Lisa never felt this shy. Oscar had just told her to tell the mysterious man that she was his wife. Even though Lisa had absolutely no idea who the man was and what his relationship with Oscar was.

"Hello, ah yes, hello, I…" Lisa bit her lower lip, "I'm Oscar's wife. He told me to call you, because he's in a bit of a problem. I don't know what happened, but please call Oscar now."

Hearing that suddenly made Bryan frown. As long as he had known Oscar, he had never heard that the man had a life partner. 

As instructed by Lisa, Bryan hung up the phone right away. He then quickly dialed Oscar's cell phone.

"Oscar, where are you now? Are you alright? Should I call an ambulance or the police?" Bryan asked repeatedly with his voice still sounding cold and calm.

"I'm fine, my head just bleeds a little. No need to call the police, but we need an ambulance now because uh," Oscar turned and saw Dani still lying unconscious not far from him, "Looks like Dani's condition isn't very good."

"I'll be right there!" Bryan said as he stood up from his chair. "The ambulance will be there soon."

After hearing where Oscar is now, Bryan disconnects their phone. He then called 119 and asked them to immediately go to where Oscar and Dani were.

"Idiot, did he just hang up on my phone right away..." Lisa grumbled in disbelief.

She confirmed her sitting position on the sofa then dialed Oscar's friend again. It wasn't until the 3rd ringing that the man picked up her phone.

"So… did Oscar get into serious trouble? Is he all right?"

Bryan cleared his throat, "He's fine. You don't have to worry."

Again and again, the mysterious man ended his call with her. Finally, the woman could only sigh and wait for the good news.

On the road near the slope which was quite far from Oscar's house, the man drew a deep breath and exhaled from his lips. The pain in his body made it difficult for him to breathe. Oscar sat looking down at the deserted street, waiting for Bryan to arrive.

As he said earlier, Dani and Bryan are valuable people in his life. They were among the firsts who made him want to survive.

Just like Dani, Bryan also moved to Indonesia, even earlier and longer than Oscar. But the man preferred to hide in the dark and only appeared when his friend really needed his help, unlike Dani.

Oscar looked up and saw Dani who was lying not far from him. He held his breath for a moment, trying to see the movement of the burly man's chest. When he was sure that Dani was still breathing, Oscar felt a little relieved.

Ignoring the feeling of pain in his body, Oscar slowly rose from the asphalt. With limping steps, the man walked over to Dani.

His personal assistant who usually looked dashing now looked weak. 

The air around the two men was quite stuffy. The smell of car exhaust, the strong smell of gasoline, and blood fused together, filled their chest cavity.

"Dani, Dani! Hey!" Oscar called quite loudly while patting Dani's right cheek. 

In a semi-conscious state, Dani slowly opened his eyes. The burly man's face was covered with dust, and almost his entire face was covered with scratches. He blinked a few times, trying to clear his vision.

Suddenly, Dani smiled broadly and chuckled, "Sir, we managed to defeat those who followed us. Looks like their car went into a ravine."

Hearing that made Oscar gasp. Under these circumstances, even though he was sure that Dani's body must have been crushed, he still had time to think about the black car that had followed them.

Oscar's choice was right. Dani is someone who deserves his trust the most.

"Don't close your eyes." Oscar ordered firmly when he saw Dani slowly closing his eyes, "The ambulance will come soon."

"I'm so sleepy, Mr Oscar." Danny replied weakly.


Even though Dani had a hard time opening his eyes wide, the man tried his best to follow Oscar's order. Under this circumstance, Dani looked like Oscar's obedient dog.

After 10 minutes of going along unfamiliar streets that Bryan had never traveled before, he finally saw two very familiar figures. The man unbuckled his seat belt and quickly got out of the car.

Bryan saw Oscar sitting on the asphalt while occasionally patting Dani on the cheek. Meanwhile, Dani, the man he had not seen for a long time, lay limply on the asphalt road.

"Good grief, the ambulance hasn't arrived yet?!?!" Bryan asked after turning right and left.

Hearing that familiar cold voice made Oscar tilt his head up. "Not yet."

Bryan huffed in annoyance and crouched down in front of Oscar. He immediately saw the wound on the back of Oscar's head and took out a handkerchief from the pocket of his pants.

"Cover your wound with this first. The ambulance should have come after this." Bryan said as he handed him his jet black handkerchief, "What happened?"

Oscar sighed, "I don't know. We were followed from behind. Long story short, the brakes broke, and yes, luckily, we managed to get out at the right time."

Lately, his life has always been filled with problems. Starting from William getting kidnapped by Surya, Lisa almost getting raped and died of attacks, now he and Dani were in a disaster because they were followed by an unknown car.

What really happened?

At the same time, the sound of the ambulance siren nearly damaged their eardrums. Everything goes fast. Several officers wearing all green clothes got out of the car and took Oscar and Dani into the ambulance. 

Bryan still had to stay longer on the deserted and strangely gripping street. 

As he had told Oscar earlier, he brought his trusted people to inspect the scene of the accident. But unfortunately, Bryan did not find any solid evidence that a certain someone did all this.

The mysterious car caught fire, including the two mysterious men who could not be identified. Their faces were battered and burns filled their bodies, resulting in Bryan and his confidants not receiving any evidence.

"Take care of all this. I have to go to the hospital now.." Bryan ordered briefly.

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