Clara linked her palms that were starting to sweat. She couldn't let Mrs. Rusminah tell Oscar what really happened to Lisa. If the man found out that this was her doing, Clara might come home headless. The woman then racked her brains for a plan to cover this incident from Oscar.

"What do you mean by making an offer?" Mrs. Rusminah asked suspiciously.

Clara blinked and took a deep breath. She tried to calm down and hide her anxious expression in front of Mrs. Rusminah. "I ask you to shut up about this accident. If you dare to reveal the truth to Oscar, don't blame me if your life is not going to be peaceful for the next few years!"

Mrs. Rusminah shook her head. The middle-aged woman knew the ruse Clara was playing. "No, I know you're only threatening me! I will definitely tell Mr. Oscar about what you have done to Miss Lisa!"

Clara was a little surprised, it turned out that this middle-aged woman didn't budge easily! She returned to racking her brains, looking for a way to escape this problem.

"What if I give you some cash so you can shut up about the accident that happened to Lisa? Tell me how much do you need!" The woman took out her wallet and showed the 100,000 rupiah notes in front of Mrs. Rusminah's face.

"No, you can't bribe me with a penny! What you did to Miss Lisa is evil!" Mrs. Rusminah firmly refused Clara's offer.

The plan to give Mrs. Rusminah hush money didn't work. The woman then put her wallet back. A few moments later, Clara straightened her back and stood in her signature arrogant stance.

"Fine, if you don't want money to shut up, what if you think about your only child currently studying in Jakarta? I forgot what her name was since I haven't visited Oscar's house for five years. I heard that your child is an outstanding student, huh? Wow, you must be proud to have a smart daughter like her. But can you bear to see your daughter's future ruined?" Clara threatened with lies.

Clara continued, a sly smile spread across her face. "My brother is a lecturer there. I could have asked him not to let your daughter graduate and even get expelled from campus!"

Mrs. Rusminah was a little worried about the lies that Clara told her. Her only daughter had tried so hard that she was able to attend college in Jakarta. Mrs. Rusminah only had her daughter after her husband died 10 years ago. Luckily, since her daughter was doing well in her college, Mrs. Rusminah didn't have to pay her tuition fees. She was very afraid that her daughter would be expelled from campus. She didn't want her daughter to end up like her. She didn't want her daughter to become a household assistant.

"What are you going to do? Please don't take my daughter out of the campus!" Mrs. Rusminah tugged at Clara's sleeve in panic.

Clara's ruse worked. Mrs. Rusminah finally let her guard down. The woman in the white dress shook Mrs. Rusminah's hand and said arrogantly, "So, if you don't want your daughter to be expelled from the campus, you can't help but cooperate with me to get Lisa out of Oscar's house!"

Clara finally said what she had always wanted all this time. Although she intended to silence Mrs. Rusminah at first, her hunch said that this was a great opportunity. She would get rid of Lisa soon!

"Miss, I cannot betray Miss Lisa. I know you are a wicked woman with no conscience!" Mrs. Rusminah firmly said.

"Oh well then I'll give you 5 minutes to consider my offer. It's just that I have to clarify the consequences if you disagree with the offer I made. First, if you reject it, then I can ask my brother to make it hard for your daughter to pass or even get her expelled out of campus. Second, you will miss the opportunity to earn more than your monthly salary. Third, I could have hired an assassin to silence you Mrs. Rusminah. Don't worry, there's still 5 minutes to decide!"

Mrs. Rusminah felt pressured. That woman might have a beautiful face and tall body like a model, but her heart was very rotten. Mrs. Rusminah was scared. What if that woman was really going to hire an assassin?

"You must be kidding, Miss Clara. How could a woman like you afford to hire an assassin!? Mrs. Rusminah asked in disbelief.

Clara chuckled. Her red lips smiled slyly at Mrs. Rusminah. "You underestimate me, Mrs. Rusminah. You don't know anything about my life. I will do everything to get Lisa out of Oscar's and my life, even if it means getting rid of you and your daughter too!"

The maid's heart started to fall into chaos. Her daughter was the only gift from God that she still had. Mrs. Rusminah had served Oscar for years in order to be able to send her daughter to school. She didn't want her daughter's life to be ruined by it. However, betraying Lisa and Oscar was also something Mrs. Rusminah couldn't do.

5 minutes had passed. Clara tapped her wrist as a symbol of time running out. Mrs. Rusminah was still silent, uncertain about her decision!

"How about it, Mrs. Rusminah? Do you agree with my offer or not?" Clara asked confidently. A sly smile still plastered on her sassy face.

"Okay, I have no other choice. I agree, as long as my daughter is not hurt or something unpleasant happens to her!" Mrs. Rusminah looked down, feeling guilty for betraying Lisa and Oscar for her daughter.

'I'm sorry, Miss Lisa, but this choice is very difficult,' Mrs. Rusminah said to herself.

Clara then patted Mrs. Rusminah's shoulder proudly. She was very happy that this lowly woman could be fooled. "Smart choice, I know you will not refuse my offer!"

The woman dragged Mrs. Rusminah to the corner of the corridor. Clara brought her lips to Mrs. Rusminah's ear and whispered, "I want you not to tell Oscar what happened. You can make up any story, but the most important thing is don't involve me in it!"

Mrs. Rusminah nodded weakly. The middle-aged woman then lowered her head.

Clara took out 2 million rupiah in cash from her wallet and handed it to Mrs. Rusminah. "And this is for hush money. It's up to you to use it alone or for your daughter. Anyway, don't let this secret leak!"

A moment later. A tall, lanky man in a black suit and messy hair got out of the elevator. Behind him, Mr. Dani followed him. The man walked in, draped his black coat over his arm.

The long-distance flights were full that day so Oscar was forced to return to Jakarta by his private jet. Luckily, he wasn't too late!

Oscar passed through the hospital corridors in a hurry. His breath was and heartbeat was racing. The man was worried about his wife and unborn child. His handsome face looked very haggard. Oscar hoped that Lisa would not suffer serious injuries that would take the lives of both Lisa and the child.

Mr. Dani stepped a little faster to catch up with Oscar. The burly man whispered something to him. How shocked the man was when he heard his wife was in the operating room. His handsome face now looked way more panicked and restless than before.

Oscar walked over to the operating room. From a distance, he saw Mrs. Rusminah and Clara waiting in front of the room. The man then approached the two women.

Seeing Oscar's figure, Clara immediately ran over to Oscar and embraced him. "Oscar! Oh good thing you're back! Lisa got into an accident! Luckily she was taken to the hospital right after," Clara lied.. The woman deliberately pretended to be sympathetic to make Oscar fall in love with her.

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