I will take you back home,"

"No, sir, I'll just take a taxi. I don't want to bother Oscar and his new lover," Lisa said, slightly annoyed.

When Lisa turned around, she saw Oscar walking together with Clara. She quickly turned around again as she couldn't hold back her tears anymore. Her eyes started to water.

Lisa reached out and rubbed her wet eyes. She still couldn't believe what had happened to her.

Clara walked over to Lisa and showed a photo on her cellphone. "Look, it's your divorce certificate! It's finally official, I can sleep peacefully tonight!"

Lisa ignored the demonic woman's taunts. She took out her cell phone and ordered a taxi. Then, she turned her head lazily at Clara and said, "Of course you're satisfied. Now you can enjoy Oscar without me bothering. So stay away from my life now!"

Lisa put her cellphone in her purse and continued, "Oscar and I are officially divorced. I'm not Mrs. Petersson anymore. Oh, I forgot that I wasn't Mrs. Petersson from the start anyway. Congratulations on your engagement. Have a crazy life with Oscar Petersson!"

Clara chuckled wickedly. "Hey, don't pretend you don't want to be Oscar's wife, Lisa. I'm sure a lowly woman like you would be willing to do anything to get Oscar back right? But I won't let that happen!"

"Oh, are you so sure that I will take Oscar from you if you become his new wife?" Lisa mocked.

"Of course! A lowly woman with an obscure background like you only wants his money, right? Just admit it, we are on different levels. I really love Oscar as he is, unlike you."

Hearing Clara's lies made Lisa laugh. That demonic woman really didn't know who she was dealing with.

"Clara, you are beautiful, tall, white and slim like a model. But you have a rotten heart! I'm not sure if you love Oscar as he is. You just want to marry Oscar because of his money, right? I may not be on your level but I am not going to hold onto a marriage that's already ruined by a homewrecker like you."

Lisa flicked her hair confidently and continued, "Just wait, Oscar will get bored with you and cheat on you with other rent girls. You will know how it feels like to be me!"

Lisa's last words worried Clara a little. What if what Lisa said was true?

The demonic woman was annoyed and said, "Don't talk carelessly, Lisa! Oscar only loves me! I was his ex-girlfriend but now we're starting to come back to how we used to be!"

Lisa didn't want to have anything to do with Clara anymore. She just shrugged then turned around and walked towards the taxi that had just arrived at the parking lot.

At the same time, Oscar's black Alphard also pulled over in front of Clara. The demonic woman got on and sat in the back seat. She opened the window then rested her head on Oscar's shoulders.

"Hey bitch!" Clara shouted from inside the car. "Look at this! You must be jealous, right?

Before Lisa got into the taxi she ordered, she turned around and shouted, "I hope you are happy! Have a lot of children and a lot of debt. Once you turn old and ugly, Oscar will get bored with you and he will leave you for the young and sexy bar girls!"

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